Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I just read an article on healthcare workers protesting the mandatory vaccination guideline.

Why the eff are you in healthcare then?

The only ones I have empathy for are those who have already been infected and recovered who can show measurable antibody and/or T cell immune responses. IMO, these people should at least be allowed to work without being vaccinated (while masked, obviously) until their antibodies have waned significantly.
the bank my wife works at is requiring vaccination. we barely speak to our MAGA in-laws but they found out (it was in the news) and sent a text to her saying that they would write her a religious exemption letter (they run a small church) not even knowing that my wife has been fully vaccinated for months already. after all the sacrifices we've made to keep our family and loved ones safe, this text set my wife off. she was livid. she cut off all communication and refuses to answer their calls/texts. i don't wish death upon anyone but maybe a little near-death experience perhaps? can i wish that on someone?

A check left hook to your Father in Law's jaw is very appropriate in this situation
Imagine the potential chaos that would've went down if the orange man got a second term in the president's seat. The Governor of Florida's nad sack would've swollen to the size of two grapefruits from the rush of testosterone that must come from the sadistic power trip he would get from having ... absolute power. Ish would be worse in every red state.
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First two weeks of school for a lot of districts and already seeing a ton of cases being reported. This is heading straight back to remote learning.

There are some obvious problems that I have already noticed at my kids' school that are likely not unique, but could be easily addressed if the school actually cared enough to bother. They are all common sense and nothing that would even require money, but I get the sense that they are simply things that the school is doing to try and normalize the in-person experience.

#1 most important is keeping classroom doors and windows wide open for ventilation. In an effort to keep kids from being distracted and maintain a nice cool temperature, the first thing teachers do is close all the doors and windows. Especially in the morning hours before it gets hot, doors and windows should be open with a fan at each corner of the room circulating air.

#2 and nearly as important is keeping all students facing the same direction with as much spacing between desks as possible. In both of my kids' classes, students are in groups of 4 - 2x2 side by side and face to face, with zero separation between desks. This is such an obvious recipe for disaster. If 1 of those kids is sick, all 4 will get sick.

#3 they are allowing parents, guardians, and siblings on campus without masks. Students are required to wear masks indoors, but do not have to wear masks outdoors and there is no distancing requirement or even suggestion. If you want to create an environment that is as safe and healthy as possible, masks should be required from the moment anyone steps on school grounds. All snacks and meals should be eaten outdoors with appropriate distancing encouraged.

I'm sure there are more, but these are low hanging fruit that could be implemented immediately with no cost. Instead, they will wait for cases to accumulate and be reactive instead of proactive. It's a Catholic school, so I'm sure they would rather pray that the Holy Spirit keeps the kids healthy than take the necessary effort.
wow! that’s crazy to allow other people on campus, let alone mask-less. my son starts later this month and they will still be wearing masks inside and out, lunch without masks will be held outside. kids are isolated by pods/homeroom. i think all staff have been vaccinated as well as students who meet the age requirement. i’m sure there will still be issues. again, i can’t ******* believe we are back at square one. idiots.
I’m ready to leave the classroom. I’ve been updating my resume and am going to start applying to jobs next week. I came to terms with school shootings but having to watch out for gunmen AND infectious diseases??

I’ll pass don’t get paid enough. Especially when I have the credentials to make 2-3x my salary.
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