Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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You're talking to some imaginary straw man who thinks wearing a mask and staying home for 2 weeks is going to solve this. We more or less agree I think on the bigger picture though.

Most (some? a few?) of us in here understand 1) government shutdown of some sort is needed, 2) this will take 1-2 months, not 14 days, 3) in lieu of a complete shutdown, the LEAST we can do is isolate ourselves as much as possible, both to avoid getting corona, which then means we pass it on, and to avoid passing along corona in case we already have it, 4) it's already everywhere and the reported numbers are ~2 weeks behind.

Everyone I've talked to more or less understands these things and is doing their best and is expecting a more complete shutdown in the next week or two. Maybe we're not "experts" (but some of us are as close as you'll get to one), but if you look at the numbers from Wuhan and Italy, it's not hard to see where we're headed and what we need to do and what works and what doesn't work.
The only thing you said that I haven’t experienced is that everyone you’ve talked to understands. Almost nobody I’ve discussed it with understands even the most basic things many of us paying attention have known for months.
My dude .. NYC ain't the USA.

You talking like everyone in NYC has it ...

If people would take this **** serious and seld quarantine for 2 weeks, by that time a lot of people would know if they have it and can proceed to self quarantine which I believe is the point. Instead people are continuing to party and act like nothing because they all have it but yet they dont and are getting infected.
People are going to People, can't expect better. Only a government mandated lock down will accomplish any semblance of an optimal quarantine

I honestly do wonder if that's even feasible just with the way our country is situated and in the densely populated cities
can't remember the post from someone who listed the vitamins there were taking. The post where a mushroom powder was mentioned.

What are you guys taking besides daily multi vitamin supplement, Vitamin C and Vitamin D?

One thing I'm learning in this experience is I should know more about vitamins. My current knowledge is trash and as a 45 year old, I'm disappointed in myself.

It was Lion's Mane Mushroom powder he posted...You can also get it fresh too (check gallery pg.5)

Cod Liver Oil (in capsules for easier consumption) is very high in VitD, Om3...etc
Organic ACV twice daily to keep up stomach acidity
Good quality probiotic capsules
Tom Hanks got it in Australia & it's still the tail end of summer out there. Yea, not sure about that hot weather theory lol.
Summer colds are the worst imo. I can only remember having one but it was memorable. Too hot outside and ac too cold inside. I wound up sleeping with the ac on and window open.
People are going to People, can't expect better. Only a government mandated lock down will accomplish any semblance of an optimal quarantine

I honestly do wonder if that's even feasible just with the way our country is situated and in the densely populated cities

densely populated cities are the easiest to enforce lockdown. It’s all the big spread out areas that would be impossible to contain.
densely populated cities are the easiest to enforce lockdown. It’s all the big spread out areas that would be impossible to contain.
I guess I just meant in the case if you'd get high volumes of opposition to the lockdown those could be ugly scenes

But yes to your second point, exactly
It was Lion's Mane Mushroom powder he posted...You can also get it fresh too (check gallery pg.5)

Cod Liver Oil (in capsules for easier consumption) is very high in VitD, Om3...etc
Organic ACV twice daily to keep up stomach acidity
Good quality probiotic capsules
thank you again. When this is all over and you're ever in the LA area, steak dinner on me! You've done so much for this thread
The only thing you said that I haven’t experienced is that everyone you’ve talked to understands. Almost nobody I’ve discussed it with understands even the most basic things many of us paying attention have known for months.
to be fair, a lot of my friends are in science or medicine, so that helps. also some who have come from war-torn countries or lived through poverty or grew up with a lack of resources already understand what it's like to survive through a disaster that lasts for weeks, months or years, so while they don't understand the numbers they still understand the actions that need to be taken.

it's hard otherwise to get people to understand the numbers because 3% death rate doesn't sound so bad at first blush. a good place to start is to explain the lag in symptoms and diagnoses, and also the exponential spread of the virus. and how this will be crippling because hospitals will run out of beds. then not only will more people with covid-19 die, but also more people with unrelated illnesses or chronic conditions. and then say the only proven effective way to slow the spread is containment, isolation, avoidance, etc.
Never realized how much i touch my face
I think I read the average person touches their face like 23 times per hour. I'm not sure the percentage reduction, but regularly washing your hands and avoiding touching your face will greatly reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
we got 6 in hawaii now and more reports of people testing positive once they leave the islands and go home.

i know a nurse at kaiser where they’re treating one of the first to test positive. the patient is 90 and in bad shape. she said her co-workers are not afraid or in panic mode at all.

Doomed ...

Any Bartenders here? Have you guys lost a lot of business?
not a bar tender, work in a restaurant with a bar.

last night was poppin like corona didn’t exist.

this morning brunch had 12 people when normally it would be like 100.

yeah it’s gonna be slow from here on out I think.
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