Highest money you saved? vol Richy rich

Rich papis ad mommys?

  • 500

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • 1000

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • 2000-5000

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • 5000-1000

    Votes: 11 14.9%
  • 10,000- 20000

    Votes: 15 20.3%
  • 20000 ( call me)

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Mind ya bizznezz

    Votes: 21 28.4%

  • Total voters
Nov 2, 2011
How much money have you saved.

Im terrible with saving money and have saved the highest money ever recently.

Very extensive Poll choices for those who dont want to get robbed

%000 dollars
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One thing I always did since I was young was stack and save.

I don't like to be living paycheck to paycheck.

I like to have money where I'm comfortable and can buy and do what I want within reason and not have to worry about my bills.

That's one thing I always saved my money since a kid. I knew my family didn't have much and wasn't going to give me anything so I had to save and do it on my own.

Honestly some good advice for you guys in here... if you can't save money you'll never have anything or get anywhere of significance.
One thing I always did since I was young was stack and save.

I don't like to be living paycheck to paycheck.

I like to have money where I'm comfortable and can buy and do what I want within reason and not have to worry about my bills.

That's one thing I always saved my money since a kid. I knew my family didn't have much and wasn't going to give me anything so I had to save and do it on my own.

Honestly some good advice for you guys in here... if you can't save money you'll never have anything or get anywhere of significance.

So it's safe to say that since you were a young'n you have been putting in work.
This book is a game changer to help create a budget and increase your savings
What if you live a minimalist lifestyle?

Then you should be saving a lot :lol:

I get what you're saying by living a minimalistic life you wouldn't really want to many things, but you're still going to need a roof over your head.

An example I'll use is my wife's brother. He's in his early 20's and makes good money, really good for his age and only a high school diploma. He can't save for ****, spends all his money on weed and clothes and sneakers.

I tell him like hey think of your future because if he loses that job he's back to a regular job making minimum wage or some dead end stuff. He doesn't listen and won't learn until it's too late.
sitting on 2k, 5k in the 401k , and 1k in checking. im actually hurting right now.
cause life has unexpected **** waiting around every corner. and boeing is bout to layoff 6700

see y'all on the other side.

I know the airlines got hit hard by Coronavirus, but the bloodbath will begin October 1st when they can start laying workers off with the restrictions lifted.

This is my biggest problem.
I cried last week cause I was broke
but I have money in my savings.
But Im broke.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
Some people really can't save for shh. My boy made roughly $100k Annually the last two years and would consider himself to be doing awesome at budgeting if he had a few thousand in the bank. His rent and bills come to roughly $2000 a month (we've discussed it because we're pretty close and comes to me for advice) He just spends money on dumb ****
I remember there was a time about 5-6 years ago I was trying to get at this girl and she invited me to this "event", some kind of pyramid scheme that promised riches and the sort, you know what I mean.

Anyway, the headliner finally shows and he's spewing a lot of platitudes, and then finally he said something that really resonated with me.

He said something along the lines of 'thrift and collection of coupons will never make you rich, only income will.'

I understand this statement isn't by itself extraordinary or isn't even necessarily an absolute truth. I also understand that it was a line meant to hook in the suckers like me in the audience, but as a child of two thrifty (cheap) parents, I needed to hear it.

In short, saving money is something everyone should practice, but imo it's a small % of building wealth.
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