Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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People should always have a choice when it involves medical / health stuff but not really any good reasons not to get the vaccine. People say they want it fda approved, ok it's getting approved soon but are those people just going to find a new excuse. Others say they don't want bad side effects but they are very rare and not worse than a bad, potentially fatal bout with covid. It's like not wanting to wear a seatbelt because it could wrinkle your shirt but you're cool with maybe flying through the windshield. Spoiler: I remember that's how the mother of a friend of doogie howser died. Not the windshield part but not wanting a wrinkled shirt then dying in a car accident.
I will always stand with the your body your choice crowd so we ended up having words after he pleaded with me to persuade my sis.

Anyway, I genuinely can't believe how covid/ this vax **** is impacting america. I myself am vaccinated and I never want to see this country force that on someone unwilling.
The thing is, it's more than just "my body, my choice" thing.

This is more like second hand smoke. The unvaccinated choose to put themselves at risk, and by doing so, they also threaten the well-being of those around them. That's never ok.
When they hear stuff like this its hard to convince them otherwise...dude makes a convincing case in his arguments for the uneducated.

That man said a whole lot of nothing and topped it off talmbout Ivermectin. 🤣

And it’s interesting how he completely avoided the fact that this summer breakout is due to the Delta Variant. Seems like an important omission.

And lastly, never trust a man in suspenders with no suit coat. Mad sketchy, IMO.
Man treated 15 patients and now he's da gawd.

A lot of these cases are being transferred via asymptomatic people to the unvaccinated, no? He's missing that point.
When they hear stuff like this its hard to convince them otherwise...dude makes a convincing case in his arguments for the uneducated.

Soooo, dude cites studies sponsored by the NIH that support his position,

Only to say later on that the latest recommendations of the NIH and CDC shouldn't be taken into account?

This is how they bamboozle folks. If the NIH and CDC are not to be trusted, why should we consider other studies they funded when they support his point?
After damn near a year and a half of this **** show you really can’t understand how it’s impacting this country? That’s a wild hot take.

And your dad is spot on, btw. Your sister is being foolish. Admittedly that is her choice, and I’m all for her right to choose. But it’s a stupid choice and the facts support that.

I'm gonna be honest with you my guy. I only got vaccinated because 1. I'm all about convenience, 2. I've done some very wild **** in my life. This isn't the time for me to start questioning people smarter than me.

With that said even before I got the shot I always said I wasn't in a rush. My "turn" came up and I took it.

My sister is in a much different place in life (early 30s no kids, which she does want) and I don't blame her for being cautious of putting something relatively untested (in comparison to other vaccines) into her body.

I've had several vaccinated friends contract covid and it makes me at least question if I should've been more cautious before putting this into my body. Like I said though I've done much wilder ****.

The funny thing is I do see a lot of people rushing to day yes we should have vaccine mandates for jobs/ businesses we frequent/ clubs etc.

That entire way of thinking is a slippery slope to me and not one I'm so willingly going to give into at this point..

Not to get too personal but my dad can also be an extremely shady dude. He has 8 sisters of his own, for him to lecture me about convincing my sister to get this vaccine without even inquiring with one of my aunt's about their health and well-being was *** backwards to me and I told him so.
The thing is, it's more than just "my body, my choice" thing.

This is more like second hand smoke. The unvaccinated choose to put themselves at risk, and by doing so, they also threaten the well-being of those around them. That's never ok.
I should clarify that my sister is not of the mindset that she will never get it. She just wants to wait until there is more data. Especially since she would like to have kids soon and the research is inconclusive regarding the down stream effects of this.
People are twisting this to make it sound worse than it is. There was never any force, you have a choice to do it or not, but your father wouldn't have even gotten a US Visa to visit without mandatory vaccines.
Totally agree. My pop came from Nigeria when it was bad too so that's never lost on me. He has vaccine scars from **** I've never even contemplated growing up.

It does seem like people are pushing the forced Vax whether we admit it or not. Even within this thread people are somewhat socially shaming my sister for just wanting more time. Not even saying no but just saying yo give me a lil more lead time before I take this path.

Humans are weird man.
Ultimately vaccination is a choice but you can’t be mad when you can’t enter a private business , are asked to mask up at a public place or get fired due to new job requirements.

these protests are funny to me private businesses are free to mandate whatever they want and until unvaccinated folks become a protected class, you gotta bounce.
Ultimately vaccination is a choice but you can’t be mad when you can’t enter a private business , are asked to mask up at a public place or get fired due to new job requirements.

these protests are funny to me private businesses are free to mandate whatever they want and until unvaccinated folks become a protected class, you gotta bounce.

