Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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It’s the same privileged people in every photo everywhere I see.
This pic sums up what a non-Republican idiot looks like when it comes to the virus.
Screen Shot 2020-05-16 at 6.48.36 PM.png
wearing a mask might be the new norm...i prefer not to wear it... but i will wear it when needed...if im in indoors in close quarters ill wear the mask like the subway or in the supermarket... but if im outside at the park or at the beach i rather not wear the mask...but to each their own... im not saying its wrong to wear a mask just saying for me personally i wouldnt want to wear one in the summer at the beach in 90 degree weather

Hey bro, this is why it's important to wear the mask outside even if you actively try to stay 6 feet away from people. This info is from Harvard University. Please read and reconsider, I would hate for you to catch & spread this because of lack of info:

aerosols: infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air. Aerosols are emitted by a person infected with coronavirus — even one with no symptoms — when they talk, breathe, cough, or sneeze. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become infected with the virus. Aerosolized coronavirus can remain in the air for up to three hours. A mask can help prevent that spread.

link to read this and more info if interested:

Have people even begun hooping outside again in the last few days ago as some places "loosen" their local lockdown policies? Hella curious, personally (and if they are, even I wouldn't recommend wearing a mask for an activity such as playing ball on the blacktop)
A lot more people at my local beach spots. Parks are starting to open up except for the equipment.
thats the problem with playing ball... shooting around by yourself is all good... but once you play with other people you have to wear the mask just for safety... im down for shooting around by myself but as soon as people come on the court and play im stepping off... not trying to be antisocial and a jerk but im not wearing a mask to play ball smh
A lot more people at my local beach spots. Parks are starting to open up except for the equipment.

I think in my area, the parks are indeed open........both the basketball courts and pool areas will remain currently closed until authorized by our local town government I believe.

thats the problem with playing ball... shooting around by yourself is all good... but once you play with other people you have to wear the mask just for safety... im down for shooting around by myself but as soon as people come on the court and play im stepping off... not trying to be antisocial and a jerk but im not wearing a mask to play ball smh

Exactly why I was curious you go boy you go boy .......especially since basically EVERY BASKETBALL LEAGUE IN THE WORLD, NBA most importantly, is currently shutdown for the mere fact that they don't have the resources ready to ensure players on the court have AND will prevent spreading the virus amongst each other while playing in-games to "finish the season" AND/OR "start the post-season."
What about folk that wear glasses? If you have it completely over your nose, your lens fog up and you cant see.

I normally wear contacts but I've been lazy as hell and wearing my glasses outside the house during quarantine.

My lenses fogging up is a non issue. Yes it happens but it's hardly to the point where I can't see.

The fogging barely affects my vision and if I control my breathing for literally a half second it clears up.

But some people are definitely becoming unbearable with the constant
cynicism and self righteousness.

Need to peep Lucky13s Lucky13s last response for a lesson on how to actually be constructive in addressing others and the public safety issues we're all dealing with right now.
Yeah , idk. My anxiety levels have felt a lot lower then they were. I lifted weights quite a bit before this and it’s definitely not a feeling I’ve ever felt but I suppose it’s possible it’s something in the muscle or a strain of some sort.
Either way, it’s definitely been tough mentally not being able to workout or even jog right now, but I supposed I should take it easy for the time being.

I feel you dude. I used to take 1 to 2 high interval classes daily, 7 days a week. My body is not adjusting well to having zero strength classes since mid march. My only exercise now consists of running, trying to stay positive and setting goals for myself. Plan to run 100 miles this month and already half way there.
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anyone know the story behind this

Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès visited several hospitals on Saturday to show support for health care staff. The reception was rather cold in the hospital at the Saint-Pierre hospital in Brussels, report several media. Staff members of the Brussels hospital organized an honor guard, their backs turned, to Mrs Wilmès and her delegation. According to the CGSP, around a hundred nurses, doctors, logistical helpers, cleaning staff, administrative staff, firefighters ... took part in this symbolic action.

The sector has very badly received the royal decrees providing for a requisition of personnel if necessary. The nurses felt that they had made enough effort and had been available enough throughout the health crisis. Healthcare workers have also been calling for a revaluation of the profession for several months.

The Prime Minister said that she had come to bring a "message of appeasement". "Everyone is aware of the plight of hospital staff, who were already present before the crisis and which has increased with the difficulties," she conceded on the RTBF microphone. "I cannot imagine that the post-crisis period will be reduced to what it was before. It will be necessary to structure the revaluation of the nursing profession. It is a certainty."
other countries have to look at **** like this and just laugh right?

kinda crazy how idiotic the people in this country are

Nope, it seems other countries are actually copying us too

That is just the UK........imagine which other countries, like the US and UK, are dealing with the same level of ignorance on a global scale.

(Article with the complete list of countries that are loosening lockdowns AND dealing with folk ignoring lockdowns)

Humanity wants to kill itself
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