Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My girl just became a regional point person after her job had to let some more of her counterparts go. This is 2 weeks after they did a 10% salary cut across the board for FTEs and furloughed a percentage of their workforce.

I said the other day how companies are doing the salary cuts just to live another week or two and I could definitely see my girls spot closing in another couple weeks.

All I can say is stay strong fam. Gonna be a different kind of life from here on out.
What industry is your girl in?
Yeah that’s the general sentiment but I would imagine going forward things will look different to the people there
Especially how dirty it is
all I know is the way y’all are living up there isn’t how we are supposed to live

And before this even happened there were record number of people already moving out of NYC.
Its not easy moving away from home though so I get it

This probably sounds crazy but if NY were to go down in the cost of living I’d consider moving there when this is all said and done. I love that city but I never thought it was worth it to live there based on cost of living.
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If it's any clearer the stock market doesn't reflect economic stability - it went up after the depressing unemployment report this morning.

somebody broke it down to my dumb *** just this morning: the worse things get, the more bailouts rain down.

apparently...um...large businesses don´t need revenue so much right now?

I don´t get it either, but it makes sense.
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I got the same email. I'm a one man band and was expecting $10k but based on the email I should get $1k lol

Not sure if I'll still get it with the news that its ran out. Nothing in my acct yet.

I also didnt get the stimulus check

Havent had a dollar come in anywhere from any source in over a month.

Checking account currently in the red, savings paying rent/bills but even that will be ran through in a couple months

I applied for SBA loan day 1 its available. I got that same generic email, but there's no instructions on how to get a loan. Haven't got any follow-up. I'm not asking for grant or free $, a LOAN. I sold one of my rentals today. I have 2 section 8 tenants in there (one disabled, and one woman in abusive relationship, both black if it matters). Some middle Eastern guy bought it off me in CASH at a discount. No doubt in my mind after there section 8 contracts are up, he'll be upping the rent and giving it to highest bidder instead of section 8.
Yeah that’s the general sentiment but I would imagine going forward things will look different to the people there
Especially how dirty it is
all I know is the way y’all are living up there isn’t how we are supposed to live

And before this even happened there were record number of people already moving out of NYC.
Its not easy moving away from home though so I get it
Yea I would definitely like the subways and streets to be cleaner for sure. I avoid the subways and spend most of my time walking or taking an uber. I don't mind 40 minute to an hr walks.

No one has to live in New York. No city has to copy the way NY is set up either.
I applied for SBA loan day 1 its available. I got that same generic email, but there's no instructions on how to get a loan. Haven't got any follow-up. I'm not asking for grant or free $, a LOAN. I sold one of my rentals today. I have 2 section 8 tenants in there (one disabled, and one woman in abusive relationship, both black if it matters). Some middle Eastern guy bought it off me in CASH at a discount. No doubt in my mind after there section 8 contracts are up, he'll be upping the rent and giving it to highest bidder instead of section 8.

How hard was it to sell? How long was it on the market?

I’m surprised u gave up a section 8 spot that’s kinda guaranteed money in a time like this. I have several section 8 tenants and that was some of the only money I knew I could depend on this month.
Hope you pull through this one brother. Wonder if we can do an NT charity fund
My Man U have my deepest sympathies. I truly hope things make a turn for the better for u. I don’t think we’re ready to end this quarantine by any means but I’m hoping our government can provide more assistance to small business owners and landlords during this time.

Thanks, I appreciate y'all!

Hope you and yours stay safe/get thru this my bros
How hard was it to sell? How long was it on the market?

I’m surprised u gave up a section 8 spot that’s kinda guaranteed money in a time like this. I have several section 8 tenants and that was some of the only money I knew I could depend on this month.

Was on the market for over a month. Most of my tenants are section 8, but I have vacancy in one property (harder during these times to find tenant). I bought it a few years ago and put 30k in repairs in it, another few thousand getting it set up for section 8 and just sold it now for 5k less than I bought it a few years ago. I took a major L, but need $
Damn bro I hate to hear that. It’s crazy the market was doing so well for so long. Everyone said the bubble was going to pop soon but I don’t think anyone foresaw it coming like this.

I’m down a tenant myself and it definitely looks like that won’t get filled til this is over.
I got the same email. I'm a one man band and was expecting $10k but based on the email I should get $1k lol

Not sure if I'll still get it with the news that its ran out. Nothing in my acct yet.

I also didnt get the stimulus check

Havent had a dollar come in anywhere from any source in over a month.

Checking account currently in the red, savings paying rent/bills but even that will be ran through in a couple months

Damn man, you were killing it on Amazon too. Is that type of business basically dried up now because of this?
Damn man, you were killing it on Amazon too. Is that type of business basically dried up now because of this?

Amazon shut down the warehouses/turned off the printers completely a month ago.

Waiting to see if stuff gets reopened in May or not.

Even if they do, a lot of people not spending money like that. Still would help though.

We moved in January so I dropped a bunch of money on furnishing this new spot (moved from a tiny 3 br apartment to a big *** 5 br house) right before this **** started. Had I known I would have hung on to that money. Never in a million years did I expect Amazon to shut the operations down completely

"The coronavirus pandemic will cost New York City a projected $7.4 billion in lost tax revenue over the current and next fiscal year after the city shuttered businesses and ordered people to stay indoors to try to contain the outbreak, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday.

"That's today's estimate. We don't know what the future brings, but that's what we know right now and that's a horrifying figure," de Blasio said at a press conference. "
god damn i can see nyc reverting back to the way things were in the 70s and 80s if that's true. it was really dog eat dog back then. ****
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We had 319 diagnosed cases on March 6.

We now have 650k and adding 30k/day. In two weeks, that'll put us at 1.1 million cases.

This tweet is from March 6:

Thankfully, she was off in two ways. 1) she vastly underestimated the number of cases on March 6 (she said ~2000 when it was probably closer to ~10k), and 2) we have slowed down significantly due to social distancing (we are doubling every 10 days or so now).

But if we ease restrictions too fast, we will go back to doubling every 5 days and 1 million would be 30 million by the end of May.

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