Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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If my amateur theory that the virus doesn't transmit as easily outdoors is right then maybe everyone will be all right 🤷🤷🤷

If your correct, this might also give hope for the protests going on as well............where there is definitely MORE MASKS being worn at them demonstrations than that Lake of Ozark party
Since March 13th havent done anything other than grocery store every 2 weeks, not even order food.

With phase 3 opening here in Chi, getting more relaxed, ordered food twice, grabbed a churro & milkshake from a local spot today, been to hardware store 2X. Still rocking mask, santizing hands, and keeping 6 ft. All protest i went to were car caravan, so much safer.

Decided June 19th im getting a hair and beard cut up and drinking with some homies, it is what it is, will self quarantine for 7-14 days after and do it again (Shrug)
I feel the same. We're in this for the long haul and we gotta find ways to continue living while still being cautious.

If/when I travel to see anyone who's vulnerable, I'll self-isolate for the two weeks before that as best as I can.

For now, I'll do some low-risk activities -- see friends outdoors, exercise outside, and finally get a haircut.
Went to a bar yesterday with a mask on for this first time since February and this is what the scene looked like


place normally is twice the tables and it’s usually tough to get a spot
There's gonna be a couple of pharmaceutical companies that will be successful.

Keeping a very close eye on Novavax, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi for the 2nd half of 2020. GSK has its hands in numerous efficacious vaccines already.
I worked at Merck for 10 years can’t believe they haven’t jumped in this fight. Smh.
5:50 p.m.: USDA confirms 1st case of COVID-19 in pet dog
The first pet dog has tested positive for COVID-19 in the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday.

The dog, a German shepherd in New York state, was tested at a private veterinary laboratory after showing signs of respiratory illness. Subsequent testing by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories confirmed the case, the USDA said.

The dog is expected to make a full recovery. One of its owners had also tested positive for COVID-19, and another dog in the household had tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, suggesting exposure, the USDA said.

The first suspected case of COVID-19 in a pet dog in the U.S. -- a pug named Winston in North Carolina -- was later found to be inconclusive.

The USDA has also confirmed cases of COVID-19 in two pet cats in New York, as well as tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/coronavirus-updates-us-reports-21000-cases-amid-mass/story?id=71014105
If you guys/girls don't know, I would like to introduce you to my future wife. Jacinda Ardern is amazing.


How does NZ get a leader who solves gun violence, eradicates coronavirus, and looks good doing it, and we get the Orange Turd?
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