Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Idk where you live but the pollen has been terrible over here in NC the last few days. Probably making a ton of people like yourself super paranoid.

Unfortunately it’s not allergies as I have also felt somewhat like I have been coming down with the flu all week.
Close gas stations? Can’t see that happening.
I guess their fear is Molotov cocktails and other combustible items being used in riots. Same with guns. Now the absence of liquor though is troubling. Let people stay drunk at home. Instead they make it seem like you'll be out causing riots with a free for all drunken attitude.

I gotta get up super early for my job, which would be before the curfew time. That's why I was asking.
It may take the country falling a apart after a global pandemic to get Trump out of office in Nov.
that's if he makes it to november

keep in mind he said he doesn't want to get tested for covid-19
I’m in my 30’s and suffer from asthma and copd and have had some symptoms this week and my breathing has been getting worse.

Not scared yet, but have no health insurance and have no idea what to think or do.

I have allergic asthma and I’m in Seattle, so believe when I say that I know where you’re coming from. Middle of the night I wake up wheezing and gasping for air. Anxiety kicks in and I think I’m infected. I’m up all night nervous. I don’t have an inhaler since it’s seasonal allergies, so I pop a Zyrtec and a Sudafed. Eventually I’m able to breathe a little more and can go to sleep. Same time every night I repeat. Hang in there!
I’m in my 30’s and suffer from asthma and copd and have had some symptoms this week and my breathing has been getting worse.

Not scared yet, but have no health insurance and have no idea what to think or do.
Yikes no health insurance...

The corona test itself is 2 grand
I have allergic asthma and I’m in Seattle, so believe when I say that I know where you’re coming from. Middle of the night I wake up wheezing and gasping for air. Anxiety kicks in and I think I’m infected. I’m up all night nervous. I don’t have an inhaler since it’s seasonal allergies, so I pop a Zyrtec and a Sudafed. Eventually I’m able to breathe a little more and can go to sleep. Same time every night I repeat. Hang in there!
Ask your doc for a prescription for Azelastine nasal spray. In combination with Flonase nightly after a hot shower, that’s been a big help for me.
Asthma sufferers and anyone else with respiratory illness.

Disneyland tonight.

And you're clearly taking it seriously. :lol:

Nah, I hear you though. I've said as much before, but worldwide, the large percentage is elderly. I've spoken on this before, so I dont want you to think I'm insensitive by any means. We all just need to do our part for those truly susceptible.
aside from those that have an underlying illness you are dealing with a virus that is 10 times more deadly than the flu that you have no immunity to that spreads easier than the flu running along side the flu. It’s a recipe for disaster because if governments didn’t or don’t take drastic measures the US hospital’s would be far past what they could handle which in a worst case scenario could result in millions of deaths just in this country. Imagine if you got hit by a car and because there are so many people hospitalized because of the flu, corona and other ailments you can’t be helped. That is exactly the concern here.

Yes, I see what's happening in Italy. I'm not reliant in the government with which how you speak...I sincerely believe this is a serious virus. I also believe the panic is too much. People gonna people, but as I have said many times before, learning the virus is most important. Most panic first, understand later.
I will admit in front of y´all I am obsessed with this point in history, and I am finally able to articulate why.

ask anybody that knows me, I have been asking anyone who would listen for YEARS what humanity´s collective response would be to something like an alien invasion...go ahead and take 5 as you realize we are finding that out even as you read this sentence.

lucky us.
Not sure what to think. A friend's girls sister works in DC for the government, claims she heard from someone else she trusts that there will be a Nationwide quarantine issued by Tuesday night. Obviously that is some more than second hand info, but at this point I believe it.
Tylenol is always the safest option when it comes to pain/fever meds. Unless you guys have severe liver problems, and all of a sudden get a fever during these times, stick to Tylenol.

NSAIDs (Advil, Aleve, etc) are generally better for pain. They wont increase the risk of complications during a fever, a viral or bacterial infection though, somewhat. You would really have to be taking high daily doses for there to be a significant impact during an infection.
I will admit in front of y´all I am obsessed with this point in history, and I am finally able to articulate why.

ask anybody that knows me, I have been asking anyone who would listen for YEARS what humanity´s collective response would be to something like an alien invasion...go ahead and take 5 as you realize we are finding that out even as you read this sentence.

lucky us.

Ok, Crazy Scientist in Independance Day.
If us young people can have anxiety when we start feeling symptoms imagine an elderly person. If you're 60+ and wake up one day coughing or having breathing issues your brain has to be running wild since you know how fatal it can be for your age group
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