Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Dude you are so in there
You honestly believe that poseidon line was the difference between you smashing or not smashing?

Its really not about that, its the fact that the poisedon line changes the game a bit....like yeeahhh Got Ya! Once she invites me over ive won already so yeah i can say the 4 chicks that it worked on it was all good after a week :lol:
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going back to DC in 3 weeks..time to get back in the pof game..but im nervous ima get caught trollin on this site by family, friends, or friends of the family..I mean I dont do anything crazy on the their..its just fact im on the site lol..if my fam found out I was on here banging easy yambs they would make me the bud of every joke at holiday dinners and its bad enough they look down on me because I dont go to a well known university smh
going back to DC in 3 weeks..time to get back in the pof game..but im nervous ima get caught trollin on this site by family, friends, or friends of the family..I mean I dont do anything crazy on the their..its just fact im on the site lol..if my fam found out I was on here banging easy yambs they would make me the bud of every joke at holiday dinners and its bad enough they look down on me because I dont go to a well known university smh

Just flip the script on them. They had to be on there too to spot you. Just don't post any unflattering information, which you shouldn't anyway if you want yambs. It's nothing to be ashamed of to be on the site. But DC has a lot of STDs from what I read, so you probably should stay clear because of that. No offense to my DC people.
I don't know who you think you are. I don't know what you want in a man. If you are looking for an orgasm, I can tell you I don't have the stamina. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you have sex with me now, that'll be the end of it. I will not bother you, I will not pursue a relationship. But if you don't, I will look for you tomorrow, I will find you, and I will kill you.
Well I'm bringing this back on the map and the yambs keep coming ohhhhh cuffing season I gotta admit since after Christmas I've been 6/6 from the field on Pof guess I've been taking advantage of it :lol:
Met a girl on OKC a few weeks ago. Honestly I was surprised she responded, not that I'm back looking, but responses usually don't happen.. not that I even messaged that many. She just hit me with a "Thanks for the compliment :smile:" And I didn't say anything, then she hit me up again the next day. Ended up meeting up, she lives about an hour away. She came over a few days later when the roads were pretty bad, so I told her if she wanted she could stay the night to avoid the roads... needless to say things went down.

Few days later I drove to her place, we got it in right away and then she said she was tired and basically kicked me out. (She told me before I drove out there she wanted to go to bed soon, but I didn't realize THAT soon) I drove an hour and wasn't even there an hour, I was kinda heated. I made the mistake of calling it a booty call :rofl: and she wont talk to me now. Meh, her chest was small anyway.
Currently dating a chick who I met on POF. she messaged me first. come to find out we attend the same school and have the same major. I'm a senior she is a Junior. She has a really cool personality and a good head on her shoulders. would probably wife if she lost some weight. cant help  feeling as though I'm dating down. got a date set up tomorrow with this other chick who messaged me. she is slim, light skinned, with tats just how I like them. I feel as though she may be a stage 1 clinger though. I get messaged pretty frequently on POF. most of the messages have been from chubbs but lately I have had some cute one message me or say they would like to meet me.
Ya'll really can't get none in person though? :lol:

Honestly... meeting a girl online is so whack.. but being 25 and not in school, it's next to impossible to meet a girl. I dont really go out to bars or anything anymore. All the girls from work are :x and I wouldn't want to dip my pen in company ink anyway. Cardinal rule right there. I swear every good looking girl at the gym comes to the gym WITH her boyfriend. And quite honestly, I don't know how to just approach a girl at the gym :rofl:
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