Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I just got layed off 😯😯😯
Back to the trap.

I just hope I dont relapse back into alcoholism.

I’n sorry famb but keep ya head up. I know it’s tough to stomach, regardless of the circumstance, but this was out of your control and quite frankly and unknown unknown. Whatever you do, don’t turn to the bottle to try and solve your problems because not only will it not help, it’ll make matters worse. If you ever wanna talk, just shoot me a PM or drop a line in here because I’m sure the NT family would happily provide support as well.

I know we bust each other’s balls a lot on this site but now we got to be stronger than ever and there for each other because **** is gonna get real dark, real fast #NTStrong
I can give some info on this since I work in supply chain in the OR department so all surgical and medical supplies in the OR are ordered by me, but it applies to the whole hospital.

Masks are like GOLD right now. I stopped receiving N95, or any basic mask with an ear-loop design a few weeks ago. They were on a national allocation so they are now ordered directly by our bosses and literally being held in their offices. I've had to walk surgeons down to their offices to ask for N95's and they're only being given to them for certain surgeries when specifically needed.

A few days ago, all masks throughout the hospital got confiscated and moved to the offices of all the managers throughout the hospital because lots of staff members started hoarding them in their lockers or offices. Every single mask if now being accounted for and managers have to sign for them when I order and deliver them.

Unfortunately its not just masks now. Face shields, bleach wipes, Sani-wipes, sanitizers, gowns, swab kits, specimen collectors, surgical hoods, full body "bunny" suits are all now also going through the same protocol.
These protocols should have been in place :lol:
I was thinking like that just a few weeks ago. Fortunately I smartened up and I'm hoping others do as well.
The problem is the fact that all that **** is made in China so if they cant make them fast enough due to something like a pandemic, we're ****ed.
The cheap ones may be made in China but US makes them as well. Unfortunately they may not be as cost effective as China made...
Could Cruise ships be sanitized and used as a mobile hospital for COVID or is that a bad option?

docked or undocked is the question.

1 way on 1 way in the middle of the water is a disaster waiting to happen. 1 outbreak and everyone could get it. Cruise industry been getting hit hard because people are literally stuck on ships just waiting to get infected.
docked or undocked is the question.

1 way on 1 way in the middle of the water is a disaster waiting to happen. 1 outbreak and everyone could get it. Cruise industry been getting hit hard because people are literally stuck on ships just waiting to get infected.
I would say docked. I was just thinking it would be a faster plan to prepare for the sick than putting resources towards building emergency hospitals.

Idk if it's possible, but just was thinking out loud.
So my buddy lives in Orange County and he said that if anyone is caught outside after 10:00PM, they get fined $500. I don't think I shared this info here yet. If I did, my bad.

I'm starting to go insane.

Not from staying inside, from WWIII being grocery shopping and obtaining basic ****.
fake news
this aint true

Image result for smokey gif
Could Cruise ships be sanitized and used as a mobile hospital for COVID or is that a bad option?
It's not so much the space that's a problem right now. It's the resources. We could always convert stadiums or convention centers like during hurricanes but we just don't have enough beds, respiratory machines, or even staff to handle this if/when numbers start to get real high.
Event consulting.

I worked for a small but very successful event planning company.

Had big contracts with the Reds, Bengals, P&G, Churchill Downs and Krogers along with many others.

Every single event has been canceled or pushed back.

Stay up :nthat:
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