Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

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Get informed ....

For real? WTF ....

Why are people taking cash out though?
i had to pay my insurance bill for my tricks which 9200 . i usually pay in cash since i go to the office and its instant, the teller told me the max cash withdrawal is 5000 at counter 3k at atm . Supposedly they were waiting on more cash to get delivered but they probably dont want customers to bankrupt the banks .
Wife's cousin added me to a group message and sent out those fake screen shots of someone's friend's cousins' mom that works for the govt. talking about shut downs in the next 48 hrs.

I called her out on it in the group text and told her to stop spreading that fake ****.

So stupid.
If you wanna know what the government is doing, before it knows what its doing? Follow Washington DC on reddit
keko jones keko jones is the little man doing ok?
I been trying to stay quiet because I dont want to jinx or give false information. But yes, right now he is fine.

However, I come to find out I was in close quarters with a woman that was in contact with someone presume to have COVID-19 and was in the ER.

However, no one knows if she has it and if she does did she get it before or after.

Just trying to remain calm.

Thanks for asking though!
nah but next time some Elon Musk tries to tell you that one is paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems one solves in a capitalist society, think really fn hard about the fact that some grad student is in a lab right now both working on The Vaccine and wondering how to pay their rent this month so
i work for SSA and we received word this morning that there will be no adverse actions taken on people and their money. we are not allowed to stop peoples payments or reduce their payments in any way. there are only certain workloads we can do and none of them will cut money, only pay it out.
nah but next time some Elon Musk tries to tell you that one is paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems one solves in a capitalist society, think really fn hard about the fact that some grad student is in a lab right now both working on The Vaccine and wondering how to pay their rent this month so
I'm not in the vaccine making business, so I don't know anything about it, but 😯 at the idea that something that important would be up to a student.
All of these things are man made creations. And I'm not talking about the virus. I'm talking about owing money to institutions, for phone bills and car notes and all those things.

Everything is dive bombing right now and all these individuals with money, political power and whatever else easily have the power to say "Let's put things on hold for a month, let things play out naturally and pick back up again". Instead all I see is greed. They have the money to push things forward, invest in more resources to battle this *** as I type but humans are too selfish and greedy.

I would like to think this might be the one time people use their heads but people are who they are. So hopefully the odds are in our favor. Cause you can't count on humans beings for ****.
Something ain’t right....there’s not enough tests and yet they’re able to determine confirmed cases by the thousands??? Doubling tripling everyday? Are the tests doubling everyday? Do you get results back overnight?
It was all good just a week ago. 2020 is a mf.

wasn´t tho. China been on fire all year...that´s 1 out of every 7 human beings.

I'm not in the vaccine making business, so I don't know anything about it, but 😯 at the idea that something that important would be up to a student.

change it up with a nurse at a major city hospital working an 18 hour shift or some WalMart cashier who IS GOING to get Rona because they have to work in a biohazard holding society together for 8 bucks an hour.

just an illustration of the appalling arrogance and class superiority contained in that quote from Musk...always rubbed me the wrong way but jfc does that **** sound stupid on March 18, 2020.
Not enough tests relative to how many tests we should be doing.

That's how fast the virus is spreading.

Yeah its scary i know 6 people that I work with that "aren't feeling great" and non of them have gone to be tested. The President coming out and saying if you aren't high risk then don't get tested is stifling the numbers (I think it is the right move honestly the tests should be used on those that need it regardless of numbers).

But something tells me this thing is spreading like wildfire and we only know the half of it
10 new cases and 2 new deaths in Oregon. The deaths were a 60-year-old woman and a 71-year-old man, both with underlying medical conditions.

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