Homeless dudes

What really gets me is when you see these bums at the intersection where we're making L turns, and you got this bum trying to get some money from us L turners and they'll be a ************ thats giving the bum some money when it's a Green turn light making us miss our turn. Those do gooders should be shot on the spot for that noise. If you want to help someone, it's all good but do it on your own time not on ours.
Powell does suck. I get off on Montgomery area and that area always has some crazies around there. When they had that whole occupy Wallstreet stuff, they straight had bum colonies out there along with the other protesters. I don't know how NYC did it back in the days but we need to get rid of these guys or put them on some stranded island.
Bullets are cheaper.
This new guy at my work was in front of me going to lunch and a dude was panhandling. This mofo called him over, threw out a wad of singles like he was at the club, and straight peeeeeled off. Saw the mf'er on the way back to work getting a ticket from a cop in his lil 3 series. :lol: I was laughing my *** off.

He lost his job a while back.
9 times outta 10 I don't give them any money. I always just hit them with the "Nah, but God Bless man" line. Majority of the time this turns into them insulting me and calling me cheap or telling me I'm not about poo with an s.
 Then I usually have to hit them with a dame dash line like " how you gone ask another man for money?" . Detroit homeless dudes 
9 times outta 10 I don't give them any money. I always just hit them with the "Nah, but God Bless man" line. Majority of the time this turns into them insulting me and calling me cheap or telling me I'm not about poo with an s.
 Then I usually have to hit them with a dame dash line like " how you gone ask another man for money?" . Detroit homeless dudes 
I don't look their way so they don't talk to me. Some of them get a little bolder and get close to you so you have to interact with these dirtbags. I tell them I can't help them, then they'll get condescending with that "God bless you" crap. I tell them **** God.
I don't really give much. I don't ever have change on me. I use my card but I'll throw a legit homeless person some change

Not them panhandle ****** on the train. Talkin bout I don't have a home. I was evicted and lost my job on top of that. If you have any money whatsoever. Please help me out

That could be a regular dude tryna come up
I don't look their way so they don't talk to me. Some of them get a little bolder and get close to you so you have to interact with these dirtbags. I tell them I can't help them, then they'll get condescending with that "God bless you" crap. I tell them **** God.
I don't really give much. I don't ever have change on me. I use my card but I'll throw a legit homeless person some change

Not them panhandle ****** on the train. Talkin bout I don't have a home. I was evicted and lost my job on top of that. If you have any money whatsoever. Please help me out

That could be a regular dude tryna come up
Kinda this. I feel bad about it but I've had some experiences which have rubbed me the wrong way. You look too clean, dress a lil too fresh, no stench whatsoever, I'm absolutely not inclined to give you a dime.

I did once give money to this homeless guy who was on the up on and up. He was a latin guy (dominican?) from the bronx. He looked and sounded like Noreaga too. Anyway I was doing a passing out flyers gig at the time and he stopped to take one and we chopped it up for a bit. It turned out he sleeps in a homeless shelter at night and a friend allows him to stop by when he's home to shower wash his clothes, and get food every once in a while. He spent most of his days looking for work which apparently was difficult being a felon without a fixed address. For whatever reason his friend couldnt help him out fully tho my guess is because dude went to jail for double homicide. Anyway dude worked odd jobs and he was generally a pleasant individual.

I wonder where he is now....
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Man a couple months back I saw the craziest thing in downtown sf outside the old navy by the bart station.  There was a decent looking young white girl holding a sign but she looked all clean and everything saying she needed money for a room etc.  There were so many dudes going up to her and ignoring all the regular homeless bums.  Idk if it was a social experiment or not.  Was tempted to go talk to her but didn't want to end up being on youtube or something.
Bought homeless dudes food multiple times. ***** real when you eating out of the trash in the summer.
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Man a couple months back I saw the craziest thing in downtown sf outside the old navy by the bart station.  There was a decent looking young white girl holding a sign but she looked all clean and everything saying she needed money for a room etc.  There were so many dudes going up to her and ignoring all the regular homeless bums.  Idk if it was a social experiment or not.  Was tempted to go talk to her but didn't want to end up being on youtube or something.

:rofl: :rofl:
Last time I gave someone money, it was a mother that straight looked like this and had a baby and a kid holding a sign.

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Everyone felt so bad and tons of people gave them money and food. I didn't even bother at the time but after I came out the gym during my lunch, I had to give her something for the kids sake. It was probably one of the saddest things I've seen and normally I won't even give bums the time of day.

