Homeless man with golden radio voice (vid)

Originally Posted by thekillerj23

We might of lost Lebron and have the worst record in the league but we just managed to get the greatest free agent signing in league history.......lets get it Cavs

To think a news story out of OHIO that DOES NOT make me feel disgusted inside and have a feeling of disdain for humanity.
2011 is starting off great
To think a news story out of OHIO that DOES NOT make me feel disgusted inside and have a feeling of disdain for humanity.
2011 is starting off great
man son on the radio sounding like a vet...this is a great story...Antoine Dodson, ur time is up!

funny both of em had the same hair tho lol
man son on the radio sounding like a vet...this is a great story...Antoine Dodson, ur time is up!

funny both of em had the same hair tho lol
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

We might of lost Lebron and have the worst record in the league but we just managed to get the greatest free agent signing in league history.......lets get it Cavs

I got $20 that says dude takes his talents to the liquor store next year.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

We might of lost Lebron and have the worst record in the league but we just managed to get the greatest free agent signing in league history.......lets get it Cavs

I got $20 that says dude takes his talents to the liquor store next year.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Hell yeah give him a job over someone like you Venom Lyrix. Like, what the hell can you do? Seriously. You think we can SEE your degree over the radio?

Nah man. You're in the wrong industry if you think a degree will get you further than someone with real talent. Lame 'ol "I be hating on hobos" type dude.

and before you ask, I'm not mad. I'm in utter disbelief that a person with a college education can hate on a homeless person for being afforded a (deserved) opportunity in life.


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