Hey, a death by firing squad execution is taking place in the United States tonight.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

If I had a choice, I'd rather choose the firing squad. Seems like a manly way to go out, rather than just get injected and that's that.

He's the one dying, what's the harm if you let him pick his method.

I say we need to really get creative. Let the death row inmates jump out of an airplane without a parachute, get their head sliced off by a samurai, or try to fight a grizzly bear and get eaten. Sounds like a reality show people would pay to watch, it would probably air on Fox.

Someone give this man a producer's credit.
Originally Posted by IIcn

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Not only do I not understand why anyone would want to watch, I don't understand how someone would want to fire the shots.

I believe, in a modern day firing squad, some of the shooters have blank rounds (was on some type of Nat Geo show)... this way none really knows who fired the killing shot. I could be wrong tho..

This is correct...I believe only one shooter has live ammo but like you said they don't know which one to sort of protect the members of the firing squad from carrying residual guilt of being the "killer".
Originally Posted by IIcn

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Not only do I not understand why anyone would want to watch, I don't understand how someone would want to fire the shots.

I believe, in a modern day firing squad, some of the shooters have blank rounds (was on some type of Nat Geo show)... this way none really knows who fired the killing shot. I could be wrong tho..

your right... only one person has a live round and neither of them know who it is
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

It's actually painless. if administered wrong then there will be pain.

three drugs are used in the process.

1) Sodium thiopental - anesthesia
2) Pancuronioum bromide -paralyzing drug
3) Potassium chloride - causes cardiac arrest

Im thinking guy said #!+% it im gonna die anyway, might as well go out big.

what you're saying is he wants to "GO OUT WITH A BANG"
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Crumbs

That is wild but its his choice.

lethal injection is very painful..........from what i understand its actually torture before death

i rather get shot.

Yeah, in the book "Complications" by Atul Gawande, there is a very interesting chapter dedicated to a discussion about lethal injections. It is torture and while death usually follows in the thirty minutes after the shot is administered, there have been times when the shot has been administered several times, and the person is still alive.
they should do it like metalocalypse

inmates getting tied to mini rockets which are launched then shot down in mid air during a death metal concert!
I think this lethal injection stuff is a load of bologna. How do these scientist know it's painless. The only people who know what it's truly like are the ones who've experienced it, and it's not like they're still around for us to ask them how it went.

The firing squad was what the dude opted for. Let em have it. Personally, I'd ask em to aim for the head... straight kill shot. Those people still feel it for a few seconds before they slip off into the wild blue yonder.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I think this lethal injection stuff is a load of bologna. How do these scientist know it's painless. The only people who know what it's truly like are the ones who've experienced it, and it's not like they're still around for us to ask them how it went.

The firing squad was what the dude opted for. Let em have it. Personally, I'd ask em to aim for the head... straight kill shot. Those people still feel it for a few seconds before they slip off into the wild blue yonder.

There are ways of measuring how much pain a body is in. I'm sure they've done tests. In fact, I always had the thought that they breed humans somewhere in some hidden lab specifically to run these types of tests(and any other experiments your brain can think of...) on.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Crumbs

That is wild but its his choice.

lethal injection is very painful..........from what i understand its actually torture before death

i rather get shot.

But isnt getting shot painful aswell?
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Crumbs

That is wild but its his choice.

lethal injection is very painful..........from what i understand its actually torture before death

i rather get shot.

But isnt getting shot painful aswell?
If they hit the right spots you'll feel nothing at all.
It'd be a crime if I didn't use a bit of my education in this thread...

In Florida, they use the electric chair: The "executioner" is an anonymous citizen, hired by the DOCorrections, is paid ~$150 per execution and can they last as long as 2 mins.
12 volunteer citizens and 12 media representatives are the witnesses in the viewing room. Can't remember if family is allowed tho.

In Utah, there's no formal selection process... It's usually done by 5 officers with a mix of blanks & live ammo, all fire concentrating on the torso area.

Utah has been known to seek volunteers for their firing squads though.
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