Hijacked Saudi "super tanker" anchored in Somalia; $10 million ransom. Three more vessels hijacked.

Smells fishy.
These pirates went from hijacking small merchant ships to supertankers and armament laden cargo ships. Not to mention that they've been low key, at elastin the media, for the past 8 years but all of a sudden now they're a huge problem in a matter of months.

Seems to be in line with Biden's warning of an "International Crisis" once Obama gets into office. Admiral Mullen basically gave up on fightingthem and claimed them all powerful. You'd think that the pirates are the ones with the helos, satts, and jets.

Convenient excuse to get back into Somalia. Russia and China do major business (especially China) in Africa regarding natural resources and Brezinski hasstated that he'd like to kick them out.
The Clinton foundation and the Gates foundation have been setting up in Africa for the past 3-5 years and Bush threw billions at Africa so now they "lovethe US".

Might this be the "unpopular decision" (going into Somalia) that Obama will make?

Wait. How much larger and more tech advanced is our navy relative to India's?
Seems to me like the US government wants to fail in this situation.
[h1]India leads fight against Somali pirates[/h1] [h2]An Indian warship sank a Somali pirate 'mother ship.' At least 91 ships have been hijacked this year off the coast of Somalia.[/h2] By Anuj Chopra | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
from the November 20, 2008 edition

Pune, India - After Somali pirates shook the international maritime community on Tuesday, hijacking a Saudi supertanker with more than $100 million worth of crude oil, the Indian Navy has struck back.

An Indian warship came under attack on Wednesday from a suspected pirate "mother ship," but managed to destroy the pirate ship, sending three speedboats packed with pirates fleeing for safety.

Meanwhile, the INS Tabar, a Russian-made, high-tech Indian warship, managed to thwart the attempted hijacking of an Indian cargo ship off the coast of Somalia.

As the global community copes with the mounting pirate threat, India has taken a leading role in the fight. With nearly $100 billion of cargo passing through the pirate-laden Gulf of Aden each month, India cannot afford to let the threat go unchecked. It also puts the emerging Indian Navy front and center on the world stage.

"This was a commendable action against the Somali pirates," says Uday Bhaskar, an Indian defense expert. "The pirates have become audacious lately, venturing out into deep waters to attack foreign ships. This action by the Indian Navy will send out a strong message that they cannot get away with this."

Hijackings off the coast of Somalia accounted for a third of global piracy incidents this year, reports the International Maritime Board. Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.

Presently, pirates are holding as many as 17 captured vessels with more than 300 crew members, including the Saudi supertanker, the Sirius Star, and the Ukrainian vessel carrying at least 30 Russian-designed T-72 tanks.

While warships from eight different countries, including India, have deployed to the Gulf of Aden to combat piracy, the issue is particularly important for India.

The nation of 1.1 billion people provides one-sixth of the world's maritime workers and every month it sends 30 Indian-owned vessels carrying oil and other goods valued at $100 billion through the Gulf of Aden.

Indian shipping firms say they are losing $450,000 a month on cost overruns and delays due to piracy.

"India cannot wait to take action until the Somali pirates hit the coast of Bombay [Mumbai]," says Mr. Bhaskar. "They must be quarantined in their own waters before they cause more damage."
Originally Posted by MvP07

Lazy B

smh son, the USA went in their trying to play hero and stop the civil war. This is not no "saving captain ryan" steez. Anyways they couldn't handle the civilian X army X warlords people so they retreated. The pirates are either connected to the warlords or they are the warlords themselves.

on a related note, they are confused about how the ship got hijacked as well.

Before you summon romantic images of rum-soaked swashbucklers gallivanting "Pirates of the Caribbean"-style, consider this: The sophistication of the most recent attack has the attention of U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On Monday Mullen said he's "stunned" at the pirates' ability to hijack a vessel in the open ocean so far from the coast (though most attacks occur closer to the Gulf of Aden, this one took place 450 miles off the coast of Kenya).

"[The pirates are] very well armed. Tactically, they are very good," Mullen said.

What makes you think Gothic Serpent was a failure? Don't talk about things you don't know about or only learned from movies like Black Hawk Down. That@%@@% Democrat Clinton pulled our boys out before they could finish their job. We lost 19 men compared to the hundreds/thousand the Somalis lost.

Are you seriously trying to tell me what happened their? the united states was failure, get out of here with your falsified CNN/conspiracy BS. The somaliansdon't even have an army, it is a bunch of ******ed warlords that were snapping army heads left and right.

Nothing was accomplished = fail

did they arrest the war lords? NO? failure

did they stop the civil war?No = fail
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