I totally get it.

We masked up for almost all.of 2020 with no complaint. Private businesses will do what they do and that's understandable.

However from a job perspective this makes me at least a tiny bit fearful to allow a job to determine your qualification based on vaccination.

By no means am I calling anyone a sheep but this doesn't seem like someone we should give into without at least a second thought.
I'm gonna be honest with you my guy. I only got vaccinated because 1. I'm all about convenience, 2. I've done some very wild **** in my life. This isn't the time for me to start questioning people smarter than me.

With that said even before I got the shot I always said I wasn't in a rush. My "turn" came up and I took it.

My sister is in a much different place in life (early 30s no kids, which she does want) and I don't blame her for being cautious of putting something relatively untested (in comparison to other vaccines) into her body.

I've had several vaccinated friends contract covid and it makes me at least question if I should've been more cautious before putting this into my body. Like I said though I've done much wilder ****.

The funny thing is I do see a lot of people rushing to day yes we should have vaccine mandates for jobs/ businesses we frequent/ clubs etc.

That entire way of thinking is a slippery slope to me and not one I'm so willingly going to give into at this point..

Not to get too personal but my dad can also be an extremely shady dude. He has 8 sisters of his own, for him to lecture me about convincing my sister to get this vaccine without even inquiring with one of my aunt's about their health and well-being was *** backwards to me and I told him so.
I can sort of see where your sister is coming from. I tend to forget, for example, how much pregnant women need to worry about substances that can harm them or the fetus. So I'm ok with her taking some time and talking it over with her gynecologist. Then again, she's had 6+ months to do that.

Regardless of her reasons for not getting the vaccine, if she is serious about your patients' health, it's reasonable for her to do what many of us did before the vaccine. Before I got vaccinated, I wouldn't see a soul for the 10-14 days before I visited elderly family. I would get tested at least once or twice and wear an N95 mask when traveling. So if she's really serious about her concerns about the vaccine, she should have no problem doing the same to see her parents.
I can sort of see where your sister is coming from. I tend to forget, for example, how much pregnant women need to worry about substances that can harm them or the fetus. So I'm ok with her taking some time and talking it over with her gynecologist. Then again, she's had 6+ months to do that.

Regardless of her reasons for not getting the vaccine, I think it's reasonable for her to do what many of us did before the vaccine. Before I got vaccinated, I wouldn't see a soul for the 10-14 days before I visited elderly family. I would get tested at least once or twice and wear an N95 mask when traveling. So if she's really serious about her concerns about the vaccine, she should have no problem doing the same to see her parents.
My sister actually had covid at one point and she treats that **** super serious.

I agree with you about taking serious precautions when visiting family etc if you choose to live that life but ultimately that's her decision and she would have to understand why people would make such requests.

I only posted my story because I really wanted to share some real life examples of how this vax/ non vax argument has begun to brew in many homes. I'm sure that I have a rather light version of what's starting to take place in many social circles around the country.
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If someone was actively trying to have kids, I could see the point. Honestly in this era, I would be more cautious to have a kid because of everything else happening. I think that's a struggle that not everyone on here can relate to with what's happening in the world. It's a tough spot that is definitely hard for people not in those shoes to align with, I do agree with that.
If someone was actively trying to have kids, I could see the point. Honestly in this era, I would be more cautious to have a kid because of everything else happening. I think that's a struggle that not everyone on here can relate to with what's happening in the world. It's a tough spot that is definitely hard for people not in those shoes to align with, I do agree with that.
I had quite a few friends have kids last year, most were pregnant before covid and it just kinda happened.

I would agree now isn't an ideal time but do we really know when this is over. Unfortunately, many women in that 30+ club that don't have children start to feel as though they are on a biological timer. The older women get the harder pregnancy can be.

It's a tough spot all around to be in. I'm actually planning my wedding right now and we finally had to make the very hard decision to cancel our destination wedding plans because there just doesn't seem to be a logical end in sight and many of our guest have begun to inquire if they should buy tickets or not (our destination country has yet to even open their boarders).
I totally get it.

We masked up for almost all.of 2020 with no complaint. Private businesses will do what they do and that's understandable.

However from a job perspective this makes me at least a tiny bit fearful to allow a job to determine your qualification based on vaccination.

