Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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What worked in other countries? Italy is under MANDATORY QUARANTINE, the whole country is shut down, other places have farrrrrr more aggressive testing techniques, which country with its laxed “uninformed self quarantine” technique and lack of mass testing has shown signs of improvement???

Man ya look damn silly, this country took on this with the IDGA* attitude from the jump....ya keep thinking social distancing will do the trick.

If social distancing doesn't work, then we'll try lockdown. Everyone will complain and be annoyed over it. That's what will happen.
The info you're giving is fine, but you're being over dramatic expressing it. Does that make sense?

You constantly keep missing my point, i legit DONT even think we disagree at all....I’m actually being the opposite of dramatic, I’m putting in question these ignorant measures people here in the states are calling for thinking it’ll do much at this point....causing mass histeria and paranoia about something we simply had time to prepare of for weeks and didn’t take serious enough till it hit home, now the **** is out of control and everyone wants to act like an infection control expert siting online articles with probably 0 actual first hand experience with C19 lol
Im not ridiculing per say, I just find these measures people are taking Fer more panic inducing and almost like an attempt to chase clout or get viral hits on a social media platform, i actually find it corny, we would be getting smacked regardless of what poor attempts at isolation people been doing for the past weeks, the second people start tweaking about a mandatory isolation as opposed to BEGGING for one is when I’ll know, people are actually taking this serious and not as an excuse from work.
being able to find anything CORNY in a pandemic situation is odd though.
Your boy Tariq Nasheed said black people and African people don’t get the virus lol. What a clown.
What has not been mentioned it seems is that one of the first people to recover from said virus, was African. I think that what will not happen is any discussion of Black people/ Africans, being able to withstand something that may be catastrophic to those who are not Black. If it turns out that racism and oppression are the very things that boosted our immune response to such a disease? I can’t be mad at that.
You constantly keep missing my point, i legit DONT even think we disagree at all....I’m actually being the opposite of dramatic, I’m putting in question these ignorant measures people here in the states are calling for thinking it’ll do much at this point....causing mass histeria and paranoia about something we simply had time to prepare of for weeks and didn’t take serious enough till it hit home, now the **** is out of control and everyone wants to act like an infection control expert siting online articles with probably 0 actual first hand experience with C19 lol

It's the people. They dont know how to act calm and with an open mind. So in the face of anything potentially dangerous then the norm, they panic and become what we are seeing now. instead of just sitting back and seeing what to do to get through it.
being able to find anything CORNY in a pandemic situation is odd though.
Hold my beer...

Never realized how much i touch my face
i was shocked when i actually paid attention to my hand movements.

went to a kid’s birthday party yesterday that had about 30 people. today we have one that’s going to have about 200+ i’m pretty sure my wife is cancelling that one. we’ll. probably head to an empty beach and soak up some sun.
i was shocked when i actually paid attention to my hand movements.

went to a kid’s birthday party yesterday that had about 30 people. today we have one that’s going to have about 200+ i’m pretty sure my wife is cancelling that one. we’ll. probably head to an empty beach and soak up some sun.
200+ people?? Whoa. Kid life be having some ragers
can't remember the post from someone who listed the vitamins there were taking. The post where a mushroom powder was mentioned.

What are you guys taking besides daily multi vitamin supplement, Vitamin C and Vitamin D?

One thing I'm learning in this experience is I should know more about vitamins. My current knowledge is trash and as a 45 year old, I'm disappointed in myself.
Im just calling it how I see it, the cases here in NY are piling up, I said this time and time again, we are passed the point of actual containment and these BS measures ya talking about like self isolation that isn’t isolation at all, are not gonna do **** to slow it down at this point because farrrr too many people are already walking around spreading this, all this is doing is creating mass histeria at this point....boos your immune systems, check on your elders and advice them not to go out...keep your distance from those who are compromised, if you live with these individuals, go crash with other family members who are not as much at risk of becoming very ill because of this....I’ve had first hand experience with this from the second it broke in NY and I told people to be cautious then, so I’m not making light of this situation AT ALL....simply kicking ya with the facts that if you are walking around with a mask that isn’t an N95, with visors that would protect your eyes, with a bunny suit and gloves, YOU SIMPLY AINT DOING ***** these are the measures we take to care for the infected and I guarantee you we are still exposed.....also self quarantine unless you live alone or quarantined your whole family, will do very little as well, specially when you give yourself 14 days and somehow it seems most people think that by doing their time, once they step out, is alllllll good for them :lol:

This thing will go through it’s phase and slow down, oncemost of the population has contracted it and phased over it....there will be deaths, it’s inmevitable at this point.

But I’ll let ya experts toot ya horns.
You're talking to some imaginary straw man who thinks wearing a mask and staying home for 2 weeks is going to solve this. We more or less agree I think on the bigger picture though.

Most (some? a few?) of us in here understand 1) government shutdown of some sort is needed, 2) this will take 1-2 months, not 14 days, 3) in lieu of a complete shutdown, the LEAST we can do is isolate ourselves as much as possible, both to avoid getting corona, which then means we pass it on, and to avoid passing along corona in case we already have it, 4) it's already everywhere and the reported numbers are ~2 weeks behind.

Everyone I've talked to more or less understands these things and is doing their best and is expecting a more complete shutdown in the next week or two. Maybe we're not "experts" (but some of us are as close as you'll get to one), but if you look at the numbers from Wuhan and Italy, it's not hard to see where we're headed and what we need to do and what works and what doesn't work.
Im just calling it how I see it, the cases here in NY are piling up, I said this time and time again, we are passed the point of actual containment and these BS measures ya talking about like self isolation that isn’t isolation at all, are not gonna do **** to slow it down at this point because farrrr too many people are already walking around spreading this, all this is doing is creating mass histeria at this point....boos your immune systems, check on your elders and advice them not to go out...keep your distance from those who are compromised, if you live with these individuals, go crash with other family members who are not as much at risk of becoming very ill because of this....I’ve had first hand experience with this from the second it broke in NY and I told people to be cautious then, so I’m not making light of this situation AT ALL....simply kicking ya with the facts that if you are walking around with a mask that isn’t an N95, with visors that would protect your eyes, with a bunny suit and gloves, YOU SIMPLY AINT DOING ***** these are the measures we take to care for the infected and I guarantee you we are still exposed.....also self quarantine unless you live alone or quarantined your whole family, will do very little as well, specially when you give yourself 14 days and somehow it seems most people think that by doing their time, once they step out, is alllllll good for them :lol:

This thing will go through it’s phase and slow down, oncemost of the population has contracted it and phased over it....there will be deaths, it’s inmevitable at this point.

But I’ll let ya experts toot ya horns.
My dude .. NYC ain't the USA.

You talking like everyone in NYC has it ...

If people would take this **** serious and seld quarantine for 2 weeks, by that time a lot of people would know if they have it and can proceed to self quarantine which I believe is the point. Instead people are continuing to party and act like nothing because they all have it but yet they dont and are getting infected.
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