Hey NT, where does a guy go to find a GOOD girl?

MAC and Nordstrom's cosmetic counter girls
...what you need to do is make friends with girls that you have no interest in whatsoever...

they'll introduce you to their friends who are single and elligible.
i met my current girl and past ex's at the boxing gym.. they're good girls, they're in shape... but they all got issues
I mean... thats the reason they joined a friggin boxing gym to take out stress.

Ima take some NTers advice and join a yoga class
the problem is nt wanting a good girl in a bad girls body. you prolly passed up 10 good girls in your life cause the cakes wasn't right enough or she hadher hair in a pony tail haha.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...what you need to do is make friends with girls that you have no interest in whatsoever...

they'll introduce you to their friends who are single and elligible.
This man speaks the truth. It's gets a lot harder to meet girls after college or once you in the work world.
I don't know...wish I did...then again I'm not looking..

But when I happen to talk broads I get my time wasted & no it was not a learning experience...I actually feel dumber for giving some of them a chance.
so much truth in this thread its sad, especially the last reply by juju.
ive been wonderin the same thing, where can i find a good girl... ive been thru quite a few bad apples but all i do is jus keep my eye open and wait for one topass by.
ive seen some wifey-type material up in Target quite a few times, and another one tonight aw lawdddd. but my flaw is my communications. not good at breakin theice. once im in and have a convo with them or they know some1 i know or share a common interest whatever... its usually an easy score from there. but im sickof that now i need one to keep. i need a good girl!
hard to do tho being a single dad believe it or not. girls love the fact that i raise a child alone, but most the time they arent ready to be a part of it
Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

Barnes&Noble (The Cafe Section) on a Saturday night . It shows that she doesn't have a man, and that she's not into the club scene.

That's actually a good tip. Take notes OP.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...what you need to do is make friends with girls that you have no interest in whatsoever...

they'll introduce you to their friends who are single and elligible.

Thing is how do you do that without them thinking you are interested. Whenever I try making friends with one of these beast's they think I'm trying tohit...smh
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...what you need to do is make friends with girls that you have no interest in whatsoever...

they'll introduce you to their friends who are single and elligible.

Thing is how do you do that without them thinking you are interested. Whenever I try making friends with one of these beast's they think I'm trying to hit...smh
1. They don't have to be beasts..there are plenty of women in the world that you don't find appealing but are still attractive.
2. You need to learn how to socialize with women without putting on that vibe.
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85


No such thing, every "Good girl" got a 'Bad Side' to them as well.

Also, you gotta be specific what type of 'Good' girl you're looking for... be it appearance, intelligence, or something else?

they're all over the place

CS? Counter Strike? jk. They're not all over the place, if they were then everyone would find someone...easy. But that isn't the case, and some peopleend up dying alone. And in most cases it isn't by choice but because they've been hurt just as much. Or, they were never fortunate because society canbe pretty superficial and harsh to those who aren't apart of the "attractive" by acceptable standards.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85


Take one for yourself. It's true people have standards, and there isn't anything as a single-sided "good person." Everyone has good andbad in them, I think the real question you should be asking is, "Where can a guy find a REASONABLE girl?"
Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

nawww sigma party, ariel or something like that... I was kinda impaired so I dont remember her too well

thats what I meant!!! I actually know whom you speakth of....

@ whoever said barnes and noble on a saturday night!!! great logic
Its all about finding a girl you can vibe with. Also creating the perfect balance between you and her, so yall can perfect each other together. I have toformula just not ready to mix the chemicals together just yet. Im waiting till i reach a certain age until i pursue a relationship, every relationship i was ini was to selfish to appreciate. Its just not my time to settle down.
Network. If you make 10 friends who each know 10 girls. That's 100 potential girls. I'm sure you can find a good girl from that. Networking is the bestway. If you can prove to some girls that you are a good guy they will throw their friends your way. Well, at least that's the case for me. I always have afriend who introduces me to new girls practically every night I hang out. The more you get to know the better your chances. This is why having a few girls whoare nothing more than just friends is awesome, contrary to what many NTers believe.
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