Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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They let you shoot yourself up???? lmao I hate needles in general I think I would have yeet the hell out if they told me to do it myself :lol:

No, I do it to other people. It would be possible to do it to yourself I suppose - but it’s obviously frowned upon.

I have my second dose appointment tomorrow - where someone else will administer it.
I was listening to NPR last week (I think it was All Things Considered), and the data doesn’t back this, at least not in the elementary level.

The data they presented claimed kids that age aren't able to pass Covid to older family members?

Y'all still gonna be wearing masks in the future even once it's "safe" out there? Not gonna lie, I love wearing my mask when I'm out shopping and running errands. I just want to get in and out, no time for interaction or running into people I know. Obviously at bars/restaurants/the gym, once it's safe then we won't need them but I hope it will start to become more of a norm in society for people to wear in public in various settings.

Plus I got about 50 cloth masks that I bought in bulk for cheap over the last year on top of a few dozen disposables too :lol:
Wow I can't even imagine how scary that must be.
Welcome back. Wishing you a full, healthy recovery!
Did you have any previous conditions?

It was very scary 😟 when I was laying in ICU, I just kept praying and praying. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared before.

I’ve had asthma before but hasn’t been an issue for a while, even when I picked up cycling last year. BUT my bloodwork during my hospitalization came up pre-diabetic 😔
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , IIRC, the claim was that transmission from elementary and children to adults was almost nonexistent. I’m trying to find the segment now.
I’ve definitely heard anecdotally that the majority of spread in schools is between teachers, but that’s really impossible to prove unless they’re actually testing students who are more likely to be asymptotic spreaders. I know my brother got it from his 6 y/o son who was minimally symptomatic and the rest of his family ended up getting it - 11 y/o asymptomatic, 13 y/o moderately symptomatic, 43 y/o wife moderate, 42 y/o brother still coughing 2 months later.

Y'all still gonna be wearing masks in the future even once it's "safe" out there? Not gonna lie, I love wearing my mask when I'm out shopping and running errands. I just want to get in and out, no time for interaction or running into people I know. Obviously at bars/restaurants/the gym, once it's safe then we won't need them but I hope it will start to become more of a norm in society for people to wear in public in various settings.

Plus I got about 50 cloth masks that I bought in bulk for cheap over the last year on top of a few dozen disposables too :lol:

I pretty much have excepted this, even when we are back to a kind of normal mask wearing will still be a thing.

Y'all still gonna be wearing masks in the future even once it's "safe" out there? Not gonna lie, I love wearing my mask when I'm out shopping and running errands. I just want to get in and out, no time for interaction or running into people I know. Obviously at bars/restaurants/the gym, once it's safe then we won't need them but I hope it will start to become more of a norm in society for people to wear in public in various settings.

Plus I got about 50 cloth masks that I bought in bulk for cheap over the last year on top of a few dozen disposables too :lol:

I've been driving to work, but once public transportation runs more frequently I'm masking up I don't people to see my face anyway :lol:
Mask on the train/plane might forever be the move. Who wants to get even just the flu or a cold from some stranger sitting by you? Masks dont seem like such a bad idea. Plus keeps your face warmer in the winter.

I completely agree with everything you said. I think they should make it mandatory for facemask on Planes and trains FOREVER.

for cold weather places here like in NY the mask does keep my face warm lol
No, I do it to other people. It would be possible to do it to yourself I suppose - but it’s obviously frowned upon.

I have my second dose appointment tomorrow - where someone else will administer it.

Man did I sure read that wrong lmao thanks for clarifying
i don't know about daily mask wearing after this has died down but i think it should be more prevalent for sick people to mask up in public like they do in japan. i'll def be wearing a mask at work if i have the sniffles or something and limit my movements to my office and the bathroom.

Y'all still gonna be wearing masks in the future even once it's "safe" out there? Not gonna lie, I love wearing my mask when I'm out shopping and running errands. I just want to get in and out, no time for interaction or running into people I know. Obviously at bars/restaurants/the gym, once it's safe then we won't need them but I hope it will start to become more of a norm in society for people to wear in public in various settings.

Plus I got about 50 cloth masks that I bought in bulk for cheap over the last year on top of a few dozen disposables too :lol:

Are u ugly doe?
Just read a paper on COVID in the near term. It is draconian. You will hear about it soon, I am sure. It does not make me optimistic for the rest of this year.
Just read a paper on COVID in the near term. It is draconian. You will hear about it soon, I am sure. It does not make me optimistic for the rest of this year.
do you mind sharing it?

most of the recent developments have been overwhelmingly positive and, if anything, we've been underselling how positive the outlook is, so i'm curious to see why this paper would see things differently.
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