Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

Yes a responsibility exists, never said one didn't, but you want to snatch it out of the hands of the people and tossed it over to "the man"? You think someone looking to make money has YOUR best interest in mind??
do you ask if someone looking to make money has your best interest in mind when you buy food? seek medical help?

i never said that the responsibility was solely on filmmakers/entertainers, but there is a responsibility on their part

we watch entertainment to learn

it makes it kinda difficult to teach your kids when you have hollywood lying about everything youre trying to teach
I guess Black people money don't spend? Black actors aren't as famous or good enough actors for these roles?

We can be peasants, servants, and thieves in a movie about ancient Kemet (Africa) but can't be leads in the film. :stoneface:

They should have just white washed the entire film. Even took the time out to change the features of the Sphinx :smh: :lol:

What was the purpose of casting Black people in the peasants, servants, and thieve roles? I guess they were just good enough actors for those roles :rolleyes
My bad, yes Noah. The question still stands, why aren't people mad at that too?

The issue isn't with biblical tales its with they're interpration of regions and time periods. Noah may or may not have been real, but there were egyptains, they was a great empire in Africa and not a single one was white simple as that.

Also the difference in Noah and this movie is the racial undertones. Noah was reimagined out of the middle east and into some European centric world, which I don't mind because the whole world in that movie fit the narrative.

This movie is in real place and region and they purposefully cast white actors in lead roles and had blacks as slaves and servants. Its pushing a agenda and completely white washing key people and then cast blacks as less than others. That **** is deliberate.
My bad, yes Noah. The question still stands, why aren't people mad at that too?

The issue isn't with biblical tales its with they're interpration of regions and time periods. Noah may or may not have been real, but there were egyptains, they was a great empire in Africa and not a single one was white simple as that.

Also the difference in Noah and this movie is the racial undertones. Noah was reimagined out of the middle east and into some European centric world, which I don't mind because the whole world in that movie fit the narrative.

This movie is in real place and region and they purposefully cast white actors in lead roles and had blacks as slaves and servants. Its pushing a agenda and completely white washing key people and then cast blacks as less than others. That **** is deliberate.
In regards to the Noah movie...

There was some objection about Noah being portrayed as a white guy, but becasue we all know it didn't directly deal with any real historical figures it wasn't really met with the same hostility. Me personally, I still made sure no one in my family saw that crap.

As for the Exodus movie...

I very well understand the producers are in it to make money, but its obvious their casting decisions were made to maintain white supremacy. As most have alluded to already, why have the black people as servants and slaves? Why isn't everyone white? There is clearly an agenda and that is where we have a problem.

Secondly, why would they even need some obscure Middle Eastern actors anyway?? Why not use proven AFRICAN American actors?

It's now safe to say they never even planned to have any prominent "Black" actors in lead roles from the beginning. Is it that hard to sell a movie staring actors like Don Cheadle, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, or Denzel Washington? They are consistently the leads in other big budget films, they look the part, and we know they can act.

That whole excuse about not finding realistic bankable actors are a cop out.
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I had a feeling white people would complain about the black stormtrooper in the star wars trailer when I saw it
I think the later Storm troopers aren't necessarily clones so they can be different
Trolling huh? Just calling it like it is... And I've never reported one person, for the record, but nice try.
it was 2 seconds of a black guy in a stormtrooper suit 

dont even know if he is a stormtrooper 

white ppl flip the **** out 

suggest he might be the main character? 

oh they ****** lose it 
Racist geeks are the most hilarious type of racists. These dudes get so upset over completely fictonal characters not being white :lol: come on man, you got a green ****** elf as one of the greatest Jedi of all time, and you're crying over a black dude in a suit belonging to probably the most incompetent soldiers ever shown on film?
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Any real Star Wars fan should have known months ago that Boyega has a starring role in the new film.

Boyega was my pick for Black Panther but he was cast in the new Star Wars film.
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