Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Hilton Worldwide is making a direct attempt to tackle concerns over the safety of staying in hotels rooms.

In a pretty dramatic move, the hotel company has partnered with the Mayo Clinic and Lysol maker Reckitt Benckiser to introduce a new set of cleaning protocols across its hotel portfolio.

The program is reported to emphasize the disinfection of areas in rooms that might be of concern to guests, including light switches, television remotes, door handles and thermostats. Hilton is also talking about using electrostatic sprayers and ultraviolet lights to sanitize surfaces.

"As we think about how behavior changes during this time, the importance of cleanliness is going to stay with us," says Hilton brand development exec Phil Cordell.
Crazy to have watched this a month ago and the state of the world now

One of the scientists makes predictions that are currently unraveling at the moment.
This some wild **** (sorry if already posted)

I'll start by saying she admits in the beginning that she isn't on the front line, and it's what one of her nurse friend has said. I'm already imagining Becky venting to her after a rough day... It's disappointing that she's saying that nurses don't care, not helping patients, even "killing them". Nurses have been the most trusted profession for like 15 straight years (other than 9/11 firefighters year), and we are the patient advocate. Are there nurses who are just in it for the money? Yup. But, I'd say majority are in it to help, care for people, and they REALLY care.
She claims there's medications that can be used, that aren't being used. She points out Hydrochloroquine and Azithromycin isn't being used... this has pretty much been proven to do nothing when patients are in a critical state. Whether if has efficacy on onset of symptoms/prophylactically is still up for debate. In patients in severe condition, it doesn't help. It's one of the most widely tested and used medication combination with all the hype, and it doesn't help after covid-19 has progressed. She talks about people being a full code and not doing compressions. My understanding is if someone is dying of covid-19 they are having multi-organ failure: Liver, kidneys, heart, lung and it has caused all of these organs to FAIL. If you do compressions to keep the heart beating(often causing damage in the process ~30% have broken/fractured ribs/sternum after CPR), are you just keeping them alive for another few seconds/minutes/hours? Should they still be getting CPR (if full code) unless they have explicit consent from the family? Yes.
She talks about how they aren't changing their PPE (probably happening if there's a huge shortage, and is a different conversation). She mentions how they run long tubing to reach the patient and not assessing. We do this at my hospital, it is because we want to conserve PPE, we don't want to put on all new PPE to go in the patients' room to press one button to restart an IV pump, then discard our set of PPE. Can't talk about how there's no PPE, then criticize strategy to conserve PPE in same sentence. Patients' care gets CLUSTERED, I put on PPE, I do all the work I can possibly do because I know I'll have to put on a new set of PPE next time I come in there. Refill all the IV bags, new tubing, assessment, give meds, everything I can all in one go.
"people (nurses) waiting in the hotels to go on shift". I'm here in Cali, so not sure about this, but the travel/staffing assignments I've looked into in NY are 6-7 straight days, 12 hour shifts, for 21 days. You're not chilling. Resources are probably not being utilized well, that's what happens in unprecedented emergency pandemics.. and I would assume the records/charting are crap as well too.

Her friend is probably working at an overwhelmed small hospital. I would bet there's some truth to it, but she makes it sound like without family there, crazies are running the asylum.
🤦🏾‍♂️ why is Kaepernick bring brought up in here? The two situations are not similar in the least bit and make for a horrible comparison.
standing up for civil rights. have you watched the protesters criticizing why they are told to be at home?

