Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I recommend anyone who uses Hinge as their main app to pay for atleast one month one time. Way better experience on premium. You dont get enough likes per day on the regular account which makes you alot more picky with swipes. Unlimited likes + better filters = gucci.
App matched me with this chick. Bish funny not gonna lie

Finally might be tapping out. Had hella fun. Found a dope chick. 5 years younger but huge vibes. Need a break from trickin off my money and losing sleep.

Anyone else hit that fatigue from going too hard too fast
When I hit fatigue last year wasn't even because of the money but I legit was getting tired of people. The sex had me exhausted and drained physically and mentally.
Finally might be tapping out. Had hella fun. Found a dope chick. 5 years younger but huge vibes. Need a break from trickin off my money and losing sleep.

Anyone else hit that fatigue from going too hard too fast
Found me a nice one on Hinge, i was telling my boys i was going to settle down with shawty before we even had our first date. Date came and it was great, hit it off perfectly. I got ghosted 😂
Found me a nice one on Hinge, i was telling my boys i was going to settle down with shawty before we even had our first date. Date came and it was great, hit it off perfectly. I got ghosted 😂

I just went on a date on MLK holiday with a woman off the BLK app. went to a Bar louie a hour drive from me and had great conversation and havent heard from her since
I thought me and that Tindr poet were going to hit it off great when we finally met IRL. We had already looked way ahead on the calender at concert dates that would require a road trip and hotel stay and planned how she'd get time off, etc. She told me about her family and her book she was publishing, seemed like meeting IRL was just the formality. Then your boy had to wear those Polo boots.

So I decide to give Hinge a try since y’all been pumping it up, my first go around, baaad chicks, started chatting with a few. The next day I open the app, nothing but big chicks. Fam. What the heck. I’m on day 4 of this app and I’ve not seen any fit chicks. Am I being punked? Lol
So I decide to give Hinge a try since y’all been pumping it up, my first go around, baaad chicks, started chatting with a few. The next day I open the app, nothing but big chicks. Fam. What the heck. I’m on day 4 of this app and I’ve not seen any fit chicks. Am I being punked? Lol
Lol.. bro, same exact experience for me.! it's def the way their algorithm is set up... If you go over to their "standouts" section, you'll see where all the baddies are hiding, but of course, you gotta pay to give one of them honies a "rose" :lol: :smh:
Lol.. bro, same exact experience for me.! it's def the way their algorithm is set up... If you go over to their "standouts" section, you'll see where all the baddies are hiding, but of course, you gotta pay to give one of them honies a "rose" :lol: :smh:
Facts. I’m all out of Roses too. Yeah, the algorithm gonna make me delete this app and leave a negative review lol.
Aight, so we ain’t the only ones, lol. The reviews are flooded with the same issues lol
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Man when Hinge first started around 2018 it was allllll baddies

it has definitely declined as far as quality but still among the best app wise to me

location is crucial for the talent tho, where y’all at?
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