Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Ended up getting the rona :smh:

felt like I had the flu then woke up this morning taste and smell completely gone

flu like symptoms already clearing up

how long does this no smell or taste last? This is pure torture

get well soon. hydrate! smell/taste will very for everyone. took about 2 weeks for me to get my smell back.
Yep that works. For those on the lower end, prescription vitamin D is usually 50,000 units weekly. I havent read the study yet, but some hospitalized patients get supplementation.

Ended up getting the rona :smh:

felt like I had the flu then woke up this morning taste and smell completely gone

flu like symptoms already clearing up

how long does this no smell or taste last? This is pure torture

might sound like a newb but do you know where you might have gotten it from?

I hear / see so many cases of people getting but we never ask where they think they got it from.

and were you wearing a mask ? once again sorry for the newb / stupid question
might sound like a newb but do you know where you might have gotten it from?

I hear / see so many cases of people getting but we never ask where they think they got it from.

and were you wearing a mask ? once again sorry for the newb / stupid question
I go out a lot

I do wear my maskuntil I’m seated but past weekend we played pick up with 12 people, one said he tested positive on Wednesday. Thursday I woke up with no taste or smell.

I was also out on the town Saturday and Sunday, so really could’ve gotten it anywhere.

my close friend who I was with majority of the weekend got it too, his smell and taste disappeared yesterday
My predictions of 3 days of >100k cases wasn't even close. Today we're at 126k. Soon we'll be averaging 100k per day. Deaths are averaging over 900/day. That will soon pass 1000. It's not unlikely that we'll surpass 300k total deaths by the end of the year.

There is no good news here. Sure, testing is increasing, but we're still vastly undertesting the population. Also, in 49 out of 50 states, covid is currently rising.

The country needs to be shutdown again period. Theres too many asymptomatic infections for testing to be a feasible weapon unless people are willing to be tested daily. I'm on day 5 of my quarantine and I really want to go out but I'm gonna hold on and stay in...

To be clear, the country was never shut down and never will be. Even if the federal government declared a complete lockdown, that would require state and local governments and law enforcement to carry it out, which ain’t gonna happen in many areas. The best we can hope for is something like California is doing with a targeted approach where certain activities are only allowed when specific metrics are met, but again this would take state cooperation and places like FL simply won’t comply.
Lol Biden campaigned on a promise that he wouldn't shut things down.

If he has to shut down, then he should.. But I think what he should do is order a national mask mandate, at least. Idk how we haven't had one yet.
To be clear, the country was never shut down and never will be. Even if the federal government declared a complete lockdown, that would require state and local governments and law enforcement to carry it out, which ain’t gonna happen in many areas. The best we can hope for is something like California is doing with a targeted approach where certain activities are only allowed when specific metrics are met, but again this would take state cooperation and places like FL simply won’t comply.
I meant shut down again as in how it was shut down before. The numbers falling so low could have been a coincidence as a result but as stated with so many asymptomatic spreaders anything other than regular testing won't be a weapon with bars restaurants stores etc being open
Lol Biden campaigned on a promise that he wouldn't shut things down.

If he has to shut down, then he should.. But I think what he should do is order a national mask mandate, at least. Idk how we haven't had one yet.
There is simply no popular support for a shutdown and it wouldn’t be enforced in many places anyway. Even a nationwide mask mandate would need to be enforced to be effective and I have serious doubts.
Ended up getting the rona :smh:

felt like I had the flu then woke up this morning taste and smell completely gone

flu like symptoms already clearing up

how long does this no smell or taste last? This is pure torture

I lose my sense of smell/taste whenever I get sick. Its annoying af. Makes you control your diet easier though. :lol:
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