Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Good news and bad news.

Denmark has begun destroying the infected mink of the mutated Cluster 5 variant.

A truck transporting dead mink didn't secure the load and spread a large amount all over the highway.

Think before you mink.
Can't be mad at folks in the streets for the Trump defeat..same as the protest, alot of emotions built up rightfully so

Looked like most ppl had masks on outside at least
Trevor Lawrence was out because of COVID-19. Trevor Lawrence also attended the game and was in the sidelines. LOL
The governors gave their Covid funds from the federal government to help fracking companies instead of helping their citizens. Now the citizens can rot for putting these people into office. *shrug*
pretty bad for a Sunday... now averaging over 100k cases every day. we'll hit record hospitalizations and surpass 1000 deaths/day soon.

Saw Dr Gottlieb mention the other day that the ~100k is actually closer to 500k with the asymptotic and mild cases not being diagnosed. Winter is about to be insane. Trust nobody who tells you they’ve just got a little cold or allergies because it’s more likely to be COVID. I honestly just assume everyone has it and every surface and door handle is contaminated.
Saw Dr Gottlieb mention the other day that the ~100k is actually closer to 500k with the asymptotic and mild cases not being diagnosed. Winter is about to be insane. Trust nobody who tells you they’ve just got a little cold or allergies because it’s more likely to be COVID. I honestly just assume everyone has it and every surface and door handle is contaminated.
it's a bit of a ****show. hearing so many cases of "i'm under the weather, slight fever and a runny nose" and "my roommate tested positive for covid but i haven't been in the same room as them for a week" followed by "it's ok if i go see my parents, right?"

i'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of it. we are not going to see this getting any better until at least january.
it's a bit of a ****show. hearing so many cases of "i'm under the weather, slight fever and a runny nose" and "my roommate tested positive for covid but i haven't been in the same room as them for a week" followed by "it's ok if i go see my parents, right?"

i'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of it. we are not going to see this getting any better until at least january.

The flu and cold weather last through February so yea, we have a long 4 months ahead of us.
Came down with a fever over the weekend and was scared out of my mind. Thankfully, I took a couple Tylenols and slept it off and I feel much better now.

No other symptoms? As previously stated, I can only assume it was mild COVID and you were lucky enough to fight it off quickly, perhaps T cell immunity kicked in.
No other symptoms? As previously stated, I can only assume it was mild COVID and you were lucky enough to fight it off quickly, perhaps T cell immunity kicked in.
Typical flu symptoms. Coughing, headache, and loss of appetite.
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