Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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They tried to push for more testing last year here in NY, but a lot of parents starting putting pressure on the city to lessen the testing standards. Eventually the testing standards got whittled down to nothing. The ugly truth is that school is free baby sitting. I’d like to think it will be different this time as last year, kids weren’t considered to be at risk. Reality is, they will probably push even harder this time. A bunch of them actively conspired to not inform the schools of potentially infectious families. Humans can really suck.

That makes it even more important to test regularly as a condition of being allowed to participate in in-person education and extra curricular activities when there has been clear evidence that people are withholding information about exposure. I remember hearing about a case locally where they allowed a sibling to attend school while his brother in the same household was out with COVID. C'mon...
One of the local bars just put a "vaccine required for indoor seating" policy in effect. Most people seem chill about it from what I was reading.

The question is, it seems pretty damn easy to make a fake vaccine card. At what point does having a standardized system for every state come into play if this will work? Otherwise were just going back to the honor system because people WILL exploit it, like anything in life.
I’ll repeat also what I’ve said a few times before, no government would risk to provide the vaccine to their healthcare workers as a priority in the middle of a pandemic if it was risky. If they died it would cause the country to go into a free fall and cause imminent collapse.
bro this is exactly what I’ve told people since the vaccine rollout. If government was iffy about the vaccine they would not offer it first to all frontline workers because if the world needs one group of people during this time it is definitely healthcare workers. If they are all gone then we’re all ******.
bro this is exactly what I’ve told people since the vaccine rollout. If government was iffy about the vaccine they would not offer it first to all frontline workers because if the world needs one group of people during this time it is definitely healthcare workers. If they are all gone then we’re all ****ed.
It's the same thing with folks who claim that it was a conspiracy. China is rescinding their one child policy and allowing families to have up to three kids to combat an aging population. Why would they kill their people with this virus?

Similarly, why would the illuminati, who have nothing to gain from slowing down global commerce, allow the release of a highly contagious virus that would disrupt work in factories and office spaces?

There is no logic to their nonsense, but they think so highly of themselves they can't take two seconds to evaluate the stuff they absorb on social media.
bro this is exactly what I’ve told people since the vaccine rollout. If government was iffy about the vaccine they would not offer it first to all frontline workers because if the world needs one group of people during this time it is definitely healthcare workers. If they are all gone then we’re all ****ed.

Unless they have been secretly forming their own army of healthcare workers and we are forced to comply with their rules because the worldwide population needs to be controlled.
People would simply say "I'm not gettin testid for your fake vahrus"

The problem is that it makes things like contact tracing that much more difficult. This is a public health nightmare. It could only work if lack of a negative test would block you from being able to participate in everyday activities. Amazing that this has become such a wedge issue.
Which, to be fair, is damn near the equivalent of proof of vaccine to do certain things.

Only there's no waiting for the results, it's just "here you go, I did my part that was free, easy, and is thinking of the well being of myself and others"
Thoughts on contact tracing at this point?

My area just had a school announce that their district had 4 cases but wanted to reassure us that it wasn't contracted at school. How do they know that?

For a year plus, whereever you worked was considered the source site, and we had grocery stores and other places get shut down. If a teacher or student brought it to school, it didn't matter how at the time. Now contact tracing wants to be more specific? Good luck with that.

I've been a hundred places in the last 14 days across the country, and we used to blame my workplace if I happened to catch it.
Thoughts on contact tracing at this point?

My area just had a school announce that their district had 4 cases but wanted to reassure us that it wasn't contracted at school. How do they know that?

For a year plus, whereever you worked was considered the source site, and we had grocery stores and other places get shut down. If a teacher or student brought it to school, it didn't matter how at the time. Now contact tracing wants to be more specific? Good luck with that.

I've been a hundred places in the last 14 days across the country, and we used to blame my workplace if I happened to catch it.
I was just talking to a co-worker about this very topic.

The question was whether or not we would have to use sick leave if we got sick @ School.

She said, "They would probably just say you have to prove you got sick from the school."

So yea, I forsee schools just saying, "It didn't happen here" as a way to just keep things going without shutting down again.
I think contact tracing for schools like elementary for example tend to be possible with smaller classroom sizes, etc. But idk about otherwise. I think y'all are right.
I was just talking to a co-worker about this very topic.

The question was whether or not we would have to use sick leave if we got sick @ School.

She said, "They would probably just say you have to prove you got sick from the school."

So yea, I forsee schools just saying, "It didn't happen here" as a way to just keep things going without shutting down again.
Luckily my state enacted forced PTO based on hours worked but it doesn't go into effect for awhile. . It doesn't amount to much but it's a crazy proposal. 32 hours worked grants you one hour of PTO.

Where I work, i can't truly use sick time without a write up. I have 5-6 weeks worth of time ready. And this is union work.

What the government proposes and what is actually happening is just so sad. Last year vs. this year is not much different.

For 90% of folks out there, if you work grocery stores and get sick, you are sol. The big unemployment push should have gone to these essential workers. It's just so bad for so many right now.

My work said they would cover covid sick pay after we went through short term disability as well as other measures. The hoops to jump through for $200 back is just so crazy.
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