Also there was this one time where this bum had a dog and so many people felt bad for the dog rather than the owner. Someone straight bought some kibble for the owner and he just stares at him asking where his food was. Guy at least should be happy his pup won't starve.
Last time I gave someone money, it was a mother that straight looked like this and had a baby and a kid holding a sign.

View media item 1656096
Everyone felt so bad and tons of people gave them money and food. I didn't even bother at the time but after I came out the gym during my lunch, I had to give her something for the kids sake. It was probably one of the saddest things I've seen and normally I won't even give bums the time of day.

Also there was this one time where this bum had a dog and so many people felt bad for the dog rather than the owner. Someone straight bought some kibble for the owner and he just stares at him asking where his food was. Guy at least should be happy his pup won't starve.
Even the American BUMS are entitled. If this were another country, that bum would've eaten the kibbles. Food is food. This guy doesn't know what the hard life is. When you can be picky about food, you ain't really homeless.
Even the American BUMS are entitled. If this were another country, that bum would've eaten the kibbles. Food is food. This guy doesn't know what the hard life is. When you can be picky about food, you ain't really homeless.

:lol: a few yrs ago i tried giving a homeless man my left-over Thai food.. he smelled it and gave me the :x face.. handed it back to me asking for money instead.
It's definitely grown a lot in the last few years. I think it's a mix of the economy crashing about 8-9 years ago and just general social change but jobs are not what they used to be and non-skill-specific jobs are on the decline. Someone coming home from doing time or an army vet without a lot of education and no help for possible emotional/mental issues and you have a problem.

There's also a proven rise in drug addiction. I think some stuff out there is just better than it used to be. People are getting hooked on hard stuff a lot easier than before. The amount of fiends I see outside everyday near my job and around my house is insane.
I remember buying a slice of pizza for a homeless dude and he straight up told me "Next time, you should ask me what I like before buying me a slice".

Bruh, you live on the street and you're complaining about FREE food?!!?!
Even the American BUMS are entitled. If this were another country, that bum would've eaten the kibbles. Food is food. This guy doesn't know what the hard life is. When you can be picky about food, you ain't really homeless.

You seriously expect homeless folks to eat dog food ?
What about whent hey try to wash your windshield? I usually just turn my wipers on and hit their fingers and let go of the break. Dis a chevy not a ford, fall back

Or when the dude that thinks your dumb and 'needs a ride to the parole office'
It's been a while since I've actually given someone money on the street. Although I would give it to them quicker than I'd give a dime to those clipboard people with a different vest on every week supporting a different cause when it's all a giant scam.

Last time I remember actually giving someone food was a guy on Montague street in Bklyn heights and there was some little Mexican restaurant with counter service and outdoor seating. This couple was finishing up and got up to bring their tray of dishes to the trash. Dude was about to dump the plastic plates, etc into the trash bin when you just heard a loud scream of "NOOOOOO!!!!" And this dude that looked like he'd been homeless most of his life came running over and grabbed the tray out of dudes hands and just staring scraping the last bits of rice and retried beans and whatever off the plate into his mouth. I'd never seen someone that starving in front of me. The couple looked horrified and kind of offended. I was legit holding back my tears. I went into subway and got him a sandwich and a couple of bottled waters. I just gave it to him and he looked mad confused when I did it. Looking back I probably should have just talked to him. I had somewhere to be but u feel like I should have just deaded that and invited him to sit down and I'd buy him a meal but he didn't seem well mentally and I don't know how he would have taken it.
I went to China and saw REAL begging. They legit get down on hands and knees with that arm out asking you for money. I couldn't help it - i gave whatever small bills/coins I had every time. Too much guilt about the human condition.

Nowadays, these lazy American non effort holding up some sign panhandlers don't pull at the heart strings very much.

Every corporation should have to pay a homeless tax or something. Get a lot more shelters etc built. It seriously is a big problem having homeless people just roaming around or loitering. Should be getting better, not worse.
Give $ when I have it. Use to see homeless cats in phx out in the streets when it was 120+ degrees. Now that's a deservable tip. But then I had hobo's jump in front of me when the light turned green. That was deservable sweet chin music
I dont give em $$ anymore after i got finessed by this one cat rocking 40 belows in the middle of August a few yrs back. Now i give them the rest of my j/blunt and keep moving. I might give them a buck if they have a funny sign tho but thats a strong might.
More love for the dead lion than human beings in need.


I give what I can, when I can but more importantly is to acknowledge their existence no matter what you do.
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