Hey NikeTalk, how was your Valentines Day?

Studied all morning -> Watched the All-Star festivities -> Went to the gym -> Read some books -> Sleep.

Very productive day yesterday was.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz



Cliffnotes....I think I was violated and had a strange rubbery taste in my mouth...like dirty mail rubberbands.

Emotionally this past year for me has been embarrassing to me...caught feelings 2 years ago over some broad and that @@+! still bothers me...went to 2008 %!#*+$* out myself with females I really did not want to be around but I got my @@+! off...

This year I told myself can't be losing myself with females I don't care about just because I care about somebody else...so at the last min...Wednesday...I hit up the internet to try to find me a Valentine date...only thing is I work on Saturdays...so I planned accordingly and get sick...said I fell down a flight of stairs...got the idea from some Lifetime abuse movie..anyway...So I find a date...

We spoke on the phone and met up Thursday to make sure we ain't get a case of the angles from each other and the night went a lil better than planned...I was nervous as hell so I hit a personal of that henny hit a Cool J and went on my way...gave me some Neutron...and I was for sure guaranteed some cutty on the 14th.. Get to Saturday....shorty calls me od early in the morning talking about she wants to get up a lil early after she gets her hair and nails done...cool...you only gonna sweat it out...Im in the crib in performing some Dougie practice in the mirror...making sure my forehead to neck game smooth and be on my way...Polo vest....Levis....Eggplant Foams I'm

Get to her crib...she opens the door just rockin some boy shorts some pumps...with her newly installed weave covering the *******..I was G'ed up NT I was about to get it in...sits me on the couch I was lost in her eyes and @@+!....trippin heavy...we sip a few drinks but as we going along I started to feel she was G'in me up like stripper...you know all the grabbin to the inner part of your leg whispering in my ear..all of a sudden the room started to look like I was playing Max Payne and thats all I remember....I wake up on her stoop..fully clothed...like 5 hours later...mean headache...I thought I got checked...but I had my wallet..my BB and my LX....so I got up to walk and I was standing but I couldn't feel my legs...so I lean on a near by car and had this lil pain like over my right shoulder blade so I slide off into a near by building take off my vest..and what not and I was bleeding...like scratch marks in to my shoulder on some Lady Deathstrike @@+!....blood was a lil dry so it happened a min ago...still couldn't feel my legs...

I get home and I get off the train and I peep a new message on my BB....it was a series of pictures of me layed out droolin with the scratch on my back with some unsavory sex toy item on my back...

Cliffnotes....I think I was violated
brah you have to make this into a seperate thread
Damn homie. Shorty duked you up the but?. I'd have to find her and lay down the hand of God on her.
-Chilled at the crib with baby girl.
-Ordered a heart-shaped pizza from Giordano's

-Had a good time feasting n than beastin
(semi-beast cause she was alittle under the weather)
-After all that, had some interesting desert that baby girl had delivered, looked something like this
lets see, i gave my girl her gifts,i took my girl to marcello's in ridgewood NJ. food was aight, service was wack..i didnt like how the seatingarrangements were, everybody was sitting next to each other. after that we got it in and went to sleep. it was a great night
Not bad. Topped my car out last night, found an amazing race spot and played pool with these two chicks.
Originally Posted by Club29

I played with myself and ate Doritos

damn i died when i read this
but i just went out to the movies with my girlfriend and back to her house, unfortunatly it was that time of the month, no lovin for me
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz



Cliffnotes....I think I was violated and had a strange rubbery taste in my mouth...like dirty mail rubberbands.

Emotionally this past year for me has been embarrassing to me...caught feelings 2 years ago over some broad and that @@+! still bothers me...went to 2008 %!#*+$* out myself with females I really did not want to be around but I got my @@+! off...

This year I told myself can't be losing myself with females I don't care about just because I care about somebody else...so at the last min...Wednesday...I hit up the internet to try to find me a Valentine date...only thing is I work on Saturdays...so I planned accordingly and get sick...said I fell down a flight of stairs...got the idea from some Lifetime abuse movie..anyway...So I find a date...

We spoke on the phone and met up Thursday to make sure we ain't get a case of the angles from each other and the night went a lil better than planned...I was nervous as hell so I hit a personal of that henny hit a Cool J and went on my way...gave me some Neutron...and I was for sure guaranteed some cutty on the 14th.. Get to Saturday....shorty calls me od early in the morning talking about she wants to get up a lil early after she gets her hair and nails done...cool...you only gonna sweat it out...Im in the crib in performing some Dougie practice in the mirror...making sure my forehead to neck game smooth and be on my way...Polo vest....Levis....Eggplant Foams I'm

Get to her crib...she opens the door just rockin some boy shorts some pumps...with her newly installed weave covering the *******..I was G'ed up NT I was about to get it in...sits me on the couch I was lost in her eyes and @@+!....trippin heavy...we sip a few drinks but as we going along I started to feel she was G'in me up like stripper...you know all the grabbin to the inner part of your leg whispering in my ear..all of a sudden the room started to look like I was playing Max Payne and thats all I remember....I wake up on her stoop..fully clothed...like 5 hours later...mean headache...I thought I got checked...but I had my wallet..my BB and my LX....so I got up to walk and I was standing but I couldn't feel my legs...so I lean on a near by car and had this lil pain like over my right shoulder blade so I slide off into a near by building take off my vest..and what not and I was bleeding...like scratch marks in to my shoulder on some Lady Deathstrike @@+!....blood was a lil dry so it happened a min ago...still couldn't feel my legs...

I get home and I get off the train and I peep a new message on my BB....it was a series of pictures of me layed out droolin with the scratch on my back with some unsavory sex toy item on my back...

Cliffnotes....I think I was violated
brah you have to make this into a seperate thread
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Got in an arguement with my firl and thought i was good for the Allstar Challenge....but endlessnagging made me go out to eat and watch Friday the 13th[/color]
went to a stoplight party. saw this cute chick who was available and who obviously wanted to talk to me and didn't even try to talk to her. went home andstood in the kitchen (word to katt williams) and told myelf how dumb I am. oh well que sera sera
pretty good laid the pipe in the morning had roses sent to her job then went out to eat on the way back got dome while driven laid the pipe again that nightthen got a bangin message
Went bowling had fun wifey got in a argument with a old lady at the bowling alley

then went to go eat cheese cake factory was packed so we went to red robin and im glad we did food was awesome

took her to pic up a couple lil things in the mall went to see taken went home stayed over her house so it was a good day/night
Originally Posted by Royal Airness 29

-Chilled at the crib with baby girl.
-Ordered a heart-shaped pizza from (Papa Johns) Giordano's

-Had a good time feasting n than beastin
(semi-beast cause she was a little under the weather) didn't put not hing on hold

-After all that, had some interesting desert that baby girl had delivered, looked something like this
cosign oh and *%+ is that jesus
Simple stuff...

Ate at Olive Garden
Chilled at the crib
We went to eat Ice Cream
Went bowling
Came home and had some of the best sex ever
Watched Hitch
Then took her home

Probably the best Valentine's Day ever though.
...Not to mention, she's getting me SF4 this Wednesday
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