Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Universal health care would be a failure for different reasons. Most importantly, who would run it? Our inefficient government? We can’t trust those fools to do ANYTHING right! Even if they somehow agreed on a way to make it work, you now have over 300 million people with access to the current health system that is designed to handle far less, which will lead to shortages (not unlike the current situation). Shortages of equipment can be overcome with production, but shortages of quality healthcare workers cannot. If there’s one thing we know about government health care programs, it’s that they are only willing to pay pennies on the dollar for care and meds. This will not be an incentive for citizens to go into that field to be overworked and underpaid. It will lead to more generic drugs being outsourced to China and India. It’s no coincidence that outsourcing of drugs has exploded since Obamacare became law and now we are in such a mess because of it. Universal heath care is not a dream, it’s a nightmare.
so let me guess this right, if we had universal healthcare before this, it would be a worse situation? what if everyone saw healthcare as a right not a privilege similar to other countries? if we had sufficient workers and equipment this situation would be worse?

one of the reasons why USA has a shortage of supplies is because of the outsourcing that happens. outsourcing has been a trend way before obama. how is that the USA increased production during the war but that cannot be done now? because it is people thinking that all choices are one extreme or another. that is what is going on right now in politics. there is a such thing as a middle ground.

obamacare did not work because there are people who do not agree on equality on essential services. some people think there will be a demographic of individuals who will take advantage of it. well that happens everywhere, however it is far greater in the usa because people are worried about the basic needs. there is are no easy solutions to complex issues like this but thinking it will be a nightmare before even attempting is the reason why the usa is in the current status of catastrophe.

This virus once again highlights what slavery and racism has done and continues to do generations after slavery ended. The poor and rich divide is going to bring the country down if it stays on its current trajectory
You do know China has much higher population #’s right?

yes, i do. care to elaborate more? going off population size, why japan, philippines, vietnam, or thailand affected similarly to the European countries?

not disagreeing, i just want to learn from another perspective because it doesn't make sense to me.

got damn look at the SCORCH.


maybe next time RGIII will be more judicious in sharing his views on virology.

I don’t know bro, I don’t have the answers, but I know that living in Florida, there are whole rural towns that would not lift a finger to do anything to contribute to society if they had even more free money going their way, let alone 20K additional like that one poster said. I just worry about the domino effects on society that if that whole class of people no longer works the low wage jobs.....

...and that´s where the inevitable automation of our workforce comes in.

think about it...isn´t this an ideal opportunity for Wal-Mart to get rid of most workers?

for Uber to test out robot drivers all summer?

for McDonalds to install touchscreens?

do people NEED to spend their entire healthy lives doing some random task just to eat?

wouldn´t you rather have people making art and music and twerk videos, following their passions?

sounds like two birds, one stone to me....think about it.
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yes, i do. care to elaborate more? going off population size, why japan, philippines, vietnam, or thailand affected similarly to the European countries?

not disagreeing, i just want to learn from another perspective because it doesn't make sense to me.
Im not getting what you're asking.
Im not getting what you're asking.

so there's an implication of China should have more reported cases & deaths than other countries because their population is greater. Based on that logic, why haven't similar sized population countries such as Japan and South Korea reporting similar #s as Italy and Spain?

it seems like people are trying make a relationship between rona-related #s and a country's population but i'm not sure it's there.

This virus once again highlights what slavery and racism has done and continues to do generations after slavery ended. The poor and rich divide is going to bring the country down if it stays on its current trajectory

Lack of trust of the government, doctors, and the lack of insurance for many.
i don't disagree with the fudging of the numbers, but do you expect them to higher #s than US? if so, why? also, what do you think of Germany's #s?
you are comparing apples and oranges. what about south korea? what about taiwan? what about singapore?

this situation has forced me to believe people do not factor in how basic necessities such as health care, education, vacation days, leisure activities and sense of commuity play into these developing stories.
you are comparing apples and oranges. what about south korea? what about taiwan? what about singapore?

this situation has forced me to believe people do not factor in how basic necessities such as health care, education, vacation days, leisure activities and sense of commuity play into these developing stories.

i think we are on the same page. those are exactly my points when people think/imply China should have more or similar #s as the US or the European countries that have been hit the hardest.
...and that´s where the inevitable automation of our workforce comes in.

think about it...isn´t this an ideal opportunity for Wal-Mart to get rid of most workers?

for Uber to test out robot drivers all summer?

for McDonalds to install touchscreens?

do people NEED to spend their entire healthy lives doing some random task just to eat?

wouldn´t you rather have people making art and music and twerk videos, following their passions?

sounds like two birds, one stone to me....think about it.

I just want to be clear on what I'm reading here... you're advocating for us to let robots (likely outsourced from China) do the jobs of many Americans while we pay those people to "make art and music and twerk videos, following their passions?" No judgement, but it feels like there's a punchline missing here...
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