Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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We have no reason to not stick to the spacing at least. Why do you want to be so close to strangers?
Was just issuing someone a laptop at work and I needed to do some stuff on my machine before letting them walk out. Person stands couldn’t have been less than 2 feet away from me then apologizes since she realized and step back further.

It’s like if you go out your way to be distanced from people they still try to invade your space for no reason.
So my daughter's classmate that sits next to her (don't get me started) got COVID. When the school notified us yesterday we immediately monitored her symptoms and she was acting fine and didn't feel sick.

She woke up feeling normal and will test her today. She's also is the last remaining student in her class to wear a mask.

Be safe y'all.
Update: Daughter developed a stuffy nose last night. Gave her a test this morning and she tested positive.

Our my wife, 3-yo, and I aren’t showing any symptoms at the moment.

Man, this sucks.

How is that even a headline? - it’s been a basic fact from the beginning of this thing that there’s no long term immunity from being infected - that’s why herd immunity was always nonsense.

If people decide to behave like it’s all over then they will get infected over and over - and there’s mounting evidence that that may lead to organ damage.
How is that even a headline? - it’s been a basic fact from the beginning of this thing that there’s no long term immunity from being infected - that’s why herd immunity was always nonsense.

If people decide to behave like it’s all over then they will get infected over and over - and there’s mounting evidence that that may lead to organ damage.
Should I be worried after having it twice?
How do you feel? Any long COVID symptoms or other noticable differences in your health post infections?
Honestly, memory has been terrible and upper respiratory system has been trash as well.

About to start working out again to lose this pandemic gut but definitely get winded a lot faster these days
Hopefully you start feeling like yourself again and the symptoms don't get any worse.
Thanks pa. Only time I haven’t felt like myself is when work takes me to the stage of quitting. Fortunately that’s only been twice

There’s nothing you can do at this stage but you definitely want to avoid repeated infections by simple mitigations. The people saying “we’ll, I’ve had it now so what’s the point” or “we’re all going to get it anyway” are naive IMO.
Man to tell you the truth idk where I got it the second time. Unlike last year (didn’t get it) I’ve been a lot more cautious and make sure to stay away from the unmasked when out. Come to think of it, I may have caught it from one of the women I’m dating. Dammit
Just tested positive
Only had fever for 2 days but I feel fine probably asymptomatic

Some dude was blowing his nose in the throw up bag across the isle last Wednesday from Hawaii :angry:
wassup man. hope you recover quickly.

we leave for the mainland in 8 days. wife has to work in office next week. couple of her co-workers and my co-workers have tested positive this past week. feel like bubble wrapping myself and hiding in a closet until we leave but i have to work too. mannnn.....i don't wanna have stayed negative this whole time only to blow it when i need it the most.
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Was watching a Japanese youtuber's Costco vlog and they still got the combo pizza over there. Their food court options are better too. They have baked potato, cheeseburger, and a bulgogi bake instead of a chicken bake.
Was watching a Japanese youtuber's Costco vlog and they still got the combo pizza over there. Their food court options are better too. They have baked potato, cheeseburger, and a bulgogi bake instead of a chicken bake.
I’m sure the customers over there are a lot more civilized in Costco as opposed to the ones in America
I’m in the airport - heading to London For a work thing. It’s the busiest place I’ve seen in 2 years - not helped by a European soccer match so there are tons of supporters of one of the localish teams, and that’s an unpleasant crowd of 20-50 year old men let loose for the weekend.

I can see about 1000 people from my corner and maybe 5 masks. Crazy.
Had to ask a grown man to cover his mouth when coughing. It’s so frustrating how irresponsible people are. I peeped him in the waiting area just being nasty. Then with the worst luck ever he sits next to me on the plane. I wiped down my seats, had a 3m aura and botn kf94 on. I was uncomfortable but I didn’t care. He coughed and didn’t cover and I lost it. I was like please have some consideration and cover your mouth. He was polite about it and started to do it but the aloofness was alarming.

They need to reinstate masks on public transportation.

Tested negative so far. Praying still however
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Yes. Lol a n95 and kn95

Was it hard to breathe? My biggest worry is that you would restrict airflow so much that rather than filtering the air you would create leaks around the mask. Think of a dirty/blocked HVAC filter where air WILL eventually find the area of least resistance.
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