Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I know its foul ethically ..but...Is there a law against this?
From the link below...

"Two anti-price gouging bills are pending in the U.S. Senate, and on March 23rd President Trump issued an Executive Order instructing the Department of Health and Human Resources and the Department of Justice (USDOJ) to enforce the anti-hoarding provisions of the Defense Production Act against those who hoard supplies of necessary health and medical resources. Amid increased political pressure to combat price gouging, federal enforcement agencies - primarily the USDOJ and the Federal Trade Commission - may try to stretch existing laws addressing fraud, anti-trust, and deceptive advertising to additionally target businesses that advertise and sell products by taking advantage of consumer fears. Most states, on the other hand, have laws intended to address price gouging, which are enforced by the respective state Attorneys General. Regardless of whether the gouging investigation is launched at the state or federal level, the measures used to collect evidence and build the case are generally similar. The investigation may begin with a brief inquiry letter seeking information and possibly documents, and the relative informality of this approach sometimes causes businesses to make the crucial error of not taking the inquiry seriously. Enforcement agencies can also employ more formal measures, such as criminal or civil subpoenas or their analog, the Civil Investigative Demand. In circumstances in which the government considers time to be of the essence, search warrants may be executed at company offices or the homes of company personnel, or agents may simply appear at those locations seeking to conduct impromptu interviews. Despite the increase of government enforcement activity, not every price increase constitutes price gouging. Defenses to gouging allegations can arise from good faith steps taken in response to abnormal market disruptions or fluctuations occurring in a particular industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as an increase in supplier’s costs due to product shortages or emergency reallocation of production equipment and labor. However, determining whether any valid defenses exist requires a nuanced consideration of not only the specific laws involved but also the relevant industry conditions. As a result, businesses receiving of any kind of pricing inquiry from a law enforcement or regulatory agency should consider involving legal counsel before any information or documents are provided to the government in response."

They should be treated like hero’s. Working around the clock in a stressful and volatile environment with insufficient supplies and equipment.

I got cousins that are nurses and I pray for their safety every night.


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The new death rate from this is estimated at 0.6% and would probably be a lot lower than that even with the amount of people who have zero symptoms and are never tested. The doomsday posts in here are ****ing ridiculous. Talking about we’re about to be living in I Am Legend times. Get the **** outta here and go outside and get some fresh air.

Hospitals would love it if you went and volunteered. You should do so asap. We'd all applaud you for your heroic actions
Hospitals would love it if you went and volunteered. You should do so asap. We'd all applaud you for your heroic actions

The **** is your *** even talking about. You’re one of the leaders of the panic club in here acting like this is some flesh eating disease that if you do so much as even step outside your front door you’re killing yourself and everyone around you. I still work from home 8-5 Monday-Friday...I’m not sitting on my couch eating a tub of ice cream per day watching Netflix for 12 hours.
Sad to say I know 3 people that passed away from covid related problems . A high school friend 35 passed in a Chicago hospital last night He was on a ventilator , my girlfriend’s uncle 58 in Atlanta at home , he tested positive Thursday and one of my drivers grandpa 70 something at hospital in Little Rock . It’s hitting close to home because I know 2 of the 3 personally and just talked to my boy in Chicago last week and seen my girls uncle over Christmas.
My condolences to you and yours.
Unfortunately it has hit some near to me as well.

I was serious, but I see now isn’t the time to bring this up. I was not intending to offend. Apologies.
You've been dropped on your head as a child, haven't you?
Wow. There’s been some really dumb comments in here

We're getting to that point

Phase 1: Skepticism
Phase 2: Gradual panic
Phase 3: Increased anxiety
Phase 4: Acceptance of reality
Phase 5: Stupidity caused by false sense of security
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