Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

yall doing dates?

exchange a few pics, spit a lil game, and if they really attracted to you can get em over w no $ spent

or with that above, your seed is planted and you can just go out w your guys, locate them if theyre nearby, catch and release, ???, profit

not saying this works with ALL and the key ingredient is womens consensus of you being attractive but if they aren´t with it and INSIST on a proper date then you just move to the next
yall doing dates?

exchange a few pics, spit a lil game, and if they really attracted to you can get em over w no $ spent

or with that above, your seed is planted and you can just go out w your guys, locate them if theyre nearby, catch and release, ???, profit

not saying this works with ALL and the key ingredient is womens consensus of you being attractive but if they aren´t with it and INSIST on a proper date then you just move to the next

When I say dates I’m referring to any meetup 1 on 1 in public.

Could be just in the park, getting coffee, ain gotta be expensive and I’d advise everyone NOT to blow bags on these women from the jump unless that’s what you’re in to (not judging).

I did the first time meetup at the crib thing a few times in college but honestly I wouldn’t do it now. Good way to get lined up.
One of the
Gospel. Dates with 30 different women in a year like my man The Don did is a wild thought to me from a financial perspective (time too tbh) based on how I tend to date.

Yea I watched a youtube video the other day where a guy listed some reasons why men are tired of dating

One of the reasons was it's a low return on investment and I agree

Why are we taking women out so we can be told lets just be friends or blocked or ghosted?
Nailed it
“I read books not hashtags.”
Anyone here ever reach out or went back to someone you ended it with? Did it work out? Worth it?

Contemplating if I should go that route or back on the apps.
Why are we taking women out so we can be told lets just be friends or blocked or ghosted?
this the one that gets me because after getting friend zoned, they still expect you to go out with them and pick up the bill.

This has been a good convo and has definite made the work day go by faster.
Anyone here ever reach out or went back to someone you ended it with? Did it work out? Worth it?

Contemplating if I should go that route or back on the apps.
That I ended with? Eh yeah. Me and her fell into that toxic category, we’d break up and someone gets blocked, 5 months later we’re back dating and ish.

Now ones that ended it with me, usually they reach back out and try to reconnect. Only good for a smash and that’s it most times.
this the one that gets me because after getting friend zoned, they still expect you to go out with them and pick up the bill.
It bothers me how when you don't want to it's "Oh so you just wanted to ****". No, I wanted the option.
Why would you even want to be around me knowing I want you in a way you don't want me back? That's what's weird.
It bothers me how when you don't want to it's "Oh so you just wanted to ****". No, I wanted the option.
Why would you even want to be around me knowing I want you in a way you don't want me back? That's what's weird.
I wish I could rep this 100 times because I’m tired of that ish.

frshstunna frshstunna that’s the same bs shawty with the big mass would say when I turned her down on making moves
Spending $15 to $17 each for two cocktails + tip is really not that big of a deal for a first date. Worst case you’re not vibing with the chick and y’all part ways after one drink and you’re out of a whopping $40-$50. Coffee is cool too, but having a little alcohol involved helps everyone loosen up a bit which I view as a positive. I wouldn’t be ordering multiple rounds of drinks if the vibe was off though :lol:

I’ve also had women offer to cover a round of drinks if we extend things or decide to go somewhere else.
It can be fun but you'll definitely remember why you ended it almost immediately :lol:

Backstory - Dated for about 3 months. I got a new job with way more responsibilities. At the same time she just finished her nursing program and gave herself a break before applying for jobs. So during this break she had a bunch of free time on her hands and always wanted to hang out or go out or do w.e with me.

I tried to see her once a week or so based on my schedule, but that wasn't enough and the nagging started. Then I made an effort to make it twice a week and she still was basically saying not enough.

Our chemistry was insane though, which is what's pulling me back. We literally went to hoop on our second date. The time spent together was good, its the time away that her craziness started showing. Plus she lived 45 min away.

Now she got a full time job and maybe a hobby so I'm strongly considering it.

Did you beat and put it down thoroughly?

Took me about 4 dates or almost a month to start beating, but no complaints there.
Backstory - Dated for about 3 months. I got a new job with way more responsibilities. At the same time she just finished her nursing program and gave herself a break before applying for jobs. So during this break she had a bunch of free time on her hands and always wanted to hang out or go out or do w.e with me.

I tried to see her once a week or so based on my schedule, but that wasn't enough and the nagging started. Then I made an effort to make it twice a week and she still was basically saying not enough.

Our chemistry was insane though, which is what's pulling me back. We literally went to hoop on our second date. The time spent together was good, its the time away that her craziness started showing. Plus she lived 45 min away.

Now she got a full time job and maybe a hobby so I'm strongly considering it.

Took me about 4 dates or almost a month to start beating, but no complaints there.
Then you got a shot. Her body remembering you is your best ally.
There is only 1 ex I would want a do over with cause that relationship failing was really on me at the end of the day.

But you live and you learn. Still haven’t met a woman I cared about as much as her though. Which is probably why I have zero issues with current relationships failing cause if I can lose that one and survive it doesn’t matter.
It bothers me how when you don't want to it's "Oh so you just wanted to ****". No, I wanted the option.
Why would you even want to be around me knowing I want you in a way you don't want me back? That's what's weird.

So much ******* this. They know you wanna **** them which is why they block and ghost after they get what they want
Backstory - Dated for about 3 months. I got a new job with way more responsibilities. At the same time she just finished her nursing program and gave herself a break before applying for jobs. So during this break she had a bunch of free time on her hands and always wanted to hang out or go out or do w.e with me.

I tried to see her once a week or so based on my schedule, but that wasn't enough and the nagging started. Then I made an effort to make it twice a week and she still was basically saying not enough.

Our chemistry was insane though, which is what's pulling me back. We literally went to hoop on our second date. The time spent together was good, its the time away that her craziness started showing. Plus she lived 45 min away.

Now she got a full time job and maybe a hobby so I'm strongly considering it.

It’s crazy how much I can relate to this. Pretty much exactly how my relationship/situationship winded down.

But you live and you learn. Still haven’t met a woman I cared about as much as her though. Which is probably why I have zero issues with current relationships failing cause if I can lose that one and survive it doesn’t matter.
Preach fam!
I did the first time meetup at the crib thing a few times in college but honestly I wouldn’t do it now. Good way to get lined up.

Ya I'm not bringing just anyone to my spot.

Not bringing someone to my spot until I go out with them once or twice.

Yeah, I mentioned this the other day but I hate that. Even the two girls I seriously dated I knew I was going to have to have them over eventually but it was because it was at their request and I knew I couldn’t say no. If I was still about smashing everything at this point in my life I would probably just invest in renting a burner condo :lol:
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