Highest money you saved? vol Richy rich

Rich papis ad mommys?

  • 500

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • 1000

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • 2000-5000

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • 5000-1000

    Votes: 11 14.9%
  • 10,000- 20000

    Votes: 15 20.3%
  • 20000 ( call me)

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Mind ya bizznezz

    Votes: 21 28.4%

  • Total voters
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I had a good 5-10k at one point

lost it all on an ex wife who I cared about but turned out she didn’t feel the same

Never get married folks
learned my lesson the hard way
I laugh when I hear married dudes say they have a joint bank account with their wife

I also laugh when dudes say they gotta ask their wife permission to buy things
:lol: Most people in the hood dont even have bank accounts. More money is spent on Tobacco and Alcohol than actual food.

On a daily basis:
$7 on Menthols/Red 100s
$5 on scratch off lottery tickets
$2-3 bucks on beer

Which adds up to about $500 per month. This leads to them getting finessed by "Payday Advance" "Title Loans" type of stores. If they have nice Furniture or a big screen TV, they probably bought it at a Rent 2 Own store and are paying in monthly installments.
Besides my 401k I was pretty much broke until age 27. $4k in my checking I would feel rich.

Then met a solid girl, started a business, and really started to save. I was saving out of fear of my company failing and having nothing to fall back on. I pay off my credit card daily and know how much money to the cent I have daily. Track it all on a spreadsheet. I’m pretty obsessive with personal finance. I have no debt aside my car note and that bothers me. I’d like to pay it off today but it’s good for my credit score.

Trying to buy a house in the $6-700k range by the end of the year. Have saved a lot in the past 3 years.
Ive had as high 50K in savings before. I bought an investment property at the time and kinda widdled that down a bit over time.

I have roughly a 10K minimum just based on my life (fiancé, kid, crib expenses, potential job loss) in case things get rough. I try to use extra money after that on investments, cribs, occasional bs. My goal is to always save at least a stack or 2 a month.
Dudes getting paid at these cable companies.. dude who been working for about 10 years... Making 50 and hour just to work on outages...

Not really apart of the thread but some people look down on professions that be banking . Can't save if you can't save...#nahmean?
Off topic. Do y'all tell your parents or siblings how much money you have or make? I don't divulge that information to anyone

I don't, but that's because they never asked. I have an old bank account from middle school that my mom has access too. I don't even have a bank card for it anymore. I just direct deposit 5% of my checks there in case she needs anything. Haven't told her I don't monitor or use it tho.

I have a lot saved for the amount of trips I take. Being quarantined has me saving over 3k a month.
I recently got into saving cause I wanna get this damn Cybertruck when it comes out!!! I try to keep 3-5k in the account and do tons of stocks which is where most of money lies, I remember living paycheck to paycheck and literally having a friend pay my rent once but I‘Ve become very strategic with how much I spend the idea was to be around 40 to 50k overall by years end but because of this virus might have to lower expectations. The thing with having money is the fact that you can afford more things and I have to keep telling myself I don’t need it like these ’Chunky Dunks”.
Off topic. Do y'all tell your parents or siblings how much money you have or make? I don't divulge that information to anyone
Nope I don’t like when anyone be tip-toeing in my finances cause if they ever need something they’ll be quick to ask and I ain’t got the time.
Saved up 50k bought a home in 2017

Saved up 25k bought a restored 70 mustang in 2019

Im at 10K savings now trying to save up a 6 month emergency fund.
Might be confusing you for another NTer but didn’t you have a nice come up on some crypto? I made a few thousand profit but held too long and lost it, I would have loved to cop a car or a down payment with that lol

My dad helped me set up mutual funds and savings accounts etc so he knows roughly how much I have
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I dont divulge that info to anyone. Multiple sources of income, diff accounts and currencies.

This 1 dude at work is a nosey mfer, he has a hand in the budgets so he sees everyones salary. I make a decent salary at my day job, but hes always pocket watching. Clown *** dude :lol:

Thats one reason i never divulge. Jealousy.
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