Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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my nephews on that ship, he told it started off with 7 infected and then to over 100 within a matter of days. One guy on his crew got it so he had to self quarantine for 2 weeks before they even got to Gaum.
Let’s see how donald spins the firing of the navy captain who seeked help for infected crew members aboard that carrier ship later during the “monday night football numbers” briefing. :nerd:
Did all shopping at lunch break. Should be good for next 4-5 days.
Supervisor for DPSS here in LA. One of my workers tested for covid-19 on Tuesday. Told me today she tested negative. Thank goodness. Wasn’t ready to tell my unit to quarantine for 14 days.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the administration invoking the DPA to keep US-made PPE from being exported. On one hand, I find it irresponsible that we allowed manufacturers to ship large amounts of PPE orders to China in January and February because that led to a shortage when we needed them here in the US. On the other hand, shouldn't US hospitals have also been placing large orders in Jan/Feb when it was clear that we were facing a pandemic? Of course there are other countries who desperately need PPE, but if US companies are making them here, shouldn't their priority be to protect US workers? I don't think there's a right answer and our administration can't win either way because they run the risk of pissing off allies if they don't allow international shipments, but they risk American lives if they do. I'm leaning toward keeping the masks here because the same way we've (hopefully) realized we can't rely on overseas manufacturers for critical goods, other countries need to learn the same hard lesson.
****in opened up my utility closet around noon to water. ****in hot water heater went. Just spent the whole afternoon replacing it. What a horrible time for it to go.

Buddy, I totally know how you feel. Early last month on a Friday I went into the laundry room to get something and then sat on the couch on the 1st floor to fold it, and wondering why my foot was cold and sock was damp. Walked in and yup, water heater was going! Started to leak from the bottom and pool out. Thankfully this happened while I'm home on disability as I normally would have been at work and had not seen it till I got home to way more damage. Being home saved it. Got it replaced the following Tuesday as my dad and his buddy came over to replace it with a new Bradford White. Thankful for the home warranty my wife & I bought and kept renewing when we bought the house.

Did you have any damages to carpet or drywall?
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