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Facebook shoe groups for me. Luckily there was a reseller who bought most of mine in 3 different transactions...

I'm back on FB for that purpose only, at first it was for yeezys but now I'm selling some stuff and bringing my collection down.
Realtor checking in here...Never really got into General so didn't know a thread existed...
Realtor checking in here...Never really got into General so didn't know a thread existed...

Just a basic question for you, can I talk to the seller directly and work things out without the involvement of both sides brokers.
Just a basic question for you, can I talk to the seller directly and work things out without the involvement of both sides brokers.
Seller's listing agreement with their agent would prohibit the seller from doing that....At least it would if I were their agent.
Closed on 3 new projects. Got an offer accepted on another. Crazy couple of days but I'm ready to take on the challenge.

I'm back on FB for that purpose only, at first it was for yeezys but now I'm selling some stuff and bringing my collection down.

Al how has that been as opposed to usi
My man is moving. Between him and bigger pockets i'm seriously thinking about it. But damn those pitfalls for someone already working full time.
Damn why is he getting out of this?

If you read the comments below, it looks like people want more info that he hasnt shared yet. Does look like a good deal but way out of my market
My guy ekrev98 ekrev98 out here flourishing. Keep it up brah. You're motivating me... :lol:


Thanks man! I want everybody to succeed and help in any way I can.

Nice ! @ekREV98
keep us posted man. I hope you crush your projected goal for the year.

Thank you. We are ahead of where we were last year. Just received word from my business partner that we have another offer that's been accepted. So that's 6 properties. What a time to be alive....Lol. I've got a couple things I'm working on for the month of May so I'm excited to get that going.

My man is moving. Between him and bigger pockets i'm seriously thinking about it. But damn those pitfalls for someone already working full time.

I was working from home full time while taking care of my 1 yr old son as well. It took a lot of hard work and late nights but everything is finally falling into place.
ekrev98 ekrev98 has me regretting my vacation to Spain next month. I was thinking of going to SD & LA cuz the Mets are in town. I could of learned a few things. :lol: :smh:

I think I'd rather have a full time job while you're first starting to invest. It will be easier to get approved for loans and you can always hire a property manager if it gets to be too much.
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If you really are trying to make investing in rental properties a business I think a Property Manager is the way to go from day 1.

This is if you are looking to create a business where you are pretty much removed from small day to day task.

Once you start to scale you will have to use a property manager anyway, might as well start off with that mindset in the beginning.
My man is moving. Between him and bigger pockets i'm seriously thinking about it. But damn those pitfalls for someone already working full time.
Damn why is he getting out of this?

I dont know. He's probably looking to move on to bigger projects. A few things I was worried about is all the tenants are month to month. I'd definitely want them to all sign leases before taking over. It's also near the water. I asked a friend who went to the University of Bridgeport and he told me it's the "good hood". The university is 6 mins away by car. Not a lot of crime in the area. Schools suck. There's a nice looking park across the street. Thats always nice.

capital sb capital sb , i kind of agree. I think if the place is local I'd like to learn how it is to be landlord. Once you have a few properties I'd definitely go the PM route.
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@Dam itz Lou , what always stuck out to me with the BP podcast is learning what is worth your time an what isn't.

There are very successful flippers that have never picked up a hammer.

Collecting rents, dealing with tenants, signing leases IMO not worth my time I'd rather pay someone the 10%.

I will have to pay someone anyway once I start investing out of state and scaling.

I rather learn how to pick a good PM and manage a PM from the jump.
ekrev98 ekrev98 has me regretting my vacation to Spain next month. I was thinking of going to SD & LA cuz the Mets are in town. I could of learned a few things. :lol: :smh:

I think I'd rather have a full time job while you're first starting to invest. It will be easier to get approved for loans and you can always hire a property manager if it gets to be too much.

Can't pass up a vacation to Spain! I'm actually gonna be in Palm Springs for a couple of days starting tomorrow. I hate to leave in the middle of what's going on but I gotta recharge and try to relax...even though I'll have my laptop with me just in case. :tongue:
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