Hip Hip Hooray! Its Christopher Columbus Day! Vol. Hell yeah I found it!

Who gives a !%$+ ? as long as i get school off
Originally Posted by t0xicman

lol at all the people in this thread saying they dont respect/celebrate columbus day.

i cant wait for it to be martin luther king jr. day and say what a waste of a holiday it is and that we should not celebrate it.
its a shame people can be this dumb
Originally Posted by psykhO

Who gives a !%$+ ? as long as i get school off
Thank you for being an example

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Give people a day off and they will submit to anything.

Yup! See how easy it is to influence the masses? Just like a dog, you give em a bone and they will beg and do tricks for you.
Gotta love America's ignorance.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

i guess ignorance truly is bless
You're trying to proselytize, yet you don't even know how to spell bliss correctly.

Bunch of pseudo revolutionaries in here who have all the time to complain and point fingers yet hardly do much to make things better themselves.
Originally Posted by t0xicman

lol at all the people in this thread saying they dont respect/celebrate columbus day.

i cant wait for it to be martin luther king jr. day and say what a waste of a holiday it is and that we should not celebrate it.
At those two guys arguing for Columbus Day.
Especially the Martin Luther King guy...

I knew ignorant people still exist, but they further validate my point.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Ryda421

i guess ignorance truly is bless
You're trying to proselytize, yet you don't even know how to spell bliss correctly.

Bunch of pseudo revolutionaries in here who have all the time to complain and point fingers yet hardly do much to make things better themselves.
I don't see how this is one of those "I'm gonna go against the grain, time for a revolution!" moments.

We celebrate this day to remember the person who discovered america. Not only did coulumbus NOT discover America, it's not even named after him! Why is ithard to understand why people might be upset about that? We continue to teach inaccurate history to kids because of this BS holiday.
Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

^ great comic.

Let's not forget the celebration of complete ineptitude. Columbus' dumb *%! actually thought he was in India

never knew that
Jesus, and people think that our kids DON'T need to be in school longer?

shut up w/ that crying....i knew he thought he was somewhere else i just didn't know it was India....you crying about some white man but probably don't know an ounce about AA history
whats that got to do with anything
alright man, so i misspelled bless with bliss. you know what i was trying to type. you act like you have never misspelled a word. perhaps i was @ work i couldnot double check what i wrote. you want to correct someone and yet you can NOT point the finger @ yourself if you make an error. nice to know you would rathercorrect someone, instead of taking their opinion into consideration and coming to a common ground. something this guy (columbus) would NEVER think of doing.
omg we stole the indians land, lets protest columbus day. who cares, if it bothers you that much you can stop living on their land and give it back.
Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by JUUG KNIGHT

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

^ great comic.

Let's not forget the celebration of complete ineptitude. Columbus' dumb *%! actually thought he was in India

never knew that
Jesus, and people think that our kids DON'T need to be in school longer?

shut up w/ that crying....i knew he thought he was somewhere else i just didn't know it was India....you crying about some white man but probably don't know an ounce about AA history

I stand by my previous statement because clearly your reading comprehension is lacking as well. Nowhere in that post did I "cry about some whiteman."
In the same vein as Dirty's:




There are loads of them out there.
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