Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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if true, **** antivaxxers.

Absolutely true. Last year in NY, it got so bad that paramedics/EMTs couldn’t even bring most heart attack patients to the hospital. They had to decide viability/handle the care in the ambulance. Back then, you would hear sirens literally all day and night. They had residents from various specialties focusing exclusively on covid patients. Even neurosurgery…
I got a former coworker that had to get her parathyroid removed, and that procedure has been indefinitely delayed because of the lack of beds

Kinda feel sorry for her because she was a friend

But I kinda don't because she has been a covid skeptic from the jump, ranted constantly because her cruise got canceled, wanted Trump to win because she finds liberals annoying, didn't want to get vaccinated, and only recently did because her doctor and boss pressured her. She didn't want to have unproven mRNA vaccines, so she got the J&J.

Now she is ranting on FB about all the unvaccinated people in Vegas that are holding her up, and putting her health at risk
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I got a former coworker that had to get her parathyroid removed, and that procedure has been indefinitely delayed because of the lack of beds

Kinda feel sorry for her because she was a friend

But I kinda don't because she has been a covid skeptic from the jump, ranted constantly because her cruise got canceled, wanted Trump to win because she finds liberals annoying, didn't want to get vaccinated, and only recently did because her doctor and boss pressured her. She didn't want to have unproven mRNA vaccines, so she got the J&J.

Now she is ranting on FB about all the unvaccinated people in Vegas that are holding her up, and putting her health at risk

I really want to pull the Dave chapelle giph of **** her. But I get it. I have 2 anti vax trump supporters that as much I hate that they are that I also can’t give up decades of friendship over. Been through too much **** with them and they did so much for me too
I really want to pull the Dave chapelle giph of **** her. But I get it. I have 2 anti vax trump supporters that as much I hate that they are that I also can’t give up decades of friendship over. Been through too much **** with them and they did so much for me too

That is where I'm at with 1 of my friends. Him and I are polar opposites on this stuff, and he has a wife that he has brainwashed to think the same, and they have two small children that he refuses to enroll into the school system due to not wanting him to wear a mask. Its really just sad to me, because there's NOTHING that will change his mind, and the further this goes, the further we grow.
I actually don't even know if any of my friends are antivaxxers. I've only talked to two of them in the past 2 years. If I got covid and died most wouldn't even know.
That is where I'm at with 1 of my friends. Him and I are polar opposites on this stuff, and he has a wife that he has brainwashed to think the same, and they have two small children that he refuses to enroll into the school system due to not wanting him to wear a mask. Its really just sad to me, because there's NOTHING that will change his mind, and the further this goes, the further we grow.

I use to actually have constructive discussion with them about politics too. And while they were blinded by Fox News they weren’t like totally dismissive of everything. The trump presidency changed all of that though. I agreed with them to not discuss any politics while we hang out since around 2019.
Seems like there are going to be a lot of government and healthcare jobs opening up in October...

I work in healthcare IT and my company just announced the mandatory vaccines on Monday. Anti vaxxers are out on full force on our Yammer forum, complaining about being "coerced" when they can just find another job. Going to be an interesting couple months :emoji_popcorn:.

95% of our physicians are vaccinated, compared to 78% of our clinical staff and 76% of our non-clinical staff. If they dont want to get vaccinated, theyre working in the wrong industry.
Idk what rate my job is at. We got a bunch of hipster libs at my job but a lot of dumb rednecks too.

One of our mechanics used to be a journalist and has a masters in it. I want to get him to write a report on our company. :lol:

slowly but surely the industry is changing though.
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