Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I've for the most part not worn a mask because I haven't been going anywhere but the grocery store (not Walmart), post office and to the park with my family
Now that things are opening up I'm going to start wearing a face covering because more and more people will be out mingling with others, who may have been out mingling with others, who may have been out mingling with others, and so on and so on

Now my 9am trip to the grocery store is more volatile to my health because of the increased activity of the others in the store with me, and those that were in the store before me
Bruh, what you trying to cop at Ross that you'd risk your health and your kids being sick for 2 weeks. People out here willing to risk being severely sick For some Spring 2018 Tommy Hilfiger button down shirts and Perry Ellis cologne
That's what gets me the most. These people aren't clamoring to take their dream vacation to Hawaii or to reunite with loved ones. They're itching to go to a discount chain store.
What if nothing happens when everything opens back up. Maybe a few cases but nothing major.
Not my intention to rain on your parade, but I know I’ve read about some antibody tests that aren’t very accurate and can detect the presence of antibodies to OTHER coronaviruses. Do you know for sure that you have antibodies to COVID-19?

you have a very valid point, but based on the level of exposure I’ve been submitted to over the past 10 weeks and being that a couple of weeks ago I did have some slight symptoms (cough, headache, tiredness) but it was so mild I honestly couldn’t tell if it was my allergies or the Rona and it only lasted about 2 days....I would be shocked to have a false positive for antibodies, still a possibility tho.
All these Memorial Day events...is this representative of "America needs to get back to work"? These people who've supposedly fallen on hard times suddenly have plentiful money to spend on vacations and booze with the mere announcement of relaxing guidelines? :stoneface:

Again, beaches and lakes are going NOWHERE. I really, really do not understand the urge to hit them up ASAP except for the typical childish American mentality of "Oh we were told not to do it? Now I need to do it just to show what a rebel I am" Congrats, you definitely showed the rest of us how bad @#$ you are by hitting up your disgusting brown water beaches and lakes!
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Is it unreasonable to think that international commercial air travel should be banned in/out of the US? I’m legit surprised that it took this long to ban flights from Brazil, but that makes me wonder what other hot zones are still allowed...
Is it unreasonable to think that international commercial air travel should be banned in/out of the US? I’m legit surprised that it took this long to ban flights from Brazil, but that makes me wonder what other hot zones are still allowed...
it would've mattered if we did it back in March.

I'd prefer mandatory 2-week quarantine anyway. Cuts down on unnecessary travel.
Is it unreasonable to think that international commercial air travel should be banned in/out of the US? I’m legit surprised that it took this long to ban flights from Brazil, but that makes me wonder what other hot zones are still allowed...

it must all come down to one thing


it would've mattered if we did it back in March.

I'd prefer mandatory 2-week quarantine anyway. Cuts down on unnecessary travel.

possibly but there would have to a high level on motoring people coming into the country and i don't think it could happen as we dont monitor our citizens for who does and doesn't have the virus
I have a false sense of security that my immune system is strong based on the body parts of the ratchet women I've had my tongue on. Still shouldn't find out if this virus is stronger than anything on a Colombian stripper's buttcrack.
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it would've mattered if we did it back in March.

I'd prefer mandatory 2-week quarantine anyway. Cuts down on unnecessary travel.
Isn’t it Iceland who gives the option of 14 day quarantine OR antigen test? If you agree to the test and it comes back negative you don’t have to quarantine.
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