Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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What's the main reason behind the surge in India? That new variant or lack of vaccination or government oversight

D. All of the above

There is no possibility of measures that will help minimize contact and spread of infectious disease. Conditions are generally poor and crowded with multigenerational households who are unable to distance, have to commute and work in crowded unsanitary conditions. The majority of face coverings are highly ineffective, if worn at all. It's a nightmare. As bad as the numbers seem, they are likely MUCH worse in reality due to lack of testing and medical facilities. Even deaths are being severely undercounted from the reports I've seen.
Another thing for India is the secondary market is flooding them with fake vaccines and medicine. A lot of people are hesitant for getting any kind of vaccine for this reason. Health authorities can also be paid off for a negative test where required.
M Mark Antony My friend's co worker in India saw his friend pass away at work and still had to keep working to support his family. :frown: No clue why ANYONE is in an office setting especially there.

its a different world. The government doesn’t take care of you. Credit isn’t available or easily available. They can’t shut down, people will literally starve to death. There are millions that survive from their day to day work. I’m surprised this didn’t happen last year in the initial wave.
Yeah, the citizens of India have to deal with a lot. So much poverty over there and overpopulation.
There are some ppl I talk to who live in India. My guess is that ppl started letting down their guard cuz they were starting their own vaccine rollout over there, but their vaccines aren't like the mrna vaccines (only 50-60 effective).. Combine that with the variants making it to India, and their Healthcare system and general infrastructure, and that might explain the surge.
Another thing for India is the secondary market is flooding them with fake vaccines and medicine. A lot of people are hesitant for getting any kind of vaccine for this reason. Health authorities can also be paid off for a negative test where required.
I just saw this post. Wow.
its a different world. The government doesn’t take care of you. Credit isn’t available or easily available. They can’t shut down, people will literally starve to death. There are millions that survive from their day to day work. I’m surprised this didn’t happen last year in the initial wave.
I was thinking about this too. They had a spike last year and it didn't seem to go anywhere. This time it's a huge surge. What conditions are playing a factor in this? It can't just be a variant because OG Covid-19 on a population that had never seen the disease before is just as dangerous if not more than a variant spreading a year later.

Seeing an obese Black woman who works in a retail store post something like this 🤦🏾‍♂️. Vaccine skepticism amongst Black people is legit, but the leaps and bounds you have to make to even tie these things together.... plus the government is incentivized to have society open, people spending money, etc. This premise of “caring about us” is stupid.
2nd moderna shot yesterday @ 9am

minor fatigue and arm soreness most of the day but started getting chills around midnight

slept poorly alternating between being super hot and cold. no headaches though

How do you feel today? Day after was the worst for me.

Seeing an obese Black woman who works in a retail store post something like this 🤦🏾‍♂️. Vaccine skepticism amongst Black people is legit, but the leaps and bounds you have to make to even tie these things together.... plus the government is incentivized to have society open, people spending money, etc. This premise of “caring about us” is stupid.
I hate memes like these too because they are filled with misinformation too. Like I understanding vaccine skepticism among black folk too, but why misrepresent what happened at Tuskegee? Or act like the Federal, State, and City governments are all the same when it comes to Flint? These things were disgusting events but there is no need to change the details to fit a narrative. Who does that help? Other than someone trying to make an anti-vax hot take aimed at black folk.
I hate memes like these too because they are filled with misinformation too. Like I understanding vaccine skepticism among black folk too, but why misrepresent what happened at Tuskegee? Or act like the Federal, State, and City governments are all the same when it comes to Flint? These things were disgusting events but there is no need to change the details to fit a narrative. Who does that help? Other than someone trying to make an anti-vax hot take aimed at black folk.
It’s mostly low information, low education people who I see doing this too.
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