Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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This new AstraZeneca drug sounds pretty impressive, TBH. An injectable antibody therapy to prevent COVID similar to existing monoclonal antibody therapy, but doesn't require infusion. Doesn't work if you already have COVID though.

  • primary use would be for a minority of people with chronic diseases and other conditions that could render vaccines less effective
  • 77% efficacy in reducing risk of symptomatic Covid-19 compared with a placebo in late-stage clinical trials testing its usefulness as a preventive treatment

Over the weekend I had two separate conversations. One with my Trump-supporting anti-vax cousin, and one with a former girlfriend that also doesn't trust the vaccine (she suffers from anemia and type 1 diabetes)

Both these clowns were on some "I don't trust the vaccine", "Big Pharma pushing stuff", "God got me" steez

Yet both are celebrating the results from the Merck drug trial results as another reason not to get vaccinated. Because if they contract it, there is gonna be an effective treatment

I tried to point out the blatant hypocrisy, but both of them just hit me with word salads to defend their decisions

I truly don't understand their reluctance against the proven vaccines from big pharma, but their embrace of potential unproven treatment from big pharma.

About 2 weeks ago Michael Dowling (CEO of Northwell Health) held a virtual open house with Northwell employees regarding the vaccine mandate. He essentially told everyone that Northwell Health gets over 200 applications a day and that he's not worried about the loss of staff. It was one of the few instances where I approved of a CEO essentially giving a big "**** you" to their employees.

Healthcare workers (particularly RNs, LPNs, CNAs, and MAs) need to understand how replaceable they are. Someone did your job just fine before you came along, and there's always gonna be someone that can take your place. Don't be fooled by the "hero" talk. You are dispensible and always have been. That's just the nature of the industry.
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The rep for the teachers union in NY keep saying they're not anti-vaccine, just anti-mandate. Then all of those dummies should just get the vaccine and shut up. Those idiots shouldn't be teaching or be around kids anyway.
I hope these same mfer's weren't around over 20 years ago when they mandated I get vaccines to go to NYC schools.

I got my 2nd Moderna shot on Tuesday I didn’t get sick from either shot meanwhile everyone I know felt at least a little bit sick on the day after the 2nd shot, did they give me the saline placebo vaccine instead of the real poison vaccine?
did you check your cell phone signal? it might take 7-10 business days to activate though so be patient.
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