Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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> 8000 people died from this years flu (mostly a preventable virus)
< 200 people died from the coronavirus (no treatments/preventions available)

The logic is a little twisted here.
You have to look at the estimate charts. They all have this virus increasing in numbers dramatically. They are stating that it has the potential to spread 10x more than the previous SARS outbreak. What makes it more dangerous is that it can spread during its incubation period. So technically it can be spreading now anywhere without being detected.
Hong Kong is contradicting China on the numbers and are closing their borders with China.

US is extracting the people at its embassy and is even considering banning air travel incoming from China.
I can’t remember the last time such drastic measures were taken.
This thing is really bad and the keep calm statements from China and the WHO are in order to keep panic from ringing out and markets from crashing.
If this really started from a bat or snake why aren’t we seeing an outbreak in those species in the Wuhan area? Wouldn’t there be dead bats and snakes popping up?
If this really started from a bat or snake why aren’t we seeing an outbreak in those species in the Wuhan area? Wouldn’t there be dead bats and snakes popping up?

Bats are immune to every virus

Wuhan Institute of Virology was experimenting on bats...
This wouldn’t be in America if they stopped allowing anyone that was in China to freaking come here smh :smh:
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*Dr Qiu was pictured @ Wuhan Virilogical Lab recently.

Breaking: First case of $coronavirus confirmed in Lapland, Finland. The person had traveled to Finland from Wuhan area.
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