Historical Inaccuracies

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Posting on some of the General Topics got me to thinking about historical inaccuracies. For example, the common belief that American-Indians starting scalping. This was actually a common European practice that the colonist brought over to America. This was then further used as the white settlers starting taking lands out west. They paid bounty hunters to "clear" out the land & paid for each Indian scalp they brought back. The Indians didn't understand why the bounty hunters were doing this to thier people,  so they started scalping back as they tried fighting off the white settlers and bounty hunters. Somehow, this got turned around as Indians having started it.

Fast forward to modern times. European and some American companies are dumping toxic waste off both African coasts but paticularly off of the east side hoping no one will notice. More specifically off the coast of Somalia. This of course killed the fishing trade so the Somali fisherman started trying to attack these boats that were dumping toxic waste in thier waters. The fisherman started arming themselves & then the Somali warlords got in involved (as the fisherman were buying arms from them) & it basically morphed into what we hear & read about now.

Learn to look past what you see & hear in the news. There is always waaaaay more than get's reported and what's written about in historical texts.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Fast forward to modern times. European and some American companies are dumping toxic waste off both African coasts but paticularly off of the east side hoping no one will notice. More specifically off the coast of Somalia. This of course killed the fishing trade so the Somali fisherman started trying to attack these boats that were dumping toxic waste in thier waters. The fisherman started arming themselves & then the Somali warlords got in involved (as the fisherman were buying arms from them) & it basically morphed into what we hear & read about now.
The news media potrays Somali pirates as these absolute criminals but many of them started of trying to fight these ships & prevent them from killing thier livelihood. They didn't have much to begin with & the got abosulutely crushed & ran over. When they started buying arms from the Somali war lords, they of course started asking why are these fisherman trying to buy weapons & they were like 'hold up" let's take these ship & hold 'em for ransom. I'm giving the extreme readers digest details but you get the drift...
Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books
What up kidKIDd. I've learned this stuff over the course of time so I don't have specific links to provide. I'm sure if you google search, you'll find stuff. One book I'd highly recommend reading is Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. I read this in my sophmore year in high school back in the 90's (yes I'm an old head). It really changed the way I looked at history & they way it's written. The Lewis & Clark story is also all screwed up & nothing like you were taught it went.
Originally Posted by cartune

Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books
I've heard that the reason all presidents on U.S. coins have their backs turned to Lincoln is because he freed the slaves.
If you really want to read about eye opening %+% stories, read up on the Iran Contra & Air America. Once you read about stuff like, you'll really see our government is capable of unfathomable evils. Crack was indeed ushered into America in the early 80's by our governmen all in the name of fighting communism.
The stories that make up America and the Stories America made up
check out Robert Wuhl's Assume The Position
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Originally Posted by cartune

Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books
I've heard that the reason all presidents on U.S. coins have their backs turned to Lincoln is because he freed the slaves.
Yepppp and he just happened to be the brown coin amongst the other "white" coins I made a thread about this awhile ago
People thought that African beads that African women wear in their hair originated there. It was the westerners that brought beads and sold/traded the beads into their market and became part of their culture.
I saw those vids some time ago. They were def interesting. Also keep in mind some of this stuff you do have to take with a grain of salt. I'll confess, I'm a bleeding heart liberal but I don't take to heart a lot of what I might read in periodicals (yes, I'm one of the few that like reading/holding a magazine or newspaper) or read on websites. You have to kind of look past what your being given & dig for details yourself if your intrested in a topic.
Originally Posted by psk2310

The Lewis & Clark story is also all screwed up & nothing like you were taught it went.
So I guess Undaunted Courage is all made up then, right? Because that book was referenced in my history classes.
You want to read the book "Lies my teacher told me" too - full of this stuff.

The winners write the history and they can write what they like. Happens all the time.
Originally Posted by cartune

Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books
You can only prove something exists if you were right there at the time it happened. Everything else is based on what others have written, captured on video or some other type of hard evidence. This includes EVERYTHING that happened before you were born or even before you were able to understand things.

Basically the scope of your existence is based on what you yourself have experienced and everything else has the potential of being false.

Think about it.
Lincoln freed the slaves on his deathbed? Is that a joke? He agreed to free the slaves well before his death but he didn't give a damn about the slaves.
Originally Posted by Stixx

Originally Posted by cartune

Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books

anyhow, dunno if this would fall more under the conspiracy theory side but Bush Jr. was partners/friends with Osama. 
Since we're talking about Lincoln, here's an excerpt from Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States:

In his 1858 campaign in Illinois for the Senate against Stephen Douglas, Lincoln spoke differently depending on the views of his listeners (and also perhaps depending on how close it was to the election).  Speaking in northern Illinois in July (in Chicago), he said:

"Let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man, this race and that race and the other race being inferior, and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position.  Let us discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal."

Two months later in Charleston, in southern Illinois, Lincoln told his audience:

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races (applause); that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people...And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
Not necessarily a historical inaccuracy, but I think America's perception of Lincoln in general is far from reality. 
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Originally Posted by cartune

Abraham Lincoln found out he was black on his mother's deathbed and which is why he free'd the slaves. Annnnnnd it was known but kept secret and out of history books
I've heard that the reason all presidents on U.S. coins have their backs turned to Lincoln is because he freed the slaves.

But if you put the penny in front then they're all facing Lincoln...  
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