Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I can confirm as well random chicks don’t even ask you about putting a rubber on. I had a few times where it was on and then off next.

Was thinking of hitting my big booty side joint up but ima spend the day with the main. Yambs and mass getting ate regardless
I recently added a pic of my car But at the end of my hinge account, in hopes to attract a women into the car scene. I kinda feel like a lame doing so but it’s whatever....trying to go to a car meet with a stranger and go raw after that same night :pimp:
same here bro. Be having conversations then it goes dead all of the sudden
I had it happen to me once. Things seemed to have been going well and it went dead. Think she unmatched. **** hurt not gon lie :lol: but I learned to save the paragraphs and all that for in person talks and ask for the number quick. Few days. I say 5 at most.
I recently added a pic of my car But at the end of my hinge account, in hopes to attract a women into the car scene. I kinda feel like a lame doing so but it’s whatever....trying to go to a car meet with a stranger and go raw after that same night :pimp:
I don't think that's lame. If you want a girl that's into cars there's nothing lame about it
Lame is putting a car pic up hoping to bag a chick shallow enough to care about a leased lexus
I think a lot of women will look back and despise this current era in dating. They have too much from for their own good. 10 years down the road when they're ready to settle down, men gonna still be out here kickin it bc it's the norm. We all know marriage is a bad deal, so why tie yourself down.
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nah not really, i usually talk to them for a couple days then ask for the number
Nah man you gotta ask for the number within a few msgs otherwise you just gonna be another match that gets pushed further down their inbox. You dont wanna be her penpal.

Deleted the apps the other day. Got to be kinda redundant for me, rinse and repeat. Got tired of it.
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