Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Looks like I should give this place a try. IDK though. I feel lame enough for not being able to get a girl naturally though
i would do it but i dont want anyone i know to see me on that. :frown: ... i seen too many bishes on that site that i know.
From the BB thread

***WOW I really didnt wanna have to say this but DO NOT message me if u dont know proper grammer n spelling. Seriously guys its not that hard to write a sentance.***

^ right? 

dudes have this mentality "instead of" when it should be "in addition to"

this doesnt have to be your main source of "yamb aquisition", that kind of thing is really up to you.
Stop replying every 5 minutes. I know we have smart phones and all, but at least wait half an hour to reply. Secondly, I bet she is very socially awkward.
you can tell from her blur that she's a corpulent one.
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Man I gave up on POF. Big girl curved me talking about "I don't have time to wait on no man". I'm just tryin to smash. **** you :lol:
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