Hey guys we are starting IVF! Trying to join the NT Dads club

Ayo ksteezy ksteezy I always wondered what the difference between price and timeline was in adopting overseas vs here ...if you got some insight on that that would be cool

Good luck on whatever u decide to do mane, hopefully you got a youngin round your crib soon !
Good luck Steezy, I don't know the whole situation, nor do I need to, but I wish you and the Mrs. nothing but the best of luck fam.
dammit man legitamately makes me sad seeing Steezy struggle with this

dont rule out adoption tho famo, my grandmother took in foster children her whole life, theres no greater sacrifice than deciding to Love the unloved.
Damn, I haven't seen this thread in a minute. I was hoping to hear you're expecting Steezy :frown:
Mind boggling how millions of people are relieved to avoid pregnancy while others are dying to get pregnant.

Parenting/kids arent for everyone. I appreciate those who know theyll be terrible parents or jist dont want kids that take the steps to not having them. 1 less news story of a dead baby, tossed out baby, or 1 less in a orphanage/foster system.

At the same time those who have a hard time also apprecoate all the advances in tech that allow these alternative methods. It wasnt easy for us but also not as hard as others have it.
my grandmother took in foster children her whole life, theres no greater sacrifice than deciding to Love the unloved.
prolly didn't hurt that she also got a check for taking in foster kids
i know some folks get $$$ from the state for doing so
not saying that was her only motivation but...............
Good look bro. Been hoping for the best since you started this journey.

Wifey has endometriosis so I know the long trying journey. Whichever way ya end up going just know ya will be good parents
Wishing you lots of baby magic! Hopefully my fertility rubs off on anyone who needs it:

- My dad is one of eight [8] kids.
- My mom's one of fourteen [14] kids!
- Missed 5 days of a BC pill pack after being on it for 13+ years, got pregnant with my older son.
- Stopped taking BC shot for one cycle after being on it for 1.5 years, was told by doctors that it would take between 3-6 months to conceive. Got pregnant with second son the very month after getting off.

My older one turns 4 years old on 9/23, the baby turns 1 in a few days on 9/5. I hope and wish the best of luck, happiness and joy to you and your partner in achieving parenthood. :emoji_footprints:
- Missed 5 days of a BC pill pack after being on it for 13+ years, got pregnant with my older son.


Jesus :lol:

I can only imagine the shock.

I've quietly been following your journey Steezy and I'm sorry to hear things still haven't been panning out with the intended route.

It's nice to see that an alternate approach that started off as being less than desirable is becoming a source of excitement though. Looking forward to the fire IG photoshoots in a flower field with the baby Yeezys on deck :lol:

Jesus :lol:

I can only imagine the shock.

Yeah, I spent 3 days in my room, in the dark, crying. I was "young" at 28 so I felt I wasn't ready. I really wanted to go further with my career but luckily, my job here at NT was secure and allowed me to become a new mom without troubles.

Lesson to everyone: don't go to Vegas randomly without your BC! (My boyfriend at the time, now my husband, took me so it wasn't that random.)
Best of luck Steezy. I don't really know well any people in similar situations but I can only imagine it's extremely frustrating to say the least
Hopefully the treatment works and you can get a baby of your own after all.
Good luck Steezy. Always pissed me off to see people lowblow you with your fertility problems and I been rooting for you to have a kid ever since I found out. Hope everything goes well and we get some pics of a niño soon :pimp:
Wishing you lots of baby magic! Hopefully my fertility rubs off on anyone who needs it:

- My dad is one of eight [8] kids.
- My mom's one of fourteen [14] kids!
- Missed 5 days of a BC pill pack after being on it for 13+ years, got pregnant with my older son.
- Stopped taking BC shot for one cycle after being on it for 1.5 years, was told by doctors that it would take between 3-6 months to conceive. Got pregnant with second son the very month after getting off.

My older one turns 4 years old on 9/23, the baby turns 1 in a few days on 9/5. I hope and wish the best of luck, happiness and joy to you and your partner in achieving parenthood. :emoji_footprints:
where u get that emoji from??? :nerd:
I removed the posts because I'm no longer comfortable speaking about this topic. Please be respectful of my decision.

This thread is about the hopeful and soon to be parents and my hijacking of the thread was not appropriate. And I apologize to everyone and hope to follow this story more as a supportive parent to other parents.
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