Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Seen a lot less parties on IG stories than I thought I would, but the ones I did see were making me cringe.

Homie took a group flick with like 8 other dudes wit the caption “idk who these people are but HNY” smh.
My girlfriend's "frenemy" in her circle of friends was posting IG stories of her partying at a club in Miami last night.

Had to be at least 300 people there. Not one mask in sight.
Went to pick up dinner in the West Loop area of Chicago; whole bunch of restaurants were full of people and were openly defying the ban on indoor dining. I saw large groups of people walking out of liquor stores ready to party at their spots.

acquaintances that constantly put up anti Trump posts, COVID guidelines, etc. on social media have been posting IG stories of hosting similar parties or going to bars that are open illegally. I’ve heard parties going on throughout my apartment complex as well.

I normally hate the “people on both sides are the same” argument, but there are a LOT of people out there constantly blaming Trump and his supporters for this out of control spread while taking zero responsibility for their reckless and selfish behavior. Trump and his loyalists are mass murderers in my eyes, but their lack of action in red states/counties doesn’t excuse people in major liberal cities to party as if thousands of people aren’t dying on a daily basis.

It’s definitely both sides. I know almost no one still following guidelines completely. They’ll cherry pick for convenience which ones the want to follow, and which ones they don’t. I’ve lost respect for a lot of people I know.
Something that drives me berserk is how much of the finger is being pointed at state and local officials for shutting down or restricting certain businesses. People call Cuomo a nazi for enforcing restrictions on businesses and recommending limiting guests for holiday parties, but what is he really supposed to do? Pretend like COVID doesn't exist while cases are spiking, let this rage out of control, prolong the problem and completely overwhelm our hospitals for a second time? Local officials have been put in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation because our Federal government has built a foundation upon sand for them to work with and has seemingly gone out of their way to make sure they do as little as possible for small businesses and out-of-work individuals in favor of large corporations.

I have my criticisms of Cuomo, but it's hard to do the right thing for everyone without proper Federal support.
Something that drives me berserk is how much of the finger is being pointed at state and local officials for shutting down or restricting certain businesses. People call Cuomo a nazi for enforcing restrictions on businesses and recommending limiting guests for holiday parties, but what is he really supposed to do? Pretend like COVID doesn't exist while cases are spiking, let this rage out of control, prolong the problem and completely overwhelm our hospitals for a second time? Local officials have been put in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation because our Federal government has built a foundation upon sand for them to work with and has seemingly gone out of their way to make sure they do as little as possible for small businesses and out-of-work individuals in favor of large corporations.

I have my criticisms of Cuomo, but it's hard to do the right thing for everyone without proper Federal support.
People always need someone to blame. They need a motive.
The federal government did an unexpected no look pass To the states with this.
Basically said here you handle it.
didn't really want to talk about it and i was gonna start a **** 2020 thread to vent so i didn't say anything in here but since it's the last day of one of the worst years of my life ill share

my pops got covid about 6 or 7 days after thanksgiving. a lot of you know im in healthcare and have been exposed more times than i can count so i've kept away from him this whole year.
extremely minimal contact. it's been tough not being able to see him as we are really close. the reason why it was so important for me to stay away cause he is 74 years old, has leukemia, diabetes, copd, asthma, etc. we think he got it from having to go to the hospital to get treated for his leukemia. well, today he is still in the hospital. it's been a roller coaster every single day from he's doing better and smiling and face timing to barely being able to get a sentence out cause he's so out of breath. hes a good man that has built and protected a huge family who loves him. now he might have to spend his last days by himself. it's been torture for all of us. every night we go to bed stressed the **** out cause that's when it gets hard for him to breathe.
hes been recently transferred to the ICU and it's been hell. he told me he wanted to give up but promised us that he will keep fighting for his family. sometimes he just face times some of us so he can see us even though he can't speak cause of a lack of oxygen.

so if any of yall are planning to celebrate tonight... just don't. it's not worth it and try and encourage people not to as well.

I’m so sorry to hear this man. Thinking about you guys.
Saw someone wearing a “mask” like this yesterday - but she had it under her chin so it maybe reached her bottom lip. What a joke. Was in Aldi and the demographic who shop there seem to have trouble with masks - either none, or it on their chin was normal. In and out as fast as I could!

some of these nye parties

that's one reason why i don't even want to get back to work
going to be working with people and who knows what they are doing outside of work
that’s that MAGA mask.

too ***** to not wear one and deal with the repercussions but wants you to know they don’t like them.

Yeah, I think that’s right - you have to make effort to get something that stupid.

Looks like something they'd put on a prison inmate so they can't spit on their attorney while in court.

I think they actually are - but the manufacturer has pivoted to make it an acceptable mask for those who won’t wear one - but if you read the Amazon ad they’re to prevent droplets getting in food you’re preparing etc.

One of the negative ads is because someone was barred from TJ Maxx wearing one - which is clearly appropriate.
Went to pick up dinner in the West Loop area of Chicago; whole bunch of restaurants were full of people and were openly defying the ban on indoor dining. I saw large groups of people walking out of liquor stores ready to party at their spots.

acquaintances that constantly put up anti Trump posts, COVID guidelines, etc. on social media have been posting IG stories of hosting similar parties or going to bars that are open illegally. I’ve heard parties going on throughout my apartment complex as well.

I normally hate the “people on both sides are the same” argument, but there are a LOT of people out there constantly blaming Trump and his supporters for this out of control spread while taking zero responsibility for their reckless and selfish behavior. Trump and his loyalists are mass murderers in my eyes, but their lack of action in red states/counties doesn’t excuse people in major liberal cities to party as if thousands of people aren’t dying on a daily basis.
I've felt this way too. Liberals criticize MAGAs for not wearing masks or going to rallies but then they're going out with friends and going to parties. Plus they wear some 50% effective mask improperly and think they're invincible.

At this point we can't rely on anybody to do the right thing. Protect yourself and hold out for a couple more months until things start improving.
Haven’t done much this year but yday did get together with some friends. Everyone got tested on Monday, everyone was negative, didnt do anything in between, so we figure our bubble is safe. 4 of the 6 ppl already had covid earlier in year, so might be in the clear.

Gonna get tested again on Sunday to be sure
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