Hip Hip Hooray! Its Christopher Columbus Day! Vol. Hell yeah I found it!

Got next Monday and Tuesday off, with my geo teacher canceling class that Wednesday. So almost a 4 1/2 day vacation.

Like in the image one page back, will be celebrated with lukewarm indifference as I plot on these yambs.
remember in 5th grade I got a D on a class paper about columbus not discovering america and mentioning lief ericson.
In the same vein as Dirty's:




There are loads of them out there.

Wow :lol:
interesting how dem pics still work
where did the native americans get the gold from 
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Interesting point of view on Columbus by niel degrasse tyson..

Watch Part 1 first, but if you want to get straight to the point view part 2 first..


This is not an attempt to bring praise to Columbus, but just to add more info to what actually happened during the mass disease spread and genocide..
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