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Just saw these on FB lol

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Fact check: Face masks can be unsafe for children under 2, but not for most adults

Im in Chicago and Have not been anywhere since March 13th, even grocery stores only been 3-4 times and go all the way out in the boonies to be safe. Have not even had any food delivered. My last cut was Feb 13th & was thInking June 18th was my cut off, get haircut, maybe eat at restaurant with patio id they open them but after seeing all these reports od cities that open, might pass lol

“Unfortunately, China did none of that. And so, look, we’re in a very different place with China right now, and the president’s made that clear. But, you know, the Chinese didn’t do what they said. We’ve also learned that at the time, that they cracked down internally and refused to allow people from Hubei and Wuhan to travel throughout China, they allowed those folks to travel to Europe,”
Ace Speedway Jammed With Fans Not Social Distancing or Wearing Masks


Thousands of people packed into Ace Speedway in North Carolina Saturday ... and it's a vision of coronavirus.

Check out the pics ... most people aren't wearing masks as they squeezed in like sardines to watch the race.

Around 4,000 fans paid $15 a pop in rural Alamance County. Only around 1 in 10 folks were wearing masks.


There were hand sanitizer stations available, but it doesn't seem many of the fans were into it as they watched the races and hit up the concession stands.
When I see that Missouri is trending and the Chiefs aren’t playing it can only be bad things. Around here it feels like everyone has pretty much said ‘F it’ and started to reset the life button. The next month or so should be really interesting.
All these people flouting social distancing rules will at least serve as a litmus test of what we can expect. If we don't see numbers flatten in mid-to-late June, then we can expect to chart the same course (1k deaths per day) until fall. So an additional 100k deaths before the weather starts to turn colder. Or maybe the numbers continue to slowly decline and we only get a couple hundred deaths per day (best case scenario).

Or we see numbers trend upwards, in which case we're screwed.

I actually think all 3 scenarios are possible. Hot weather could go a long way to reducing spread. Then again, we've seen fast spread in warn climates. Essentially we have an Rt of 0.8-1.0 currently in most states. It'll be in the range of 0.7-1.5 through summer. That doesn't seem like too big of a range, but over 100 days it'll make a huge difference and we'll start to see which way it's going over 3-4 weeks.
All these people flouting social distancing rules will at least serve as a litmus test of what we can expect. If we don't see numbers flatten in mid-to-late June, then we can expect to chart the same course (1k deaths per day) until fall. So an additional 100k deaths before the weather starts to turn colder. Or maybe the numbers continue to slowly decline and we only get a couple hundred deaths per day (best case scenario).

Or we see numbers trend upwards, in which case we're screwed.

I actually think all 3 scenarios are possible. Hot weather could go a long way to reducing spread. Then again, we've seen fast spread in warn climates. Essentially we have an Rt of 0.8-1.0 currently in most states. It'll be in the range of 0.7-1.5 through summer. That doesn't seem like too big of a range, but over 100 days it'll make a huge difference and we'll start to see which way it's going over 3-4 weeks.

4th scenario...Like Florida, Japan, China...what if States and/or Trump stops counting or manipulate data.
Trillion$$ are at stake.
Sadly, money > People.
$$$$ :smh: $$$$

Tokyo's excess deaths far higher than COVID-19 count, data shows
Lack of testing and delayed numbers take blame for possible undercount

TOKYO -- The Japanese capital may have suffered more than 200 excess fatalities from pneumonia and other causes early in the outbreak, possibly dwarfing the period's official coronavirus death count of 16.

Even more deaths could have been undercounted in April, whose numbers will not come out until next month.

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases tracks fatalities from flu-like illnesses by collecting data from public health departments around the country. The tallies include those who died from pneumonia.

Excess fatalities are calculated by comparing these figures against baselines derived from past data.

The newest numbers show 50 to 60 excess deaths a week for the five weeks starting Feb. 17, adding up to hundreds more fatalities than usual.
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