Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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cant even imagine what Santa Monica/Venice is going to look when that **** opens back up
Venice was a **** show. today Homie sent me a video. People laying out on the sand, less than 25% wearing masks.

I went for a nice little walk on the beach in Santa Monica and it was surprisingly quiet. Proud of my city but this is the calm before the storm.

These idiots really acting like the beach won't be there anymore if they don't go during the summer. Especially in CALIFORNIA of all places where you can go to the beach comfortably 9-10 months out of the year :stoneface:

I guess tanning all day and turning your skin into a leather purse is more important than preventing the spread of a deadly virus
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Again, these people haven't felt 76 degree weather before in their lives or something? Why are they acting like it's peak summer time? It's been 70s-80s throughout the Bay for the past few weeks, and I don't see anyone in the bar/restaurant areas when I drive by

I literally have ZERO sympathy if any of them get sick. Let them die in the streets though, do NOT give them hospital beds if they need it
I decided to dig into the numbers myself from this website that reports both positive and negative tests for each state: https://covidtracking.com/api We'd been discussing in here whether the rise in daily cases simply reflects more testing. So I looked at a couple states and saw if there was a consistent pattern with # cases as we increase # tests. Unsurprisingly, more tests correlates with more cases, but the devil is in the detail.

For reference, I started with Illinois, where # cases and # tests went up together rapidly until May 1. But something interesting has happened in the past 2 weeks. The # tests has doubled, but the # cases has stayed relatively flat. Other states like CA and NY seem to follow this same trend recently.

Next, I looked at Texas. Their # tests has increased even more rapidly, doubling in the past week. Unlike Illinois, the # cases has gone up, about 50%. Florida is even more worrisome. In the past week, despite not increasing the # tests, the # cases has nearly doubled.

Lastly, I looked at Georgia. They've doubled the level of testing in the past two weeks but their # cases has actually decreased by about 25%.

Conclusion: who knows how well social distancing is working, and who knows how well these tests are being matched to symptomatic and high risk people versus random dudes getting tested on their way to wal-mart. But in general the number of cases don't directly scale with the number of tests (except early on, when testing is very low so only symptomatic people are getting tested), so we can still get some handle on how each state is doing even if the level of testing changes. But we need to look at the whole picture, not just # cases, to understand what is going on.

edit: If I have a few minutes to kill later on, I'll post some of the graphs in here. I'm guessing there's some website that's already doing this (plotting # cases vs # tests by state), so let me know if there is one.

Those Illinois, NY, CA numbers you’re seeing just means that social distancing and lockdown helped in flattening the curve. We seem to be at flat part. Does not mean we’ve won or can loosen up it just means that the virus is still spreading but just slower than it initially was.

Again, these people haven't felt 76 degree weather before in their lives or something? Why are they acting like it's peak summer time? It's been 70s-80s throughout the Bay for the past few weeks, and I don't see anyone in the bar/restaurant areas when I drive by

I literally have ZERO sympathy if any of them get sick. Let them die in the streets though, do NOT give them hospital beds if they need it
Bruh NYers been through like 8 straight months of winter. You give NYers a 60 degree semi sunny day and they won’t know how to act.
This is the place where you’ll see some dude rocking a bubble jacket with shorts and timbs
i think its kinda dumb imo to wear a mask at the beach... its bad enough it gets hot in the summer then i have to wear a mask where i can barely breathe out of...and social distancing is possible at the beach... im always 6 feet away from people anyway even when im with my friends...but ya here in NJ its only nice during the summer so ill definitely be hitting up the beach... been in the house for close to 3 months smh... i wont be going to the gym though and prally wont go to the movies
i think its kinda dumb imo to wear a mask at the beach... its bad enough it gets hot in the summer then i have to wear a mask where i can barely breathe out of...and social distancing is possible at the beach... im always 6 feet away from people anyway even when im with my friends...but ya here in NJ its only nice during the summer so ill definitely be hitting up the beach... been in the house for close to 3 months smh... i wont be going to the gym though and prally wont go to the movies
I don’t know man. I’ve never felt uncomfortable wearing a mask. Perhaps because I know it’s giving me some type of protection. I don’t care how hot it gets, the mask will always feel good to me because it gives me peace of mind.
Yeah, New Yorkers live for when the weathers gets to 65+. I have co workers from NY that come for visits here and it’s like 65 and they are wearing tees. I need a jacket!
Cali folks take good weather for granted. I live in a beach city and I go to the beach area maybe 4 times a year. It’s like Disneyland for me. I stay away from the beach from June-sept because of all of the out of towners that flood our beaches.
wearing a mask might be the new norm...i prefer not to wear it... but i will wear it when needed...if im in indoors in close quarters ill wear the mask like the subway or in the supermarket... but if im outside at the park or at the beach i rather not wear the mask...but to each their own... im not saying its wrong to wear a mask just saying for me personally i wouldnt want to wear one in the summer at the beach in 90 degree weather
wearing a mask might be the new norm...i prefer not to wear it... but i will wear it when needed...if im in indoors in close quarters ill wear the mask like the subway or in the supermarket... but if im outside at the park or at the beach i rather not wear the mask...but to each their own... im not saying its wrong to wear a mask just saying for me personally i wouldnt want to wear one in the summer at the beach in 90 degree weather
It drives me insane when masks are mandatory to wear into a supermarket, people will walk in with them on, but within seconds of entering they pull them down. I wanna call those people put soooo bad.
It drives me insane when masks are mandatory to wear into a supermarket, people will walk in with them on, but within seconds of entering they pull them down. I wanna call those people put soooo bad.

If our governments weren't TOO ***** to "limit a few privacy/freedoms" and force people to wear the masks in public PROPERLY, then maybe we wouldn't have too many entitled idiots walking around doing that stupid stunt they pull in public.

But no, too many butthurt people out here willing to SHOOT law enforcement officers to death 'cuz their freedoms are being limited.........so now we have this half-*** enforcement of wearing masks in public while we have this 'RONA going around that can be transmitted amongst people by merely "speaking" to one another.
^ i take my mask off as soon as i get into the parking lot lmao... but like someone said in here also if you going to wear the mask then wear the mask... dont wear the mask and it dont cover your nose... like so damn pointless
I’m with you. Once I hit the blacktop it comes off. I’m not wearing it for me. I’m wearing it for the damn old people who take them off, or for the obese person who is saying it’s hard to breath with it on. Dang bruh, you already have it on, might as well put it on right.
Ohhh my bad living is an inconvenience at this time, stay at home and Instacart.
Have people even begun hooping outside again in the last few days ago as some places "loosen" their local lockdown policies? Hella curious, personally (and if they are, even I wouldn't recommend wearing a mask for an activity such as playing ball on the blacktop)
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