Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Even random people posting aren’t having major side effects. Side effects are a big reason people are hesitant to get the vaccine. It’s not as bad as media has portrayed it
I wouldn't even say it's just the media but word of mouth in general. I have coworkers that keep saying how bad they had the side effects and continue to blow it out of proportion. I actually had covid and they make it sound worse than what I went through.
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Even random people posting aren’t having major side effects. Side effects are a big reason people are hesitant to get the vaccine. It’s not as bad as media has portrayed it
It varies from person to person though. People also have vastly different pain tolerance/thresholds. You’re extrapolating an extremely small sample size of people and making conclusions. If people are more worried about vaccine side effects than COVID itself, then we need to do a lot more education there.
Got the second shot. The clinic was packed (as much as it could be) for the fist shot. Hardly anyone for the second. Showed up early and got the shot right away. Nurses were even standing around chillin waiting for people. Oh well
That # of around 5M that missed their second dose isnt that big of a deal. Alot of patients either cant make it due to work or life schedule but they eventually come in.

I know for Pfizer there's data that as long as you get it done within 6 weeks (which most definitely do).
Anyone notice how the more tests that are done, the less positive cases there are. Interesting that it's inversely proportional like that.
Anyone notice how the more tests that are done, the less positive cases there are. Interesting that it's inversely proportional like that.

I still don't understand what leads to so many tests being done, most of which end up being negative. Over the past year of the pandemic I have never felt compelled to get tested. I understand there is a certain amount of the population that has to be tested regularly because of where they work, live, travel, etc but (for example) in order to drive positivity rates down to 1.2% out of 157k tests completed yesterday in California that's a whole lot of people who are testing negative. Who are these hypochondriacs?!
That # of around 5M that missed their second dose isnt that big of a deal. Alot of patients either cant make it due to work or life schedule but they eventually come in.

I know for Pfizer there's data that as long as you get it done within 6 weeks (which most definitely do).

Yeah, as long as they come in eventually that's great, but the % of people missing their second dose appointments has doubled (~4% to 8%) in the last month so I'm afraid there has to be more to it. Hopefully people aren't getting complacent thinking the risk is gone and they don't need that added protection, or worse yet they're afraid of feeling some short-term side effects.

When y'all walk on trails with wide paths do you pull the mask up when someone passes by even if there's well over 6ft of distance? I tend to only pull mine up on trails if its a narrow path or a large group is passing. It just seems super unnecessary when folks have gaiters or even bandanas and suddenly pull them up if they see you and you're a good distance away.
When y'all walk on trails with wide paths do you pull the mask up when someone passes by even if there's well over 6ft of distance? I tend to only pull mine up on trails if its a narrow path or a large group is passing. It just seems super unnecessary when folks have gaiters or even bandanas and suddenly pull them up if they see you and you're a good distance away.

I honestly feel it's more of a symbol to someone that you are being courteous. For example, if I go to a busy gas station and there's someone on the other side of the pump I'll put a mask on because I don't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable. They obviously don't know that I've been vaccinated.
I still don't understand what leads to so many tests being done, most of which end up being negative. Over the past year of the pandemic I have never felt compelled to get tested. I understand there is a certain amount of the population that has to be tested regularly because of where they work, live, travel, etc but (for example) in order to drive positivity rates down to 1.2% out of 157k tests completed yesterday in California that's a whole lot of people who are testing negative. Who are these hypochondriacs?!

The colored tier system for now is tied to testing. You have to do a certain amount of tests to qualify moving to the less restrictive tier. Almost makes it a waste doing this until June. Should get rid of it already
I honestly feel it's more of a symbol to someone that you are being courteous. For example, if I go to a busy gas station and there's someone on the other side of the pump I'll put a mask on because I don't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable. They obviously don't know that I've been vaccinated.

I do the same too. I don’t wear outside as much when no one is around. I’ll wear it if someone is close by just so they know I care and not someone being careless about their health.
Well honestly I never wear mask when I am being outdoor, especially when I run or even walk/run by other people. IMO the risk is very low unless that person sneeze or cough just right when you walk by.

When I fill the gas at Costco, I always pick the far left lane even my gas tank is on the left side. Therefor, I always be at the furthest while waiting to fill up.
I still don't understand what leads to so many tests being done, most of which end up being negative. Over the past year of the pandemic I have never felt compelled to get tested. I understand there is a certain amount of the population that has to be tested regularly because of where they work, live, travel, etc but (for example) in order to drive positivity rates down to 1.2% out of 157k tests completed yesterday in California that's a whole lot of people who are testing negative. Who are these hypochondriacs?!
me lol...

i get tested often because of work but also if I'm traveling or seeing somebody that would be at higher risk of getting seriously ill for covid. there's been mixed signals post-vax (some organizations say to keep getting tested, but I think it's clear that there's no reason to get tested unless maybe you're symptomatic).

it's hard to interpret test positivity for this reason, or to compare across states. some places separate out the numbers for symptomatic testing and contact tracing versus routine surveillance testing, which is really how we should be doing it.
me lol...

i get tested often because of work but also if I'm traveling or seeing somebody that would be at higher risk of getting seriously ill for covid. there's been mixed signals post-vax (some organizations say to keep getting tested, but I think it's clear that there's no reason to get tested unless maybe you're symptomatic).

it's hard to interpret test positivity for this reason, or to compare across states. some places separate out the numbers for symptomatic testing and contact tracing versus routine surveillance testing, which is really how we should be doing it.

Have you been vaccinated yet, and if not will you continue to test even after being fully vaccinated?
Have you been vaccinated yet, and if not will you continue to test even after being fully vaccinated?
I meant to include that in the post... Vaccinated and testing much less frequently now. Instead of routine weekly testing, I might do it once a month now, just in case if I'll be seeing somebody who is not vaccinated and higher risk for complications. But most of them are vaccinated now so I imagine I'll test even less often or not at all this summer.
I bought 100 KF94s so I’ll be rocking them outside until they’re done and I’m fully vaccinated for almost a month now. Plus people not knowing it’s me when I’m out is dope too. Don’t need to make small talk anymore and all that unnecessary **** either :lol:
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