I think the most impressing situation is that the protesters are wanting better salaries, PPE for doctors but haircuts.
I'll start by saying she admits in the beginning that she isn't on the front line, and it's what one of her nurse friend has said. I'm already imagining Becky venting to her after a rough day... It's disappointing that she's saying that nurses don't care, not helping patients, even "killing them". Nurses have been the most trusted profession for like 15 straight years (other than 9/11 firefighters year), and we are the patient advocate. Are there nurses who are just in it for the money? Yup. But, I'd say majority are in it to help, care for people, and they REALLY care.
She claims there's medications that can be used, that aren't being used. She points out Hydrochloroquine and Azithromycin isn't being used... this has pretty much been proven to do nothing when patients are in a critical state. Whether if has efficacy on onset of symptoms/prophylactically is still up for debate. In patients in severe condition, it doesn't help. It's one of the most widely tested and used medication combination with all the hype, and it doesn't help after covid-19 has progressed. She talks about people being a full code and not doing compressions. My understanding is if someone is dying of covid-19 they are having multi-organ failure: Liver, kidneys, heart, lung and it has caused all of these organs to FAIL. If you do compressions to keep the heart beating(often causing damage in the process ~30% have broken/fractured ribs/sternum after CPR), are you just keeping them alive for another few seconds/minutes/hours? Should they still be getting CPR (if full code) unless they have explicit consent from the family? Yes.
She talks about how they aren't changing their PPE (probably happening if there's a huge shortage, and is a different conversation). She mentions how they run long tubing to reach the patient and not assessing. We do this at my hospital, it is because we want to conserve PPE, we don't want to put on all new PPE to go in the patients' room to press one button to restart an IV pump, then discard our set of PPE. Can't talk about how there's no PPE, then criticize strategy to conserve PPE in same sentence. Patients' care gets CLUSTERED, I put on PPE, I do all the work I can possibly do because I know I'll have to put on a new set of PPE next time I come in there. Refill all the IV bags, new tubing, assessment, give meds, everything I can all in one go.
"people (nurses) waiting in the hotels to go on shift". I'm here in Cali, so not sure about this, but the travel/staffing assignments I've looked into in NY are 6-7 straight days, 12 hour shifts, for 21 days. You're not chilling. Resources are probably not being utilized well, that's what happens in unprecedented emergency pandemics.. and I would assume the records/charting are crap as well too.

Her friend is probably working at an overwhelmed small hospital. I would bet there's some truth to it, but she makes it sound like without family there, crazies are running the asylum.

Yeah she’s an idiot, over dramatizing the scenarios, like you said there is some truth to it all, but not because critical Covid patients are lacking advocacy or because we don’t care about them, unfortunately protocols are in place ALSO to protect staffing, due to terrible preparedness frontline healthcare was left completely exposed and understaffed at the start of this crisis, so certain things were done the way they were to provide some sort of protection to US....

the whole shift of how a code is ran and CPR, yes Covid patients were assessed on a per patient basis and some it literally made nooooo sense to perform 10+ Minutes of CPR on patients with low viability and at the same time further exposing US, every compression applies pressure which pushes the virus in that patients airway into the atmosphere, the same with bagging or even disconnecting patients off vents and breaking the closed circuits...these are all moved that puts us further at risk....if the patient is too far gone to save which is easy to assess, Yes CPR has been held on Covid patients.

running lines into the outside of the rooms? Yup another method she isn’t lying about but is legit misinterpreting, SHAME ON HER AND HER “NURSE” FRIEND, these are methods once again being used to preserve PPE which is already in shortage and in no way compromises patient care, the only time I’ve seen this done at my place has been in our ICU which the patients are behind glass door anyways, we all have visual access to these patients every second of our shift, of course it makes no sense to further expose ourselves simply to silence an alarm or reset a pump if that can be done from outside the room.

Honestly I highly doubt her friend is an RN....i would bet money she’s not actually a nurse.
Why are the most vocal ppl always be like 'Well I'm not a nurse, but this is what my nurse friend be saying..'

Reminds me of a certain nter 🤔

You have a problem with me defending nurses :rofl: yet somehow want to equate me to this person actually dumping on them

You have a problem with me defending nurses :rofl: yet somehow want to equate me to this person actually dumping on them

I actually wasn't even thinking of you when I made that post. But hey, now that I think about it, some of this stuff applies to you too >D
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standing up for civil rights. have you watched the protesters criticizing why they are told to be at home?

I think the most impressing situation is that the protesters are wanting better salaries, PPE for doctors but haircuts.

You must also think this is similar to Rosa Parks
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