By no means am I calling anyone a sheep but this doesn't seem like someone we should give into without at least a second thought.

it's harsh but a business is out to protect itself no matter what. qualifications are one thing but health/welfare in an office or any other shared space is different. cant have outbreaks slowing down productivity/profit.

the science and the data are there. mRNA vaccines have been in the works for over a decade since SARS. I understand there's hesitancy but the real information is out there and people are gonna believe what they want at the end of the day. humans can be stubborn nonsensical organisms lol.
I'm gonna be honest with you my guy. I only got vaccinated because 1. I'm all about convenience, 2. I've done some very wild **** in my life. This isn't the time for me to start questioning people smarter than me.

With that said even before I got the shot I always said I wasn't in a rush. My "turn" came up and I took it.

My sister is in a much different place in life (early 30s no kids, which she does want) and I don't blame her for being cautious of putting something relatively untested (in comparison to other vaccines) into her body.

I've had several vaccinated friends contract covid and it makes me at least question if I should've been more cautious before putting this into my body. Like I said though I've done much wilder ****.

The funny thing is I do see a lot of people rushing to day yes we should have vaccine mandates for jobs/ businesses we frequent/ clubs etc.

That entire way of thinking is a slippery slope to me and not one I'm so willingly going to give into at this point..

Not to get too personal but my dad can also be an extremely shady dude. He has 8 sisters of his own, for him to lecture me about convincing my sister to get this vaccine without even inquiring with one of my aunt's about their health and well-being was *** backwards to me and I told him so.
The is no slippery slope as far as vaccine mandates.

This is not some "my body my choice" steez. It is more like "my choice, everyone's problem"

I really can't believe you typed that last sentence and thought it was a good idea to post. It doesn't make your dad look bad, it makes you do
If a job is requiring the vaccine that is clearly something that is a part of their core values, and if it isn't one of yours, you should strongly reconsider if working for that environment is something that you want to continue to be a part of.

I don't think it should be a requirement, however, if that's the case and that's where I WANT to work, I would be damn sure to do my part or start searching elsewhere.
The is no slippery slope as far as vaccine mandates.

This is not some "my body my choice" steez. It is more like "my choice, everyone's problem"

I really can't believe you typed that last sentence and thought it was a good idea to post. It doesn't make your dad look bad, it makes you do
Rusty I respect you too much to go back and forth about it. You feel how you feel I feel how I feel.

On this subject we happen to disagree and I can take that.

Maybe I overshared in this situation but you'd have to live my life to understand how true my words are.
My wife is pregnant now with our first baby and we’ve decided not to get her vaccinated for now.. I work in healthcare, support vaccines, treated several COVID + patients and have given 1000s+ COVID vaccines during the pandemic.. still decided against it.

When we’re talking about a developing embryo at its most critical stage of development.. maybe third trimester, but not yet. I’ve given it to several pregnant ladies and MD recommends it, but we’re holding off
My wife is pregnant now with our first baby and we’ve decided not to get her vaccinated for now.. I work in healthcare, support vaccines, treated several COVID + patients and have given 1000s+ COVID vaccines during the pandemic.. still decided against it.

When we’re talking about a developing embryo at its most critical stage of development.. maybe third trimester, but not yet. I’ve given it to several pregnant ladies and MD recommends it, but we’re holding off

All I can say is I get it fam and congrats. I wish you guys nothing but health and happiness.
My wife is pregnant now with our first baby and we’ve decided not to get her vaccinated for now.. I work in healthcare, support vaccines, treated several COVID + patients and have given 1000s+ COVID vaccines during the pandemic.. still decided against it.

When we’re talking about a developing embryo at its most critical stage of development.. maybe third trimester, but not yet. I’ve given it to several pregnant ladies and MD recommends it, but we’re holding off

I’ve always said the only excuse I see for not getting the vaccine is current pregnancy or auto immune disease. Other than that I don’t want to hear any excuses.

I’ll repeat also what I’ve said a few times before, no government would risk to provide the vaccine to their healthcare workers as a priority in the middle of a pandemic if it was risky. If they died it would cause the country to go into a free fall and cause imminent collapse.
My wife is pregnant now with our first baby and we’ve decided not to get her vaccinated for now.. I work in healthcare, support vaccines, treated several COVID + patients and have given 1000s+ COVID vaccines during the pandemic.. still decided against it.

When we’re talking about a developing embryo at its most critical stage of development.. maybe third trimester, but not yet. I’ve given it to several pregnant ladies and MD recommends it, but we’re holding off
congrats and best wishes for the health of your wife and future child.

you probably know as well as anyone, but it's worth reiterating that the vaccine is not the only way to stay safe. between masking up, vaccinating people around her, avoiding people who are sick, and getting covid tests for would-be visitors, you can keep her pretty safe.

one reason to consider getting her vaxxed before she delivers is that antibodies will cross the placenta and via breast milk to your baby and give some protection.
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