Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I hate how Trump just does literally what he wants and no one stops him. Any other covid positive person would be barred from entering the white house. But he's walking around the white house with his mask off.
I imagine they'll let Melanie and Ivanka visit him when he's on a ventilator too.
It’s crazy hearing stories about people getting sick and the people they’re living with are perfectly fine. happened to my parents a few months back. My dad got sick with what he thought were stomach issues. the first night he got sick he had a fever and body aches and after that he had nausea, stomach issues, and he could barely eat anything and when he did he would end up in the bathroom throwing everything up. my Mom took him to the dr who told him he probably had a stomach infection. He wasn’t getting better, was really weak and then developed a bad dry cough a few days later. My mom took him to the hospital and the dr there told him the same thing the other dr did. He ended up getting tested at the hospital because he had at least 1 of the Covid symptoms and we were surprised the hear back a few days later that he tested positive.
My dad is in he’s 60s but he’s been really healthy his entire life. Rarely gets sick and misses work. He missed about a month of work and he’s barely now looking like his old self.
My mom took care of him the entire time, but she never got tested. my mom is diabetic and generally not very healthy, but she never had any symptoms. She just assumed she had it and quarantined for 2 weeks. Last week she took the antibody test and it came back negative! Like how tf is that even possible? She was around my dad the entire time and wasn’t even that careful because she didn’t think it was Covid until at least a week after he got sick.
It’s possible her antibodies have waned and now (hopefully) she has T cell immunity. As posted earlier, antibodies typically only last a few months after infection.

s3p4tu s3p4tu the steroids suppress the inflammatory immune response that often results in complications and death. IMHO, it wouldn’t really make sense for Trump to be on it if he was having a mild/moderate case that only required a few days of hospitalization.
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It’s possible her antibodies have waned and now (hopefully) she has T call immunity. As posted earlier, antibodies typically only last a few months after infection.

s3p4tu s3p4tu the steroids suppress the inflammatory immune response that often results in complications and death. IMHO, it wouldn’t really make sense for Trump to be on it if he was having a mild/moderate case that only required a few days of hospitalization.
It’s been about 2 1/2 months since my dad got sick so I think she was still in that window.
It’s been about 2 1/2 months since my dad got sick so I think she was still in that window.

I’m no scientist, but I’m confident she definitely has some level of immunity if she had prolonged close contact and never got sick. Not all antibody tests are created equal either, and false negatives do happen, unfortunately.
he needs to take his dumbass back to the hospital
You can see him and hear him struggling to breathe during his "inspirational" return to the White House speech

He's going to bring that whole building down with him, for better or for worse.
For those who care, Dr. Campbell discussed each of Trump's prescribed medications in detail with his opinions regarding what was most/least helpful.

Cliffs notes: He believes the monoclonal antibody cocktail he received was likely the most effective and it should be very efficacious when it's finally gone through all trials and approved some time in the future. He spends a good amount of time discussing how it works, which is incredibly informative. ballinsam23 ballinsam23 if you have time to watch, I'd love to read your professional opinion.
Trump is reporting “No symptoms” today.
Is this the fastest recovery ever? I don’t remember reading about anyone that got over Covid in 3-4 days
I think for some ppl they can become asymptomatic quickly but will still be infectious for some time.

It's either that, or

He's lying about not having any symptoms.

Either is likely.
I think for some ppl they can become asymptomatic quickly but will still be infectious for some time.

It's either that, or

He's lying about not having any symptoms.

Either is likely.

Definitely the latter, no either involved here............its ******* Trump after all. Man was trying to hide a ******* cough when he made his first arrival back to the White House, guy is definitely hacking up all his COVID particles all over that White House.

RIP to all the White House employees that is around his *** for the next 2 weeks
Or it's Trump is on a lot of treatments that cover up his underlying symptoms, and he's also in the middle phase of the disease course where things look like they're getting better.

He got diagnosed early on in the infection because he gets tested frequently. We really don't know where this is headed. He's not in the clear unless he's still feeling good in a week.
For those who care, Dr. Campbell discussed each of Trump's prescribed medications in detail with his opinions regarding what was most/least helpful.

Taking a look at Trump's medication list and the drug therapies he took were fairly common to what most guidelines and institution policies have as of today. The monoclonal antibody cocktail he took is very specific to those enrolled in clinical trials though.

Remdisivir - antiviral; pretty straightforward they are pushing this as the drug that reduces the duration of sickness/hospitalizations. BUT its reserved and prioritized for severe cases only.

Dexamethasone - man back in April this was a tough one. The patient-specific therapeutic dosing was so damn hard to figure out, but it helped those who were on supplemental oxygen. It makes all the sense in the world to use a steroid, especially in severely ill patients. In Trump's case, I actually think they are withholding the severity of his disease. Whoever transmitted the virus to him may have had a low viral load for him to be recovered this fast. So surprising they used a steroid as literally no one is given this unless its leaning towards a deteriorating or severe case. Still gotta credit his team over there.

Monoclonal Antibodies - in practice, I really thought this was the one. It didn't make too much sense mechanistically (they do say it prevents viral levels and reduces hospitalization stay but conflicting data) but it saved lives man. I saw huge improvements for every patient I verified a "mab" for. Especially if given super early in disease progression. I even posted this in July....

Sucks Tocilizumab overall failed in trials. It saved a lot of lives in practice.

Vitamin D and Zinc - more so for supplementation and to boost immunity

Statins - pretty sure Trump has been on one, mortality benefit in general for those with high cholesterol and ASCVD risk (they even want patients to be on these now if they just have diabetes)

Famotidine - lol...unless he was having heartburn from other medications still doesnt make sense

Melatonin - might be a "at home" med, would be shocked if it had any actual benefit in COVID
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Taking a look at Trump's medication list and the drug therapies he took were fairly common to what most guidelines and institution policies have as of today. The monoclonal antibody cocktail he took is very specific to those enrolled in clinical trials though.

Remdisivir - antiviral; pretty straightforward they are pushing this as the drug that reduces the duration of sickness

Dexamethasone - man back in April this was a tough one. The patient-specific therapeutic dosing was so damn hard to figure out, but it helped those who were on supplemental oxygen. It makes all the sense in the world to use a steroid, especially in severely ill patients. In Trump's case, I actually think he was more mild (not moderate or even close to severe) as whoever transmitted the virus to him had a low viral load. So surprising they used a steroid as literally no one is given this unless its leaning towards a deteriorating or severe case.

Monoclonal Antibodies - in practice, I really thought this was the one. It didn't make too much sense mechanistically (they do say it prevents viral levels and reduces hospitalization stay but conflicting data) but it saved lives man. I saw huge improvements for every patient I verified a "mab" for. Especially if given super early in disease progressin. I even posted this in July....

Vitamin D and Zinc - more so for supplementation and to boost immunity

Statins - pretty sure Trump has been one on one, mortality benefit in general for those with high cholesterol and ASCVD risk (they even want patients to be on these now if they just have diabetes)

Famotidine - lol...unless he was having heartburn from other medications still doesnt make sense

Melatonin - might be a "at home" med, would be shocked if it had any actual benefit in COVID

I appreciate your insight. I guess it's possible Famotidine is something he's already taking regularly after eating #hamberders and Melatonin was just being given to help him calm down and get some rest?
I think that's the case, they were his general at home meds.

Knowing Trump though he probably wanted to try everything that failed in trials (except the bleach ofcourse).
Prescription of famotidine could be off label use for something other than heartburn. Don't quote me on this. Could be wrong.
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