Hold on... Something not ignorant on WSHH??

Thoroughly appreciated. I thought it refreshing that WSHH actually had something good in terms of creativity. I also though it was wonderful that someone had the balls to address an issue that has yet to be fully resolved in America. Good beat, good lyrics, good message, good vocals, good video.

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Damn. Great song and video. Sucks this is still real life in some families.
Love has no color.
SoCalKid wrote:
It is crazy how this is still a problem. You would think that race should not be a problem in a relationship.


im a black man that loves white chicks
Good video with a good message. It ain't always about love though, that's the problem. Some people say you can't choose who you fall in love with. But then they limit themselves by saying I don't date *insert race* or that race isn't in my preference, in essence limiting who you can fall in love with. Anyways, nice to see something positive on WSHH but be clear that one good vid doesn't outweigh the hundreds of negative vids.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

the girl had to be atleast an extra 150 pounds for me to believe she was with dude.


Song and Video were both Ehhh.

I expected something better.
There's non-ignorant things on WSHH. I remember threads on them, all it is is hosting a vid on that site.

I was expecting a !@%%#! in northface in the vid though.
Interracial is the future... you can't try and limit yourself to just your own race.

I'm Asian and I love white females.
So did anyone else think it was gonna be a freestyle over the N's in Paris beat?
Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Damn. Great song and video. Sucks this is still real life in some families.
Love has no color.
SoCalKid wrote:
It is crazy how this is still a problem. You would think that race should not be a problem in a relationship.

im a black man that loves white all chicks

I shared this with all my homies, many of whom are in interracial relationships. I know they're going to feel this
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