Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

There's something about Elly, idk what it is, but I feel like she's a good person
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There’s just something about flagrant mass pics/selfies, man. Obviously I still swipe right and smash but I don’t know…I’m aware everyone has their history but those thirst traps just makes me skeptical of anything beyond smashing.
A guy I went to grad school with always used to say he was a 5 with his shirt off, 7 with a suit on and 10 when his tab was open at the bar :lol:

It's amazing the difference a shirt with buttons can make in the eyes of women. It's too easy out here when they can tell you own an iron :lol: When I'm cleaned up it's almost impossible to escape the shameless flattery and hands they can't keep to themselves :smh: I have heard some craziness that I know would not be attributed to me if I was in a hoodie with my hair untwisted :rofl:
It was more of a joke than a serious statement. I'm agreeing with the post that there is a stark difference in the way I'm treated in a hoodie and jeans and the way I'm treated in a suit. That was my point. Not that a shirt is considered impressive.
For me, its been the opposite.

I always got way more play if I was in a tshirt/jeans than a button down or suit. I usually feel much better and walk with big D energy when I dress up too, so it never made sense to me.
Kiss on the first date? Should I be doing that no matter what if, even if I’m trying to take it seriously and maybe a long term girl? Is first date too quick?
I think a lot of women see it as trying too hard when you see a dude with a suit and all that on a dating app.

I could see that and also how it may make you appear stuffy. Several women have told me they thought I was going to be an ******* based on that :lol: I'm not but once they get to know me, it makes more sense. I got a new phone recently and had to re-download the app and make a new profile so I threw in some casual pics. To my surprise, one of the girls I'm talking to now said said she loved the most basic pic of me which was a selfie in a casual shirt so who knows what the best approach is :lol:

Kiss on the first date? Should I be doing that no matter what if, even if I’m trying to take it seriously and maybe a long term girl? Is first date too quick?

Basically what adobecs4 adobecs4 said. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule, just go with the flow. It's not intentional but I just naturally happen to play it extremely conservative when I am taking it seriously. It eventually comes up but at that point I pretty much have the ultimate green light and it's gravy from there.

Did y'all know about the "sidewalk" and "side of the bed" unwritten rules? I had a girl tell me once about how a dude was OD on the date about making sure he was always on the side next to the road in case a car or something hops the curb (I guess that's a thing?) and another about how the man is supposed to sleep closest to the door because if an intruder comes in then he can defend her. The more you know :lol:
I know about the sidewalk one and just do it out of reflex at times but I’m not going to be extra about it. I have heard how some women won’t deal with a man if he doesn’t walk on the outer part of the sidewalk but this was also social media talk as well.

Now that side of the bed one is new. I did have one chick that didn’t sleep closest to the window (I guess same reason as the door one). Sounds pretty stupid either way
I do the sidewalk thing.

There was another one where the man should sit facing the door of a restaurant or something like that.
I do the sidewalk thing.

There was another one where the man should sit facing the door of a restaurant or something like that.
Facing the entrance I thought was just hood procedure :lol:. That one actually makes sense if you're in a rough neighborhood. The sidewalk and bed thing is dumb as hell. But I admit I have casually grabbed a chick by the waist with both hands and moved her to the other side of the curb once or twice. They love that **** :lol:
But I admit I have casually grabbed a chick by the waist with both hands and moved her to the other side of the curb once or twice. They love that ****

Tbh 50% of the time its just to initiate contact in a way

But here in NYC the sidewalks have a bunch of homeless so it gets tricky too :lol:
I could see that and also how it may make you appear stuffy. Several women have told me they thought I was going to be an ******* based on that :lol: I'm not but once they get to know me, it makes more sense. I got a new phone recently and had to re-download the app and make a new profile so I threw in some casual pics. To my surprise, one of the girls I'm talking to now said said she loved the most basic pic of me which was a selfie in a casual shirt so who knows what the best approach is :lol:

Basically what adobecs4 adobecs4 said. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule, just go with the flow. It's not intentional but I just naturally happen to play it extremely conservative when I am taking it seriously. It eventually comes up but at that point I pretty much have the ultimate green light and it's gravy from there.

Did y'all know about the "sidewalk" and "side of the bed" unwritten rules? I had a girl tell me once about how a dude was OD on the date about making sure he was always on the side next to the road in case a car or something hops the curb (I guess that's a thing?) and another about how the man is supposed to sleep closest to the door because if an intruder comes in then he can defend her. The more you know :lol:
Didnt know about the bed but i know about the sidewalk. Sidewalk still dumb to me because if any car jumps the curb we both going down.
Is she thinking you're chivalrous or "oh that's cute, he thinks he can stop a car".

Some of these things I do anyways out of anxiety or my protective nature but I'll take the chivalry rebrand.
I’m pretty sure in Europe when I lived there the open the door for a woman thing was opposite for the same reason, its polite/manly for the man to enter first and make sure its safe

. If ****** is shooting and **** in there the man goes in first so he can honorably die and give his lady a chance to escape or so he can handle it instead of sending her first into the chaos.
I thought all men knew about the sidewalk thing. I was taught that as a 7 year old. I had the tendency to walk ahead of everyone else and hop/climb on to things. Think a little kid doing parkour while going to the grocery store.
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